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Full text of "Sacred Melodies for Conference and Prayer Meetings, and for Social and Private Devotion"

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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the 
jear 1847, by the Free-will Baptist Printing 
Estflblishment, in the Clerk's Office of the 
District Court of New Hampshire. 

JO. Google 


± C. M, 

AM I a soldier of the cross, 
A follower of ihe Lamb ? 
And shall I fear to own his eause, 
Or biusk 10 speak his sHine ? 

2 Must I be carried to the ekies 

On flowery beds of ease, 
TVhile otheis fought to win the prize, 
And sailed throagh bloody seas 1 

3 Are tbere no foes for me to face t 

Mast 1 not stem the flood I 
Is this vile world a friend to grace, 
To help Bc on to God? 

4 Sure I must fight, if I woald reign ! 

Increase my oonrage, Lord 1 
I'll hear the toil, endure the paia, 
Supported by thy word. 

JO. Google 

When that illustrioas day sliall rise, 
Anil all tbj armies shine, 
In robes of Tictory through the skies — 
The glory shall bo tliinc. 


N evil long I tool; delisHt, 
Unawed by shame or fear; 
111 a new object struck my eight, 
And stopp'd my wild career. 

2 I saw ona hanging on a tree, 

In agonies and blood ; 
Who fix'd his Ian go id eyes oo me, 
As near his cross I stood. 

3 Snre never to my latest breath 

Can I forget that look ; 
It seemed to charge me with bis death, 
Thongh not a word he spoke. 

4 My conscience felt and owned the gnilt. 

And plunged me in despair ; 

I saw my sins bis blood bad spilt. 

And help'd to nail him tbere. 

6 A second look he gave, which said, 

"I freely all forgive; 

Tbis blood is for thy ransom paid ; 

I die, that thon may'st live." 

6 Thns while bis death my sin displays 
In all its blackest hue, 
Such are the mysteries of his grace, 
It seals a pardon too. 

JO. Google 

JESUS my all to heaven has gone, 
He ivhom I fix niy hopes upon; 
His irack I see, and I'll pursue 
The narrow way lill him I view. 

2 The way the holy prophets went. 
The road that leads from banishment, 
The King's high way of holiness, 
I'll go, for all his paths are peace. 

3 This is the way I long have sought. 
And mourned because I fonnd it not; 
My grief a burden loag had been, 
Because 1 was not saved from sin. 

4 The more I strove against its power, 
I felt its weight and guilt the more. 
Till late I heard my Savior say, 
" Come hither, soul, I am the way 1" 

& Lo, glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb, 
Shalt lake me to thee, as I am : 
Noiliing but sin have I to give, 
Kothing bat love shall I receive. 

What a dear Savior I have found ; 
I'll point to thy redeemins blood, 
And say, behold the way to God ! 

JO. Google 

r± c. M. 

THE rains descended, and the floods 
My sonl's fonndationa tried; 
While one by one each cherished hope, 

Like waning nisii-lights died. 
And lone and desolate, I heard 

The elemental din ; 
Yet light amid the darkness broke — 
A sun-beam shone within, 

2 Out on the crested wave I rode, 
When the great sea arose, 
And challenged with its thander-cry 

The stormy winds as foes. 
Then barks were wreok'd, and men neal 

The SI 

3 The trast in God, I'll hold it fast, 

In peril and in pain. 
Until that glorious Snn arise, 

Which ne'er shall set ngain. 
when by death's dim phantom led, 

I tread the shadowy vale, 
Still shall this perfect peace be mine, 

Though flesh and heart should fail. 

' P. M. 

OW fref ious ia the name, brelhten sing, bielhten 


S I've givsn all for Christ, he's my oil, he 
I've liyen ml for Chtiat, he's my all ; 
I've gii-en all (or Christ, anit my spirit c 
UifleM he's In my breast, reignilg the 

And I B'ih serve my God here below, hero beloB', 

6 I* M- 

IliSEW I KM a Einner, the call it ivta loud 
To repent of my sins, and give up to the Lend; 

a For mercy, for mercy, aloud I did call, 
ButT could not ftnd mercy till I gave up my all i 

1 ftnd 01 Bhal a fove iu my heart then did flaw. 

3 What 9 bright flowing light ia my heart then did 

I wonder'd.'l wonaet'd the Lord was so kuid 
As to open mine eyea, and give mo to see 
What a merciful Savior bad siiffered for me. 

4 Whatjoyindwhatglotytbenthrilleil throngh my 

IVhich made me quite wiUing with sinners (o part ; 
And I knew I was willing to let my nanm go ; 

JO. Google 

5 Come all yo 

Accepl of aalvatlon, no lonser dciav 

For Uie voles of Free Grace cries lo^oy lo-da 

7 C. M. 

rpHIS boot is all that's left me now ! 
X Tears will unbidden start; 
Wilb falt'iing lip and throbbing brow, 

I press it to my heart; 
For many generalions passed, . 

Here is our Camily trcp : 


2 Ah 1 well do I remember ihose 

Whose names these records hear ; 
Who round the hearth-stone used co'cli 

After the evening prayer; 
And speak of what these pages said. 

In tones my heart would thriil I 
Tho' they are with the silent dead, 

Here are they Jiving still. 

3 My father read Ibis holy book 

To brothers, sisters dear — 
How calm was my poor mother's look. 
Who loved God's word to hear. 

JO. Google 

Her angel fece — I see it yet ! 

What ihronping memories come: 
Again thai little group is met, 

Within the walls of home. 

4 Then tvaest friend man ever Itnew, 

Thy constancy I've tried ; 
When all were false I've fonnd thee ii 

My connaellor and guide. 
The mines of earth no treasure give, 

That could this volume huy — 
In teaching me the way to live, 

It learnt nie how to die. 

I'M a pitKi'im, and I'm a stranger, 
I can tarrr, I can tarry but a nighl- 
Do not detain me, for I am going 
To where (he streamlets are ever flowing. 

2 There the sanbeams are ever shining, 

I am longing, I am longing for the flight ; 
Within a country unknown and drearj, 
I have been wandering forlorn aodwearj, 

3 Of that country to which I'm going. 

My Redeemer, mj Eedcemer is the light ; ' 
There is no sorrow, or any sighing, 
Or any sinning, or any diig. 


SAW ye my Savior ! Saw ye my Savior ! 
Saw ye my Savior, the Lord ! 

JO. Google 

O he died on Calvary, 
To atone for you and rae, 
And to purchase our pardon with blood. 

There be bow'd his bead and died, 
There my Lord ivas crucided, 
To atone for a, world that was lost. 

3 Jesns hung bleeding, Jesus hung bleeding, 

Three dreadful hours io pain; 
And the solid rocks were rent. 
Through creation's vast extent, 

When the Jews orueiSed tbe dear Lamb. 

i Darkness prevailed, darkness prevailed, 
Day was concealed o'er the land ; 

And the sun refused to shine 

While his Majesty divine 
Was derided, msnlted and slain. 

5 When it was finished, when it was finished. 
And the atonement was made, 

He was taken by the great. 
And etnbalmed in spiees sweet. 
And was in a new sepalobre laid. 

6 Hail miftbtyteavior, Hail mighty Savior, 
Prince and the author of Peace, 

Soon he burst the bands of death, 
And triumphant, from the earth, 
He ascended to mattsioos of bliss. 

JO. Google 

7 There interceding, there interceding, 
Pleading that sinners may live, 
Crving, " See mj hands and side, 
iViher, I was crucified 
To redeem them, I pray thee forgive." 

S '■! ivill forgive them, I will forgive tin 
■\Vhen they repent and believe ; 

Let (hem now retnrn to thee. 

And be reconciled to me, 
And salvation thej ail shall receive." 


'\TOW behold the Savior pleading, 
l\ At the sinner's boiled heart; 
Kon- in heaven he's intereeding^ 
Undertaking sinner's part. 

ners, canyon 

n hate the Savior 1 
n from jonr ar 

d for JO nr behavior — 

^'oiv he calls yon to his charms. 

2 Sinners, hear yonr God and Savior, 

Hear hia gracious voice to-da^j 

Turn from all your vain behavior, 

O repent, return and prs^ija 

3 O be wise before yoyiangnisn 

On the bed of Qjing strife I 

Endless joj, or-dreadfol i«ignish, 

> Tarn upon (he -events of life ! 


4 How he's wailing to be graoiotis : 

Now he stands and looks on thee, 
Sea what liindness, love and pity. 
Shine aronQd od ;ou and me 1 

5 Open now jour hearts before him, 

Bid the Savior welcome in ; 

Kow receive, and 0, adore liini ; 

Take a full discharge from sin. 

6 Come, for al! things now are ready; 

Yet there's room (or many more; 
O ye blind, ye lame and needy, 
Come to wisdom's boundless store. 



iolate, n-ilere'i 

jr you Lansuish, 


uunded heana 

.nMBlellyonr ai 

w Ihil Heave 



eas, lijhloftii 

Hope when all o 

the'rs die, hde 


H«e speaks the co, 


Earlb bis no aor 

row that Heaven cannot cure. 

3 Here •^e the Bread 

Df Lite see (. 

-.ters flowing 

Forth fruin ihe tl 


pure from al»ve; 


12 » 

J> And to ado 

P, M. 
■, we have m 

let for worship, 

re Ihe Lord 

onrGod; ^' 

IVill you prav with all your 


While we Wai 

t upon the Lord! 

JO. Google 

All is vain unless the Spirit 
Of the Holy one comes down ; 

BtcLliren i>raj-. and heavenly manna, 
Will be showered all around. 

' Don't you see poor sinners round yon 

Slumbering on the brink of wo ? 
Death is coming, hell is mOTing, 

Can jou bear to let them go ? 
See your fathers, and your molhera. 

And jour children sinking down ; — 
Brethren, pray with all your power, 

And the blessing will come down. 

3 Don't yon see the poor backsliders, 

Who were once near hearen's door ; 
But they've wandered from the Savior, 

And are worse than e'er before; 
But the Sai-ior offers pardon, 

If they will to him return; 
Brethren, pray with all your power, 

And the blessing will come down. 

4 Sisters, will you join and help us, 

hi OSes' sister helped him ; 
Will you seek the trembling 

"Who ore struggling hard wiiu hii 
Tell them all about the Savior, 

Tell them that he will be found ; 
Sisters, prav with bU your po^r. 

And the Llessing will comellowt 

JO. Google 

Lei UB love and praj for sinners, 
Till the Lord crcales thorn new. 

SoDQ he'll call u3 home lo glorj, 
At his table we'll sit down ; 

Christ will gird himself and serve i 
TV'ilh sweet manna all around. 

XO C. P. M, 

'ITJ'HEN thou my righteous Judge alialt 

To call thy ransom'd people home, 

Shfll] I among them stand 1 
Shall such a worthless worm as I, 
Who sometimes am afraid to die, 

Eo found at thy right hand 1 

2 I love to meet among them now, 
Before ihj gracious throne to bow — 

Though weakest of them all, 
And can I hear the piercing thought, 
To have my worthless name left out; 

When thou for thent shal: call 1 

S Prevent, prevent it by thv graces 
Be thou, dear Lord, my hiding place, 

In that espected day. 
Thy pard'ning voice, O let me hear, 
To siill each unbelieving fear. 

Nor let me fal! I pray. 

4 Among thy saints lot me he found, 
Whene'er th' Archangel's trump shall sound 
To see thy smiling face • 

Hjswo. Google 

Then loud through all the crowd I'li sing. 
While heav'u's resounding manaii 
With shouts uf bouncHess grace. 


i. 51. 

DID Christ o'er sinner's weep, 
And shall our cheeks be dry ? 
Let floods of penitential grief 
Barst forth from everj eye. 

2 The Son of God in tears 

Angels with wonder see '■ 

Be thon aslonish'il, mv sonl ! 

He shed those tears for thee. 

3 He wept that we might weep, 

Bach sia demands a tear ; 
In heaven alone no sin is found, 
And there's no weeping there. 


p. M. 

GLORY 10 God that I haye found 
The penrl of my salvation. 
We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground, 

Up to onr heavenly station; 
And I'm resolved to follow on. 

And never to forsake him, 

I'll always keep this narrow way, 

Until I overtake him. 

2 Tear not. says Christ, ye little flock, 

Heirs of immortal glory ; 

Yon're bailt upon the surest rock. 

The kingdom h>^ hefom yon ; 

JO. Google 

Fight on, fight on, ye heirs of grai 
And tell the pleasing story, 

I'm always wiih iny little flocfe, 
I'll bring them home to glory. 

16 P M 


Yet beyond this vale of sorrow, 
Lie the fields of endless day : 

Fiends loud howling throagh the desert 
Make ihem lierable as they go, 

And the fiery darts of satan 
Often bring their eonrage low. 

3 young soldier, are yon weary 

Of the roughness of the way ? 
Does your sireagth begin to fail yon ? 

And your vigor to decay ? 
Jesns, Jesus, will go with you : 

He will lead you to his throne ; 
He who dy'd his garments for you, 

And the wine press trod alone. 

3 their crowns, how bright they sparkle, 

Such as monarchs never wore: 
They have gone to richer pastures, 

Jesus is their shepherd there. 
Hail; ye happy, happv spirits, 

Death no more shall make yon fear; 
Grief nor sorrow, paio or anguish, 

,S hull no more disrrPBs jon there. 

JO. Google 



And calls you your IIteb Iq Ibj down. 

L-he irsck of the Savior tesp slFll in vour Tt™ j 
rhe pure testimony will cut the wiy through. 

JO. Google 

10 pure testlmonv and vile per^eci 
Wfil come 10 close "- 


How firm a finmdation, je sainB ol Uie Lniii, 
Ib laid rur >-Dur Ikilh in his eicelleut u-ord ! 

You who unta Jesus for refuge have fled > 

Id uovprty^3 vbIb^ ar aboundmr in wealth, 
Al home or ahroad, on Ihe land, on Uie eea, 
' As Ihy days may demaiifl, shaU toy srrength ever 1«. 

Upheld by my righlsoua omnlpotenl hand. 

For I TTiii be nilh ihee, thv troubles lo b^ess, 
And aanca^ TO liee Iliy dceiiesl distress, 

5 When IhroiiBh fiery irials toy pathway shall lie. 
My grace all sufflcient shall be tlly supply; 

Tby droM 10 consume, and thy jold to refine. 

6 Even don-n to old age, all my people shall prove 
Mii when hoary hairs sh5l their temples acloni,_ 

JO. Google 


L. M. 

WHERE two or three, with sweet aiKord, 
ObedicQl to Their blessed Lord, 
Meet to reeounc his acts of grace ; 
And offer sol em a pray'r and praise, 

2 " There " aaith the Savior, " will 1 be, 

Amid tbis little company ; 
To them unTcil my smiling face, 
And shed my glory round the place." 

3 We meet at tbv command, dear Lord, 

Belying on ihy faitbfnl word i 
Now send thy Spirit from above, 
And till our hearts with heavenly love. 


P. M. 
lOME. my brethren, 1 

2 What is this that casts you down, 

What is this that gtioves you? 
Speak and let the worst ha knonn, 
Speaking may relieve yon. 

3 Think on what your Savior bore. 

In the gloomy garden ; 
Sweating blood from every pore. 
Crying, O my Father. 

4 See him nailed to the tree. 

Bleeding, groaning, dying i 

JO. Google 

5 Joseph took his body down, 

Shrouded it in linen; 

Laid it in ihe silent tomb, 

And relumed mourning. 

6 Soon he rises from the tomb, 

Angels flj from glory. 
what glory shone arormd, 
Halielujab, glory. 

8 Soon ivo'll meet to pare no more, 

Soon we'll be in heaven ; 

There to join with those above, 

And forever praise him. 


■e doth this union arise, 
1 is conijuer'd by love 'J 
luls in such ties, 

2 It eannot in Eden be found, 
Nor yet in n paradise lost ; 
It j;rows on ImmanuEl's cronnd, 
And Jesus' dear blood it did coi 

JO. Google 

„ jr hearis all uniied in love, 

■\Vhere Je!U5 has gone we chall be, 

la yociier bleat mansion above. 

1 Then why so reluctanl to part, 

Since we shall ere long meet again t 
Engraved on Immanuers heart, 
At distance we cannot remain. 

5 And when we shall see that bright day, 

And join with the lingela above, 
So longer confined to tliia clay. 
United with Jesus in love : 

6 With Jesus we ever shall reign. 

And all liis bright glory shall see, 
And sing, Hallelujah, Amen, 
Amen ! even so lut it be. 


WHITHER goesi thon, pilgrim stranger, 
■\Vandering through tbia lonely vaUl 
Knowest thou not 'tis full of danger. 
And will not thy courage faiH 

No. I'm bound tor tbe kingdom, 
Will von go to glory with me ' 

Hallelujah, hallelujah, 
I'm bound for the kingdom. 

Will you go to glory wifti mo, 
Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord. 

JO. Google 

S Pilgrim thou has instlj called ma, 
Passing through iliis waste so wide: 
But no harm can e'er befal! we, 
While I'm blessed with such a gnide. 

3 Sueh a guide 1 Ko guide attends thee. 

Hence for thee mj fears arise ; 
If same guardiaQ power befriend thee, 
'Tis unseen by human eyes. 

4 Yes, nnseen, hut stil! beliere me, 

Such a guide my sleps attend; 
He'lf in everjf strait relieve me, 
He will guide me to the end. 

5 Pilgrim, see that s'ream before thee, 

Darkly winding through the vale; 

Should Its deadly waves roll o'er thee. 

Would not then thy conrage fail ? 

6 No, that stream haa nothing frightful, 

To its brink my steps I'll bend ; 

Thei5ce to plunge 'twill bo delightfu!, 

There my pilgrimage will end. 

: While I gazed, with speed surprising 

Down the stream she plunged from sight : 
Gaiiing slill I saw her rising, 
Like an angel cloth'd with light. 

S Ceiise ray soul, this monming, crying, 
Death will burst the sullen gloom ; 
Soon mv spirit, flntt'ring, flying. 
Will be boma beyond the lomb. 

JO. Google 


iRETHIiES, \vhiie wo sojourn here, 
J Tight we must but should cot fear, 
Foes we have, buc weVe a Ftiend, 
One who lores us to Ibo end; 
j'orward then with coura«,'e go. 
Long we Bhall not dwell below ; 
Soon the jovful news will come, 
Child, your Faiher ckIIs — come borne, 

2 In the world a thousand snares, 

Salan with malieimis art. 
Watches each uognarded hearty 
But from snlan's malice free, 
Saints shall foon viclorious be; 
Soon the J07M news w;ll come, 
Child, jour Eatber calls— eonae home. 

3 But of all the foes we maet, 

kou6 betray ua into sin, 
Like the foes we have within ; 
Yet let nothins SP°'' ?°"'' PS'"'^! 
Christ will also conqaer these; 
Then ihe jovful news will come, 
Child, your Father calls— corns home. 


L. M. 
.rshall'd on the nightly plain, 
iteving host beslnd the sty, 

JO. Google 

S Hark ! Hark ! to God the chorus breaks. 
From every host, from every gem ; 
But one alone llie Savior speaks, 
It is the star of Bethlehem. 

3 Once on the Tsging seas 1 rode, 

The storm was loHd, the night was darf;. 
The ocean jawn'd and rudely blow'd 
The wind that toss'd my foundering bark 

4 Deep horror then my vitals fi-oae, 

Death-sirnck, I ceased the ride to stem ; 
When suddenlv a star arose. 

5 It was my guide, my light, my all, 

Ii bade my dark forebodings cease : 
And throngh the storm and danger's thrall. 
It led me lo the port of peace. 

6 Ifow safely moor'd, my perils o'er, 

ril sing', firsl in night's diadem, 
Forever and fore verm ore, 

The star— the slar of Belhlehem. 


THE liny is past and gone ; 
The evening shades appear; 
may we all remember well. 
The night of death draws near. 

JO. Google 

i We lay our gannents by. 
Upon our beds to rest; 
So dealt will lioon disrobe 
Of ivhat n'o liere [lossess, 

3 Lord, teep us 5nfe this nigi 

4 And if we early rise, 

Aud lieiv the unwearied tui 
May we sec out to win the prii 
And after glory run. 


nio lenvr iiiv ilenr ftlcndi, and wilh neiehbora ic 
Am\ ir.i fri.jii ml- home affpclsnot myhoatl. 

3 Tha carl)' "hrill noK' of a loverj nigiidngale. 
That Dwell in mj- bower 1 obsen-eJaa my b* 
'Jo rail me to duty, icHlIe blidj in lbs air 
Sung unlbems of praiies as I went to prayer. 

JO. Google 

(W / C. M. 

AS on the cross tliu Sayior hung, 
And wep[ and bled and died, 
Ho poured salvation on a wretch, 
That languished at his side. 

2 His crimes with inwai-d crief and shame, 

The penitent confessed; 
Then tnrned his dying eyes lo Christ, 
And thus his prayer addressed : 

3 "Jesus, thott son and heir of heav'n, 

Thou spotless Larab of God ! 
I see thee bathed io ^weat and tears, 
And weltering in thy blood. 

JO. Google 

', Vet quiekJv from these scenes of wo, 
111 triumph, ihou shalt rise, 
Burst ihi-oi-igh (he Bloomy shaiJes of detith, 
And shine ahove the sties, 

J Amid the glories of that world, 
Dear Savior, think on me, 
Ah! in the victories of thy death, 
Let roe a sharer be.'' 
G His prayer the dying Jeans hears, 
And inslantly replies, 
To-ilur thy psjtiiig soul slinit be 
Wiih me in psraJise, 


C. M. 

HAT heavenly mu^ic i 

2 How sueetly do tho (idings roil, 

All round from sea to sea, 
rrom land to land. from pole to pole, 
This is the Jubilee. 

3 Good news, good news, to Adam's race. 

Let Christians all agree 
To sing redeeming loTB and grace, 
Thia is the Jubilee. 
+ The gospel jonnds a sweet release 
To all in misery. 

JO. Google 

J Jc9UE 13 on his mercy seal, 
Before him bend Ihe knee; 
Let heaven and earlh hia praise repeaf, 
T bis is iho Jubilee. 

6 Sinners, be wise, retnrn and come, 

Unto ihe Savior flee; 
The Spirit bida yon lyelcome home, 
This is the Jubilee. 

7 Come ye redeemed, your tribnte bring, 

With songs of harmony; 
While on the road lo Canaan sing. 
This is tlie Jubilee. 


S3. & 7s 

COME thou fount of every blessing. 
Tune mj heart to sing thy grace j 
Streams of mercy never teasing. 
Call fur songs of loadest praise. 

2 Teach ma some melodious sonnet. 

Sung by flaming tongues above: 

Raise the tnoimi, fix me on ic !— 

Mount of God's unchanging love. 

3 Here I raise my Ebenczer, 

Hither by thy help I'm come; 
And I hope by thy good pleasure, 
Safely to arrive at home. 

4 Jesus sought me when a stranger, 

Wandering from the fold of God ; 
He to save my soul from danger. 
Interposed his precious blood. 

JO. Google 

) oil '. 10 grace how great a debtor, 
Daily I'm conslrained to be'. thv grnce, Lord, like a fetter, 
Bidd my ivanderiag heart to thee. 

6 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it — 
I'rone to leave the God I lore — 
Il'.rc'a niv heart — lake and seal it, 
Seal it 'for thy cowls above. 



S. M. 
MIE "-e that love the Lord, 

2t accord, 
And thus siirroand tha throne. 
2 Lei sorrows of the mind 

Be baiiish'd from the place ; 
lieligion never was deeign'd, 
To make our pleasures lees. 

,i Let those refuse to eing, 

Who never knew our God ; 
Bill fav'rites of the heavenly Kiug 
May speak their joys abroad. 
\ The meu of sraee have found, 
Glorv began below, 
Cflesliiil fruits on earthly ground, 
i"rora faith aud hope may grow. 
.') The hill of Zion yields 

A thousand sacred eweets, 
Before we teach the heav'nly fields. 
Or walk the golden streets. 

JO. Google 

6 Tben let onr songs abound. 
And every tear be flry ; 
We're marching ihro' Immanud's cround. 
To fairer worlds on high. 

OX. L. JI. 

WHEN strangers stand and hear me lell 
What beauties in mj Savior dwell ; 
Where he is gone they fain would know, 
Ihat they may seek ani love him too. 

2 My best beloved keeps his throne 
Oq hillfl of light in worlds unknown : 
Bui he descends and shows his face, 
In the young gardens of hia grace. 

3 In vineyards planted by his hand, 
Where frnitful trees in order stand, 
He feeds among the spicy beds, 
Where lilies shoiv tbeir spotless heads, 

4 He has etigross'd my n-iirmest love. 
No earthly charms my soul cao move- 
1 have a mansion in his heart, ' 
ior death nor hell shall make us part. 

5 He takes my soni ere I'm aware 
And shows me where his glories' are ■ 
Kor ear hath heard, nor tongue can tell 
What, raptures in his presence dwell. 

6 O may my spirit dailv rise 

On wings of faith above the skies 
Til! death shall make my last remove 
To dwell forever with mv love. ' 



C. M. 
ALVATIOX! 0, the joyl'iil sonnd! 
kJ -Tis pleasure lo our ears : 
A Bov'reiKii balm for every wound, 
A cordial for our fears. 

1 EiiriM in sorrow and in sin. 
At hell's tlark door we lay ] 
Bui ive arise by grace divine 
To see a lieavenlj day. 

T Siilvation ! lei the echo fly 

The spaeions enrth arotind, 

While all the Rrmies of the sky 

Conspire to raise the sonnd. 

4 Salvation ! 0, thou bleedit^g Lumb, 

To thee the praise belongs ! 

Kaivalion shall inspive our hearts, 

And dwell upon onr tongues. 


K. M. 

B1- whom was Dayid taught 
To aim the dreadful blow, 
"Wlieu he Goliali fuueht 

And laid Che Giltile low! 
Ko sword nor spear the stripling took, 
Bui chose a pebble from the brook. 
2 'T was IsraeVs God and King 
"Who sent liim to the fiaht, 
Who gave him strength to sling, 
And skill to aim aright. 

JO. Google 


Ye feeble saints, your strength endures, 
BecaTise young David's God is yours. 

3 Who ordered Gideon forth 

To storm the inyadet's tamp, 
With arms of little worth, 

A pitcher and a lamp ? 
The tram pet made his coming known, 
And all the host was overthrown. 

4 Oh 1 I have seen the day. 

When with a single word', 
God helping me to saj, 

" My trast is in the Lord," 
My Boiil has qaell'd a thousand foes. 
Tearless of all that could oppose. 

5 But nnbelief, self.will, 

Self-righleoasness and pride. 
How often do Ihey steal 

My weapons from my side ! 
Yet David's Lord and Gideon's Friend, 
Will help his servant to the end. 


C. M, 

WHEN I can read my title dear, 
To mansiotls in the skies, 
I'll bid farewell to every fear. 
And wipe mj weeping eyes. 
2 Should earth afiainsi my soul engage, 
And hellish dans be hurl'd, 
Then I can smile at satan's rage, 
And face a frowning world. 

JO. Google 

'S like a wild deluge a 

1 Thore shall I bathe my w 


]!efi-e?liing showers of grace divine, 

And make the dead revive. 

J This makes the ilvy and barren ground 
In springs of vjater to aliound, 

A fruilfal soil become ! 
'I'be desert blossoms as the rose, 
^V'hen Jesus oonq^ners all his foes, 

And makes bis people one. 

3 The glorious time is rolliog on, 
Tbe gracious work is now begun. 

My soul a, witness is ; 
I tflsto and see the pardon's free 
For bU mankind as well as me, 

Who cornea W Christ may live. 

4 The worst of sinners here may find 

JO. Google 

5 Come, brethien. ye who love tiie Ijortf, 
And teste tha snecrness of hia word, 

In Jesus' navs go on; 
Onr trials and our iroubles here, 
"Will oiily make us richer there, 

"When we arrive at home. 

6 Amen, Amen, my soul replies, 
I'm bound to meet jon is the !^kies, 

And claim my mansion there; 
Kow here's my heart, and here's my haniJ^ 
To meet you in that heavenly land, 

Where ~Ke shall part no more. 


S. M. 

WELCOME sweet day of rest 
That saw the Lord arise; 
TVelcorae to this reviving breast, 
And these rejoicing eyes I 

2 The king himself comss near, 
And ter.sts his saints to-daj ; 
Here we may sit and see him biiti, 
Acd love, and praise, and praj- 

5 One day amid the place, 

Where my dear God hath been, 
Is jwecter thao ten lUousand days,. 
Of pleasurable sin. 

JO. Google 


T/'OL'XG people all altention give, 

X While liiddrcssvou in God's name, 

You wlio in sin and folly live, 

Come Ii^ar tlie coHnael of a friend. 

1 soujriil for bliss in glittering lojs, 
Auil rang'd lii' Blluring scenes of life; 

But never knew snbstaatini jojs, 
Till I obeied mj Savior's voice. 

2 He spake at nnce nij sins forglv'u. 

And ivasli'd ini- loail of ■iuift away ; 
I£e gave me glory, peace and beav'n, 

And cltus I found the heav'niy way. 
Anil now with trembling sense I viow, 

Hnge bilion-5 roll beneatb your feet, 
For (learh eternal wails for you, 

IViio slight the force of gospel truth. 

Your morning su.. ^..._, „. „. ^uuu. 
And leave yon ever in the dark, 

Yoursparkling eyes and blooming cheeks, 
Rl ust ivither like the blasted rose ; 

The eoflin, earth and windint; sheet, 
Will Boon your active iimbs enclose. 


4 0, careless jouih, this is the stflte, 

Of all who ilo free eraoe refuse ; 
And soon with vou 'twill be too late, 

The way of life in Christ to chons« 
Come, lay your carnal weapons by; 

ISa longer fight against your God ; 
Bnt with the gospel now complv, 

And heaven shall be your great re" 


lis, & lOs. 
51 ni"in, when IbB gnst Mediator, 
ibB regiona of jilory doaconda ; 
jtfhip the bubo in ihf maneor, 
Me IhH brlgLl ongels atlenl 

best of the son? of the mominK, 
r darkness ajid lend us Oitne aid; 


ME anxious sinner in v 
\ ihouiand thoughts rei 

JO. Google 

i '■ J'U po to Jesus, tlioiigh my sin 
Hntli like a mountain rose; 

Whatever may oppose. 

f! Prostrate, I'll lie before Ms throne, 

And there m j guilt confess ; 

111 lell liini I'm a wretch undone 

Wilhuiit his pardoning grace. 

4 I'll lo tho cracious King approacJi, 

■\Viiuse 5ce]itrc pardon gives, 
Perhaps he mar cominaiid me loueh, 
And then the suppliunt lives. 

5 Perhaps he will admit niT ]>lea, 

PerliEips will hear my pray'r; 
Bm if I perish I will pray, 
And perish only there. 

6 I can but pei ish if I CO ; 

I em resolved to trv : 
Torif litayawLiy.llinoiv 



OHOW happy are they, 
■\Vho their Savior obev, 
And have laid up their treuBurea a 
Tongne can never express, 
The sweet comfort and peace. 
Of a sonl in its earliest love. 

JO. Google 

2 Thnt Bweer comfort was mine, 

When the fiivoi' divine 
I first foaml in iha blood of the Lamb — 

"When mv heart first believ'd, 

What a heaven in Jesns' dear name ! 

Mv Jicdcemer toknoivj 
And the aop:el4 could do nothing more 

Than to fall at liii feet. 

And tha storj repant, 
And the Jover of sinners adore. 

4 JestiH all (he day long-, 

O that all' his 'salvation might see ! 

" He hath lov'd me," I cried, 

" He hath snfFered and died. 
To rcdeeiii such n rebel as me." 

And I could not believe 
That I ever shonld jirieve, 
Thnt I ever shonld suffer again. 

the raptnrous height, 
Of thai holv delight, 
Which I felt in the Ijfe-piving blood! 

JO. Google 




JO. Google 

JO. Google 




3 &68 

■WHE^ shall I ee Je 
And rugn with him a' 
na from that flowing fouu 
Drink everlastiag love '. 

JO. Google 

When shall I be delivered 

2 Bat now T am a soldier, 

My Captain's gone before ; 
He's given me my orders, 

And bid me not give o'er. 
If I eoniiiiuo faithful, 

A riiihtsoas eromi he'll give, 
Ami all his valiant soldiora 

Ltemal life sbajl hitve. 

3 Through grace I am detisrmlned 

To conquer though I die; 
And then awav lo Jesus 

On wings of love I'll fly. 
Farewell to sin nnd sorrow, 

I bjrl you nil adieu ; 
And 0, mv friends, be faithful, 

And on yom' way pnrsae. 

4 And if yon meet with (roubles 

And trials on your way, 
Then east your cares on Jesns, 

And don't forget to pray ; 
Gird on the heavenly armor 

Of faith and hope and love, 
Ann when the combat's ended, 

He'i! carry jou above. 

JO. Google 

And if T 

II want ninre knowlodg 



ill l!c upbraiJ you. 

Thouffh often yon reqaest; 

Hell giv 

And take you home to rest. 

And -n-he 

n the last lond trumpet 

(~!.iiU r 

lid the vaulted skies, 

Am! liiil 

he entombed millions 


icir cold beds arise, 

oiii'd dust i-eviTed, 

" Bii-bt 

l,canties shall put on. 

Aiul soa 

to the blest mnosiong 



JO. Google 


LO ! he comes, with clouds descencUng, 
Once for favoc'd glnners slain 1 
Thousand, thousand saints attetidiug, 
Swell the triumph of his Iraia; 

Hallelujah 1 
Jesua comes — and comes to reign, 

2 Every ej'o shall now behold him, 

Hobed in circfldfu! inDJcity ! 
Those who set at nouslic and sold him, 
Pierced and nBiI'd him to the tree, 

Deeply wailinp-, 
Shall the true Messiah see '■ 

3 When the solemn trump has sonnded, 

Heaven and eanh shall flee away; 

All who hate him must, confoanded, 

Hear the summons of that day — 

' Come to Judfjment ! — 
Come to judgment I — come away !" 

4 Yea, an.en; — let al! adore thee, 

High on thine eternal throne! 
Savior, take the power and glory : 
Make thy righteoos Sentence known ! 

Oh, come quickly — 
Claim tlie kingdom for thine own ! 

JO. Google 


L. jr. > 

THE Gospel ttumpel has been blown, 
And cansed poor sinners to return 
To Jcaus Christ onr heavenly king, 
To Join and shout and praise and sing. 
Tor we're on our march for glory, 

"We n-iU sing salvation free; 
Yes, we are on our mareh to glory, 
Let us sound the Jnbilee. 

2 If we prove faithful to the end, 
We find in Christ a glorious Friend, 
I'or ha who guards us, watches, keeps, 
He never slumbers, never sleeps. 
For the Lord is in the desert, 
Ha is on the land and sea ; 
Yes, ilie Lord is in the desert, 
I.ei IIS sound the Jubilee. 

:i iMny we obey the gracious call, 
01' him whose love extends to allj 
He's never weary, never faint, 
He htars and pliies each complaint. 
For he knows onr heart's desires 

AVben we bend the humble ktiee ; 
Yes, ho wipes away our tears. 
And he gives us victory. 

i When on the part of God we rise, 
Wc lake the crjss and win the prize; 
So when the evening shades prevail, 
Our songs of triumph shall not fail. 

JO. Google 

Kow we're on oiir way to henvcn, 

Tc5|_ we're on our way to heaveCj 
IVe n-ill aonnd the Jubilee. 

6 And wtea our pilcrimage is o'er, 
On n-jngsof triumpli may we sonr, 
Where floods of glory eeaselass roll, 
Where beauties charm our precioas soalu. 
There we'll join in Einging praises, 

To Immaiinel our King; 
There we'll join in shouting glory, 
Till we make the arches ling. 

6 The {,oapel herilda have pone forti 
To sj re J ■'lad 1 h c I the earth, 

Fron e } II y ocl ra 


C M 

JEEf^LFM m h piv lone 
O ! I lon^ f th p 
When will my soitows bare an end 5 
Thy joja. when shall I see? 

S Thy walls are all of precious storte, 
Most glorious to hiihold; 
Thy gates are riehly set with pearl, 
Tiiy streets are paved wilfi gold. 

JO. Google 

aicnj;i> melodies. 
i Tliv garden onil thj jileasaut waits, 
S'lv study Ions have been ; 
Siii'li dazzling views bj Iinman sight, 
Have never yet been seen. 

1 If lieaven be ihns so glorious Lord, 
Whv should I Slav from thence? 
^\•hM folly'a this that I slionkl drend 
To die and go from hence ? 

j Keocli down, Lord, tbine arm of grai 

S Wlien we've been there ten tliousaiid jears. 
Bright shiaing as ihc sun, 
We've no kss days to sing God's praise; 
Thau nlitn we' first begun. 


1-, henr hia word ; 
.Tcsus speaks, he spt'aks to ihee, 
Sjy, poor sinner, " Lovest thou me 1" 

2 "I delivered thee when boand, 
And wbeo bleeding, heal'd thy wound. 
Sought iheo -.Tand'iing, set thee right, 
Tnrned tby darkness into light. 

JO. Google 

■I " Mine i9 an unchanging love, 
Higher than the heig'his above, 
Deeper thaa the depths beneath, 
Free and failhful, strong as death. 

J ■' ThoH shall see my glory soon, 
When the work of faiih is doue, — 
Partner of my throne shalt be, 
Say, poor sinner, lorest thou me V 

6 Lord, it is my chief complaint, 
That my love is still so faint ; 
Yel I love thee and adore;— 
for grace to love thee more ! 


t1 JXXERS, will you scorn the messagi 

Ev-crvlineis full of love; 

Listen to it— 
Every line is full of love. 

•2 Hear the heralds of the Gospel 
News from Zion's Iviiig proclaim. 
To each rebel sinner—" Pardon, 
Free forgiveness in his name." 

How important ! 
Tree forgiveness in his tiame 

Hjswo. Google 

J Templed souls, thej bring you socoor; 
Fearful heflrta, lliey quell yaw feara ; 

And with neivB of eons ola lion, 
Chase Bwaj- ihe falling teats: 

Tender heralds — 
Chase awnj- ihe falliag Kai-i. 

' Palso professors, erOTeIlin|r worldlinga, 
Gallons hearers of the word, 

While the messengers address TOn, 
Take ihe warnings tliav afford; 

We enlreat yaa, 
Take tbe ■warnings they afford. 

5 Who hath our report believed 1 
Who received the iovful word 1 

Who embrac'd llie'rews of pardon, 

Can von slight it — 
Offer'd to you by tlie Lord ! 

6 0. ye angels, hovering round as. 
Waiting spirits, speed your way, 
Hasten to the court of heai-en. 
Tidings bear without delay : 

Rebel sianers, 
Glad tbe mesi-Hge wiil obey. 


C. M. 

"10:\rE Holr Spirit, beav'niy dova, 
J Wirh all thy qulck'ning powrs— 
indie a flame of sacred iore 
In rbase roJd hearts of ouvs. 

JO. Google 

3 Dear Lord ! and sTioU we ever SItc 

At ibid poor Jying rate ? 
Our love so fail!!, so cold to thee, 
Anil thice to us ao great 3 

4 Come, Holy Spirit, licav'nij do^'e, 

With all thy qnick'ning pow'rs, — 
Come, shed abroad a Savior's love, 
And that shall kindle om's. 


FOR a closer wslb with God, 
A calm and heavenly framei 
A light to shine npon the road 
That leads me to the Lamb ! 

S Where is the blessedness I knew 
■\Vhen first I saw the Lord ? 
TVhere is the soul- refreshing view 
01' Jesus and hia word 1 

3 "What peaceful hours I then enjoyed t 
Hoiv sweet their nieinory stitll 
But now Ifind an aching void 
1'he world can never fill. 

JO. Google 

5 TliericareiiMolIli^ivcliiiown, 

Iklfi tile iu 1-.'i.r i; fVom ihv ihronc, 
And ivorii.iji only ihee, ' 

G So shall r.iy walk be tlose with Goit, 

Calm aijil serene my frame; 

Ho, purer light shall mark the road 

Tliat leads me to the Lamb. 


a Thv boctj fllain, sweet Jesus, thine, 

And baih'd in its own blood, 

While all e^iposed lo wrath divine, 

The glorious sufferer stood 1 

3 ^Yi'i ii for crimes that I had done, 

He groaned upon the treo ? 

Amazing pity, grace unknown ! 

And love bejonii degree 1 

■1 Well might (he sun in dartness hide, 
And shut Ma glories in, 
When Christ, the mighij Savior, died, 

JO. Google 


While his 

Dissolve my heart in iha 

And melt my ejes in t 

S Bat drops of grief can ne 


Here, Lord, I fjivB mvsel 

'Tis all that I can do. 

H. M. 
EI?E, my son I, a 



_X Shake off thy KoiltjfEa'ST 
The bleeding s serf flee 

In mv behalf appears ; 
Before the throne my Bureiv stands, 
My name is written on his hands. 

2 He ever lives above, 

For me to intercede. 
His all redeeming love,— 

His precious blood to plead ; 
Hii blood atoned for all our race. 
And sprinkles now the (hrone of grace. 

3 rive bleeding wounds he Jiears, 

Eeceiv'd on Calvary, 
Thev pour etfectual prayers, 

They srrongW speak for me: 
Forgive him. forgive, ihey cry. 
Nor let that ransomed sinner die. 

JO. Google 

He ninnor turn an-aj- 

The presence of his Son ; 
Hh si.irit ausivevs to ih": blood, 
And tells me I am born of God. 

5 llv God U rJn/jiicilM, 

iiU pHi'doniii^ voice, I hear ; 
He 0WII5 me fol^lii^ child, 

JO. Google 

56 s. & 7.. 

JESUS, I my cross have wksn, 
J All [0 leavu HTiil follor.- xliee ; 
Kabeil, poor, da?])iied, forsaken, 

Thou from hence my all shalt he : 
Perish eteiy fond ambition. 

All I've songht, or hoped, or kBown : 
Yet hovT rich ii my condition ! 

God and heaven are all my own. 

2 Let the world despise and leave me — 

They have left my Savior loo ; 
Hntnan heana and looks deceive me 

Thou arc not, like them, nntrue: 
And M'hilsi thou shall smile npon mo, 

God of wisdom, love, and might, 
Toes may hate and friends diiiown me. 

Show thy face and all is bright. 

3 Go then, earthly fame and treasure ; 

Come disaster, scorn and pain ; 
In thy service pain is pleasure. 

With ihv favor Ice's is pnin ; 
I liBve called thee, Abbn Father, 

I have set my heart on ihee; 
Storms mny howl, and clonds may gather, 

All must work for good to me. 

JO. Google 

Life with trials hard may press me, 
Heaven will bring me sweeter real: 

Oh ! 'lis not in grief to harm me, 
While thy love !9 left to me; 

Oh I 'i were not in joy to charm me, 
IVere vhai joy unmixed with thee. 

S Haiie thee on, from graee lo nlory, 

Armed bj ttith and winged by prayer: 
Heaven'ii eternal day 's before thee, 

God's own hand Eball gnide thee there : 
Soon shall dose thy earthly mission. 

Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days ; 
Hope shall change to glad friiilion,^ 

Failh to sight, and prayer to praise. 

C. P. M. 
Y days, m; weeks, my months, my 

y rapid" as the whirling splietea 

Ai-ound the steady pole ; 
Time tike the tide its motion keep5. 
And I must launcli ihronffh baundieas deeps, 

Where endless ages roll. 

2 The grave is near the cradle seen, 

' iTJfi the moments pass between, 


And whisper as ihey fly ; 
'■ Unthinking man, remeiober this. 
Though fonJ ofsuMunavy blisa, 

That you must groan and die." 

1 Horn 

JO. Google 

On this precarious breath ! 
The Lord of naiure onlj knows, 
"Whether anoihei' jear shall close, 

Ere I expire in death. 

5 Will mercy then her arms extend. 

Will Jesus ha thy gnardian fricndi 

And ht'aren thy dwelling place? 

Or shall insiilling fiends appear, 

To drag ihee down lo dark despair, 

Selow iha reach of grace ! 

a A heaven or heli, and these alone, 
Beyond the present life arc known 

There is no middle Slate; 
To-day attend the call divine, 
To-morrow may he none of thine. 
Or it may f>e too late. 


HOIV tedious and tasteless the ham 
When Jesus no longer I see. 
Sweet prospects, svreet hirds, and s 
Have lost all (1: 

JO. Google 

I L d f nd 1 1 m h OB 

It hou Hr HITS n and mv song 
ffl do I langu h nnd p ne 

Anl wi V a H mj n era so long'! 
L li e I- e d k clouds f om my sk 

Thv Boul ch e „ f esenoe es ora. 
"> ke me "lee upon h 1 

^ he e J r a d iouds are no mi 

59 L ..[ 

\ COULD mr soul th 
' And feel that life Ibi 

COULD mv soul this mornine ri 
J '-•■■•■- ■ 

JO. Google 

2 'Tis he who gives mo life divine, 
In him eternal .jova are mine; 
Then rouse, mj soul, bid sloth adieu, 
Xhj Jesiis lovo Biid him pursue. 

3 Haste on lo that immortal shoi-o, 
Where night and sleep are known no m 
There shall I soon in glory rise. 
With Eeraphs ia a sweet surprise. 

4 Then shall I raise a, morning song, 
■With all the vast angelic throng ; 
Sinking in everlasting peace. 

Illy mornitiu song shall never cease. 


c. P. ir. 

How happj is the pilgrim's lot, 
How free from every anxious th 
From worldly hope snd le&r'. 
Confin'd to neither court nor coll. 
His soul disdains on earth to dwell; 
He only sojourns hare. 

2 This happiness in partis mine; 
A I read F sav'd from low design, — 
From everr creaiure-love — 

My soul is lightened of its load, 
And seeks the things above. 

JO. Google 

The things eternal I porsuc, 

\ 1 1 liHp]nne93 be von 1 iha vk 

f )f tho e who baselj pini 

tJrIl I call mj own: 
V io ihe \ oiIJ unknown, 

I 1 I „tiods despise ; 
I 1 their whole delight, 

i 1 k iri out ol sight,— 
Y c t; in tbe skies 

1 1 ire 13 mi house an 1 portion fair ; 
M tri^a uic ai I m> heart are tbere, 

And nn tl ilmg liome; 
1 or me n j el kr bi\ thrtn stay, 
And ansels beckon me nway, 

And Jesua biJs me come. 


P. JI. 
TH!OU in whose presence 
JIysohI rskes delight, 

vhdm in afflielion I call ; 

lly com fan bj day. 

And mj- song in the night, 

lope, my salvation and all 

JO. Google 

Of death shouid I weep, 
Or alone in the wiiderness roTi 

3 ^hy should I WDiitler 

Aud smile at 'the tears I have shed. 

i Ye danghters of Ziou, 
Declare have yon seen 

The slai Iha! on Israel shone. 
Sny, ifinrourtenls 
My beloved has been, 

Or where with his Sock ha bus gone. 

5 This is my beloved, 
His form is divine, 
Hia vestments shed odors around -, 

la the vales, on the hanks of the streams 
On his cheeks does the beauty 
Of excellence slow, 

And bis eyes as the sun's radiant beams. 

7 His voice as the sonnd 
Of the dulcimer sweet, 
Is heard through the shadow of death ; 

JO. Google 

The cedars of Lebanon 
Bow at his fer, 
And ihe nir is perfiitned with his breath, 

8 His lips as a fountain 
Ofri^^hteDusness flow, 

That warers the garden of grace. 

From iheticfl, their salvation^ 

The Gentiles shall know, 
And bask iu the smiles of his &ce, 

9 Lore sits on his erelids. 
And scatters delight, 

Thtotijih bU the bright mansions on high; 

Their faces the cherLibim 

Veil in his sight, 
And praise him nith fullness of joy. 

10 He look', and ten tbonsands 
Of angels rejoice, 

And mvriads wait for his word ! 

He speaks, and elernity, 

rilPd with his voice. 
Re-echoes the ptsiie of the Lord. 



OS Jordan-s sformv banks I stand, 
And east a v,ishrul eye, 
To Canaan's fair and happy land, 
Where my possessions lie. 

JO. Google 

Sweet fields arrajed in Imng green. 
Acd rivers of delight. 
3 There genVons fraits that never ML 

4 All o'er those wide esieniJed plains, 

Shines one eternal day; 
There God the Son forever reigns, 
And sealiers night away. 

5 Ko chilling winds nor pois'noua breath, 

Can reach that healthful shore ; 
Sickness and sorrow, pain and death, 
Are felt and feared no more. 

6 When shall I reach that happy place, 

And be forever blest, 
When shall I eob my Father's face, 

7 Pill'd with delight, my raptur'd soul, 

Would here no longer slay I 
Thongh Jordan's waves around me roll, 
Fearless I'd launch away. 

8 There on those high and flowery plains, 
"- ■ ■ -ir shall lire: 


love admire. 

JO. Google 

2 With ivliat ilLvine and vast ileliglil, 

The u'l'inl oUliiian was fill'd, 
"Whim fuudlv ill his wiiher'd arms. 
Hi! ck,pi^''l ihe holy child. 

3 XoK- I can leave this world, ha cried. 

Hehold ihj serrant, dies ! 
I've seen thy great salvntLon, Lord, 
And close idj peaceful eyes- 

4 This is the light prepared to shine, 

Upon the Gentile lands : 
Thine Israel's giory, and iheir hope, 
To brealc rheir slavish bands. 

5 Jo.'usl the vision of thy face, 

Iliiih overpowaring charms, 
Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace. 
If Christ be in my arms. 

Then while yc hear my heart-strings hieak, 
How sivee't my minutes rolll 
A mortal paleness on my cheek, 
And glory in my ?oul. 



11I1ERE is an hour of peaceful rest, 
. To mourning wanOVers gi>eo, 
There is a jiiy for sonls distrest. 
A balm for every wounded breast, 

JO. Google 

2 There is a soft, a downs' bed, 

■Tis fair as breaih of even, 
A couch for weary monala spread. 
Where they may rest the aching head, 

And Snil rspose in heaven. 

3 There is a home for weary sonls, 

By sill and sorrow driven, 
When tossed on life's tempestuous shoala, 
Where storms arise Find onean rolls. 

And ail is drear — but heaven. 

4 Now faith lifts Qp the tearless eye. 

To brii:hter prospects given ; 
And views the tempest passing by, 
Sees evening shadows quickly fly. 

And at! serene in heaven. 

5 There fragrant flowers immortal bloom, 

And joys supreme are given. 
There rays divine disperse the gloom ; 
Beyond the dark and narrow tomb. 

Appears the dawn of heaven. 


L. JI. 

HE die^ ! the Friend of sinners dies, 
Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around! 
A solemn darkness veils the skies ! 
A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 
3 Come, saints, and drop s tear or two, 

Tor him who groaned beneath your loadj 
He shed a thousand drops for you — 
A thnuaand drop? of richer blwi". 

JO. Google 

3 Here's love and grief beyond di 

The Lord of glory dies for in 

But lo '■ what sudden joys we ei 

4 The rising Lord forsakes the tomb! 

(Iq vain the tomb forbids his rise,) 
Cbeiubic legions gnard him home, 
And shout him welcome to the skies. 

5 Break off yonr tears, jo saints, and tell. 

How high jour great Deliverer reigtis, 
Sing how he spoiled the hosts of hell, 
And led the tyrant death in chains 1 

6 Sar, "Live forever, glorious King, 

Born 10 redeem, and strong to save I" 

Then ask — "0 death, where is thy sting? 

And whtre thy yici'ry, boasting grave !" 


COME, come away from sin, thai dresdfi 

Let Christ awhile, upon you. smile. 

come, come away; 
O come and test redeem ing love. 
And then his truth will friendship prove. 
And onward sweetly move, — 
come, come away. 
From death and the curse in which you no' 
are sinking. 
Redeeming love will you remove. 

JO. Google 

come along, and join our throng, 

And with ns sing our cheerful song. 

And lieaven shall be joar home — 

O come, come away. 

"While watchmen are standing on ilie w 

Inyidng tou to join tbera ioo, 

O come, come away; 
O will yon still refuse the call. 
And into misery blindly fall, 
And drink dovfn the bnrning gall — 

come, come aivay. 
When freed from this world of sorro' 
We'll sail above, on wings of love, 

come, come away; 
And with angelic armies sing, 
And malco the heavenly arches ring, 
We'll praise our eternal king, — 

O come, come away. 
The brigbt morn of yonth will soon bi 
forever ; 
Its morning light will set at night, 

O come, come away ; 
O come while jonth is in its prime. 
And seek Kcdeeming love divine, 
And in Christ's army shine,— 


JO. Google 

A coumry far from moiLal sight, — 

Yet, O"! by faith I see 
The land of rest, the saint's delight, 

The heaven prepared for me. 

2 what a blessed hope is ours, 

While here ou earth we stay, 
We more than taste Iho heavenly powers, 

And antedate that day ; 
We feel the resurrection near. 

Our life in Christ concealed, 
And witb his glovioiiB presence here, 

Our earthso vessels filled. 

3 0, would he more of heaven bestow, 

And let the vessels break ; 
And let our ransom'd spirits go, 

To grasp the God we seeli ? 
Id rapturous awe, on him to gaze, 

Who bought the sight for me ; 
And shout and wonder at his grace, 

To all eternity. 


Jesus ready stands to save ji 
Full of pilj, love and uowt 

He is able, 
He is willing, doubt no mo 

JO. Google 

2 Now, ye needy, corae and welcome; 

God's free bounty glorify ; 
True belief and true repentance, 
Every eraee that brings you nigh, 

■^Vithout money, 
Come to Jesus Christ and boy. 

3 Let not conscience malie you linger, 

Nor of fitness fondly dreamj 
All tlie fitness be reqnireih 

Is to feel yonr need of Jiim: 

Thi9 he gives you, 

'Tis the spirit's glimm'ring beam. 

4 Come ye weary, heavy-laden, 

Bruis'd and mangled by the fall, 
If yon tarry till you're heller, 

Yon will never eome at aU: 
Not the righteous, — 
Sinners, Jesus came to call. 

5 Agonizing in the garden, 

Lo 1 your ilaker prostrate lies ) 
0|i the bloody tree behold bim 1 

Hear him cry before he dies, 
"It is finished!" 
Sinners, will not ihU sttSice ! 

6 liO! ih' incarnate God ascending. 

Pleads the merit of his blood; 
Venture on him, venture freely ; 

JO. Google 

7 Saints and angeU joiaed in conm 

Sing the praises of the Lamb, 

U'hile the blissful seats of heaves, 

Sweetly echo "iib his name; 

Hallelujah 1 

Sinners here iiiav do the same. 


ve Eluml»r in Eight of the priza? 

To accompUsli Iliplr objedt, ng meias ate untried, 
The caieleaa they comfotl, the ivakeful miBguidc, 

And einnets aie sinking to endleES despiir; 

Before the; in tormeni sball lift up their eyes. 

B«rore the last Irumpel your liearls shall conliHiIld i 
O, By to the Sayiof, he calls you to-day ; 
IVliile merry ia waiting, O matte no delay. 

JO. Google 

70 .,..,.„, CO.™. 

THE pif asures of eanli, I ha™ seen fade away. 
They blooia for a season, but soon Ibey decay. 
But pleosuTea utDie laetiiig fn Jesus are given, 
Salvation on eartJi, and a mansion in haaveo. 

The saintB in those mansions an ever at boma, 
3 AUiim me no longer, f e lalse gtondng charms [ 
At I!iB baniiuct nf merey I hnar IHe'rVlBmon., 
Home, home,\iveM, awMt Home," * ™"" 

3 Fatewell, vam amusements,^ my (tallies adieu, 
Wbile Je£u9 and beavea and fflory I view ; 
I feaat on tlie pleas utes thai flow from his tbrone. 
The ftaretaete of heaven, sweet heaven, my home. 
Home, home, sweet, sweet home, 
O when shall I share the fraitign of home J 

The lime is api>roachinK, when Jeaus will say, 

And dwell in my presence forever at home." 

O there sbalf I test with the Savior at home. 

5 Affliction and sorrow and death shall he o'er. 

The saints shall unite to be patted no more ; 

Tben loud ballelujahs dll heaven's hicb dome. 

They dwell with the Savior forever at home. 
Home, home, sweet, sweet home. 
They dwell with the SaviDf, forever at home. 

71 C. M. 

I'M not ashamed to owti mv Loril, 
Nor la defend his cause ; 

JO. Google 

Maintoiti thn honor of his word, 
Thegloiyofhis cross. 

■' JcBus. m J God 1 T know his name, 
His nama is hII ray trii.«t ; 
Nor will be pnl my soul to shame, 
Or let iny hope be losl. 
3 Firm aa his throne, his promise stands ; 
And ho pan \yeU aeeiii'P 
What I've commitWd to his hands, 
Till Ihe decisiye hoMr. 

i Then will he own my worthies? name 
Before his Father's face. 
And in the New Jerusalem 
Appoint my soul a place. 


i AVhcre etorm after storm rises o'er Uie dark way ; 

Aic eiipugh (of life's woes— full enougli for iu cheer. 

i I would nol Hve alway, no— welcoms llifl tomb, 
.^in« JesnehaslBin tliei«, Idieadnotitselooia; 
There, Eweet tae nj- rest, till he bid me arise, 
To liail him In triiuai* descending Ilie skiee. 

3 Who, who would (Ire alway, away tram hia God ; 

iviicre Ss^r^s of pleasure flowo'ct the bright platos. 
And Ihe noontide of glory eternally reigns. 

?nd 'he smlleof Ihe l)L>rdisiJie fe^statitae anuL 

JO. Google 


S. M. 

AH, whiiher sbould I go, 
Burdened, and sitk and faint ? 
To nhom should I tny trouble show. 
And pour out m}' complaiat ? 

2 M_y Savior hids me come ; 

Ah I why do I delay 1 
He calls the ivearj sinner home, 
And jet from him I slraj ! 

3 What is it keeps me back 

Prom which I cannot part? 
Which will not let the Savior take 
Possession of my heart! 

4 Some cursed thing unknown, 

Must sui'ely lurk within : 
Soma idol which 1 will not own ; 
Some secret bosom sin. 

5 Jesus, the hind'rance show, 

Which I have feared in see;-^ 

And let me now consent to know 

What keeps me back fromfliee. 

6 Searcher of hearts, — in mine 

Thy trying power display ; 

Into its dnrliiist corners shine, 

And take the veil away. 



2 Thv fooisteps marked this humble way, 

For all that love ihj- cause ; 
Lord ! thy example we obey. 
And glory in the cross. 

3 Our dearest Lord, we'll follow thee, 

Wher'er thou lead'st the way ; 
Thro' floods, ihro' flames, thro' death's dark 
To realms of endless dBj. 

75 . 

SALEM'S briaht King, Jesus hy name. 
In ancient time io Jordan cam&^ 
All riehteonsness to fill ; 
'T ivas there the ancient Baptist stood, 
Whose name was John, a man of God, 
To do his Master's will. 

2 The Holv Jesus did demand 

His right to be baptized, and then 

The Baptist gave consent: 
On Jordan's banks they did prepare, 
The Baptist and his Master dear, 

Then down the bank they went. 

3 Down fn old Jordan's roiling stream, 
The Baptist led the holy Lamb, 

And there did him baptize ; 

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Jehovah saw his darling Son, 
And was wall pleas'd in what he'd done, 
And owaed him fram the elties. 

*, The opening heaven now complies, 
The Holy Ghosi like lightning flies, 

|£ Down from the conns above; 
And on the holy, heavenly Larab, 
The spirit liglilri and do«s remain, 
In shape like a fail' dove. 

5 '-This is my Son," Jehovah cries. 
The echoing voice from glory flies, 

" children, hear ye him :'' 
Hark 1 'tis his voice, behold ( he cries, 
" Repent, believe and be baptized. 

And wash a^way yoni* sjns.^' 

6 Come, children, come, his voice obey, 
Salem's bright King has mark'd the way. 

And has a crown prepar'd. 

Walk in the way that Jesns went, 
And have the great reward. 

7 Believing children, gather ronnd, 
And let yonr jovfnl songs abound. 

With cbeerfal hearts arise ; 
See, here is water, here is room, 
A loving Savior, calling. " Come, 

children, be haptii'd," 
R Behold! his servant waitmg stands. 
With willing heart and ready hands. 

To wail npon the hriiie; 


Ye ciiiididKtes, jour henrls prepare. 
And lei ns join in solemn pmyer, 
Down by the iviiter side. 


L, M. 

DO we not know that solemn word. 
That we are barieil nilh the Lorri ? 
Jiiiptized into liis death, and then 
I'litoEf theboayofonr sin! 

2 Our souls receive diviner breath, 
iiitised from corrnpiioQ, gaUt, and death ; 
So from the grave did Christ arise. 
And lives to God above the skies. 

3 So more let sin or Satan reign 
Over our mortal flesh a(;aiii ; 

The various luEts, we served before. 
Shall have dominion now no more. 


To immerse the spotless Lamb; 

Thev descended, 
To the' Savior's watery grave. 

2 Come then ye who love the Savior, 

Fear je not to own your Lord, 

Reckless if the world should scorn j 

Follow Christ, obey his word ; 


3 Hear the Savior sajing to you, 

From his glorions ihrone above, 
'■ Ye who trust in me for pardon. 
By obedience shoiv j-anr love. 

Be baptized, 
Mj example points the way." 

4 Lord, our hearts incline to follow. 

In the way which thon didst tread ; 
Wb wili lurn from every other, 
While thy sacred word we read ; 

We rejoice to follow thee. 


L. JI, 

BEHOLD ihe erave where Je?us lay, 
Before he shed his preeious blood I 
How plain he mark'd the humble way 
To sinners through the mystic flood ! 

2 Come, ye redeemed of the Lord, 
Come, and obey bis sacred word ; 
He died and rose again for you ; 
What more could the Redeemer do T 

3 Eternal Spirit, heavenly Dove, 
On these baptismal waters move; 
That we, through energy divine. 
May bava the substance with the sign. 

JO. Google 

4 All ye that love Immanuel's name 
And long to feel Ih' increasing flai 
'Tis vou,Te children of the !i|{hl, 

The spirit and the bride invite. 


C. M. 

Which in this world I see, 
Bui turns my heart to future joy, 

And whispers "bsaven " to me. 
Though often here my soul is aad, 

And falls the silent tear, 
There is a world where all are glad, 

And sorrow dwells not there. 

2 I never clasp a friendly hand. 

In greeting, or farewell. 
But thoui^hts of an eternal home 

Within my bosom swell : 
A prayer to meet in hearen at last 

Where all tha ransomed come. 
And where eternal ages still 

Shall find us all at home. 


TK all my Lord's appoii 

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2 Thiough floDds and flames, if Jesus lea 
I'll follow where he goifs ; 
Hindfr me not shall be my cry, 
Though earth and hell oppose. 

S Through duty, and through trials too, 
I'll go at his command ; 
Hinder me eoI, for I am bound 
To my Immanuel's land. 

1 And when niv Savior calls me home, 
Siill this mj cry shall be, 
Hinder me not, conic welcome death, 
I'll gladly go with ihee. 



INCE man by sin, has lost his God 
He seeks erealion through. 
And vainly hopes for solid bliss, 
In trying- something new, 

2 The new possessed, like fading flowers, 

Soon loaes lis gay hue; 
The bubble now no longer takes, 
The soul wants something new. 

3 And coold we call all Enrope oure, 

With India and Peru ; 
The mind would feel an achief; TOid, 
And still want something new. 

JO. Google 

.') The joj-3 a dear Redeemer brings, 

Kor need we ever change ngain, 
For Christ ia alwajs new. 



BURST ye emerald sates an 
To inv taprui'd vision, 
All ihe extalit joys that FprLng 

Round the brieht el.vsian : 
Lo I we lift our longing eyes. 
Break, ye inlervening skies : 
Sun of righleonsnesB, arise. 
Ope the gates of paradise. 

2 Floods of everlasting light 
Freely flash before him, 
Myriads with supreme delight, 

Instdntlj adore him. 
Angels' trnmps resound his famej 
Lutes of lucid gold proclaim 
All the music of his name;! 
Heaven echoing the theme. 

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Shout bis glorious viclories, 
Sing the great salvation ; 
Can their crowns before fais throne; 
Cry in rererenlial lone, 
Glory be to God alone! 
Holy I Holy! Holy One. 

4 One broad rainbow round the throne, 

Pours celealiaj splendor, 
All within the brilliant zone, 

Is imperial grandeur ; 
Heaven's pure arch reflects the blaze, 
Seraphs elng, admire and gaie; 
Glowing cherubs join the lays. 
Martyrs shout responding praise. 

Join we too the boly lays, 

JesuG ! Jestts ! Jesus I 
Sweetest sound in seraph's song, 
Sweetest note on mortal's tongue, 
Sweetest carol ever sung, 
Jesna! Jesus! flow along. 

OO L. M. 

WHAT various hind'rancei we meet. 
In coming to the mercy seat; 
Yet who that knows the worth of praver, 
But wishes to be often there. 

2 Prayer makes the darkest cloud withdraw. 
Prayer climbs the ladder Jacob saw; 


3 Rcsimmir.g prayer, wa cease to fight, 
?.-rayer makes ihe Christmn's nrmoc bright, 
And Satan trembies when he seas 
The weakeei saint upon his knees. 

■* While Moses stood with arms spread wide. 
Success was found on Israel's side ; 
But when through weariness they fail'd, 
That moment Amalefc pretail'd. 

5 Have you no words? Ah think again, 
Words flow space when you complain, 
And fill your fellow creamre's eftc 
Wi!h the sad tale of all your care. 

; Were half the breath thus vainly spent. 

Your cheerful song would ofl'ner be, 
'■ Hear what [ho Lord has done for roe." 


lis beauties fade as quickly. 

As sunshine on the sea ; 
But there's a pearl whose beanty 

Fades not, tho' bright ic bo ; 

Oh ! that's tbe pearl for cue. 

Hjswo. Google 

2 The CTown that decks the monarcb, 

Is not the crown for me; 
It dazzles but ft moment. 

Its brightness soon will flee ; 
But there's a crown whose radiance 

No mortal eje can see ; 
For ever, ever shining— 

Oh ! that's the crown for me- 

S The road that many trarel, 

Is not the road for me ; 
It leads to death and sorrow, 

In it I would not he. 
Bat there's a road, tho' narrow. 

Hath pleasures rich and free; 
'Tis marked by Jesus' footsteps. 

Oh! that's the road for me. 

4 The hope that sinners cherish, 

Is not the hope foe me ; 
Most surely will they perish, 

Unless from sin made Irce; 
Bnt there's a hope that calmeth 

The waves of life's dark lea, 



. 11 Jesus made me whole ! 

There is but one Physician 
Can cure the sin-sick aouP 

JO. Google 

Next door lo death hefound me, 
And snatched me from the graTi 

To rell loallaronnd me, 
His wondrous power to save. 

3 The -n-orst of nil diseases, 

I^ light compared ivitii sin; 
On every part it seizes, 

But rages most nithin. 
'Tis palsy, plagiia and fever 

And madness, all eombin'd; 
And none hue a believer, 

The leastreliaf can find. 

3 From men great aliiU professing, 

I thought a cure to gain ; 
But this proved more distressing, 

And added to my pain : 
Some said that nothing ailed me. 

Some gave me up for tost ; 
Tbua every refuge fail'd me, 

And all my hopes were erosa'd. 

4 At length this great Physician, 

(How matchless is his grace!) 
Accepted my pelition, 

And undertook my case: 
He gave me sight to view him. 

For sin my eyes had sealed ; 
Then bade me look unto him, 

I looked— and I was heal'd. 

JO. Google 

At once from danger frees us, 
And saves the soul from death 

Come then to this Physician, 
His lielp he'll freely aive; 

He makes no liard condition, 
is only look and live. 


.„ Oft whispered to thy secret soul, 
Urg'd thee to leave the ways of sin, 
And yield thy heart to God's control ' 

E Haih something met thee in the path 
Of worldUness and vanity, 
And pointed to the coming wrath. 
And warned thee from that wrath to fleel 

3 Spurn not the call to life and light; 
Regard in lime the warning kind ; 
That call thou mayest not always slight. 
And yel the gale of mercy find. 

Thiin hope may never beam on thee 


L. M. 

LIFT up your hearts, Immanuel's friends, 
And taste the pleasures Jesus sendfl ; 
Let nothing cause you to delay. 
But hasten od the good old way. 

JO. Google 

i Our conflicts here, tho' great they be, 
Shall not prevent our victory, 
If we bnt nntch and strive and pray, 
Like soldiers in the good old way. 

3 0, ^od nld n-av, how sweet thoa art ! 
J!av lions of ns from t!ie5 depart; 
But maj- onr aclions always say. 
We're inai-ching in the good old way. 

i And when on Piagah's top we stand. 
And view by faith tho promis'd land, 
Then we may sing, and shout and pray. 
And march along ibfl good old way. 

When we have run the good old way. 

'vB yone before, 
And shout lo think we've gain'd the day, 
By marching in the good old way. 

O 0. ai. 

OFOR a heart that loves lo pray, 
To converse with ihe Lord, 
Fain would I pive myself away, 
And Icon upon his word. 

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3 for tliat forlitude which can 

My every fear conirol | 
Then would the dread of sinfal a 
Ko more disturb my soul. 

4 Lord, thou eansl conquer every fc 

Thy grace can saQctifj; 

Amen I Lord, may it be so, 

Let my rorruplions die. 

(EFOHE ihy throne, Lord, we bow 


B'. , ,„.; 

Let worldly care be banished now, 
Let all that's earthly flee. 

2 Oar feeble wandering minds incite. 

To ask the things we ought; 

And teai^h us, Lord, to ask aright. 

Else all oar prayers are nonght. 

3 As the (liseiples asked of old, 

Lord, onrfaiih increase; 

fill our henrts, so dull and cold, 

Wiih heavenly love and peace. 

4 Make ns oar nothingness to fed — 

Frail creatBtes of the dust— 

Make us submissive to thf will : 

Lead us in Thee to trust. 

JO. Google 

i WhiU tbroagh a glass we darkly see 
Thj glories hers below, 
Prepare q5, Lord, to divell with thee, 
And nil thv fullness know. 


L, H. 

JESUS I and shall it ever be 
A mortal man ashamed of tli«e ! 
Ashamed of thee whom angels praise, 
Whose glories shine through endless days ! 

2 Asham'd of Jesus! sooner far 
Let eveiiiiiff blush to own a star ; 
He sheds the beams of lijiht divine, 
id sonl ot mine. 

J Asham'd of Jesus ! just as soon 
Let midnight be ashamed of noon ! 
'Tia midnight wilh my soul till he, 
Bright laorning star, bids darkness flee. 

4 Asham'd of Jesus', that dear friend, 
On whom mj hopes of heaven depend! 
Ko! when I blush be this my shame, 
That I no more revere his name. 

5 Asham'd of Jesus! yes I may. 
When I've no guilt to wash away ; 
No tears to wipe, no good to crave, 
Ko fears to qaeli, no soul to save. 

JO. Google 



C. M. 
JISXERS, ihia solemn trcth recartf, 
J Hear all le nons of men ; 
For Christ ihe Savior haili declarefl, 
" Ye must be bora again." 

2 TVTiat'er might be your birtb or blood. 

The sinner's boast is vain; 
Thnj saith tbe glorious Son of God, 
" Ye must be born again." 

3 Onr nature's lotallj depraved, — 

Theheartafiink of sin; 

"Ye mual be born again." 

4 Spirit of Life, thv grace impart, 

And brealha on sinners slain , 
Bear witness, Lord, in every heart 
Tbatw ■• ■- 


C M. 

LIFT np your hearts to things abave^ 
Ye followers of the Lamb; 
And join witb us lo praiae his love, 
And jjlorifj his name. 
3 To .TesHs' name give thants and ei^ig, 
Who;e mercies never end ; 
Bejoi ' : ■ " ".!..:._ Z, 

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U We for his sake connt all things loss. 
On earthly good look down, 
And joj-foUy saslain the cross, 

4 lei us stir each other op, 

Our faith bv works t' approve ; 
By holy purifvini; hope, 
'And the sweet task oflove. 

Wilh God in Eden livi 

:; Live till the Lord in gloi 
And wait his heav'n ti 


HAIL, ye sighing sons of sorrow, 
View with me th' Antumnal gloom , 
learn from thence vour fale to-morrow. 

Dead, perhaps laid in the looib. 
See all natare fading, dying, 

Silent all things seem' to monm, 
Life from vegetaiion flung, 
Brings lo mind ihe mould'ring om, 

2 What to me are autumn's treasures, 
Since I know no earthly joy, 
LonK I've lost all earihly pleasures, 
Time must youth and health desiroj 

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Pleasnrea once I fondly courted, 
Shared each bliss that youth beatowi, 

Bur 10 see where then I sporied, 
Now e.iibitters all my ivoe3. 

3 Age and sorrow since have Wasted, 

Every youthfal, pleasing dream ; 
Quiv'ring age, wiih youth eontraswd. 

Oh, how short their glories seem 1 
As the Bunual frosu are cropping 

Leaves and tendrils from the trees. 
So my friends are yearly dropping 

Through old age and dire disease. 

i Former friends, how oi^ I've sought them, 

Ju5t to cheer my drooping mind, 
But they've cone like leavoa in autumn. 

Driven before the dreary wind. 
When a few more yean I've wasted, 

When a few more springs are o'er. 
When a few more griefs I've tasted, 

I shall live to die no more. 

5 i'aat my sun of life's declining, 

I must sleep in death's dark night ; 
But my hope, pure and refining, 
"Reus in future life and light. 
Cease this trembling, fearing, sighing, 

Christ will burst the silent tomb, 
Then the saims sholl, upwards flying, 
Rise into immortal bloom. 

JO. Google 


AND let this feeble body fail, 
And let it I'aint and die; 
yiy soul fhall quit \h'\3 moMrnfal vale, 

And soar to worlds on high; 
Shall join the disembodied saints, 

Aud had its long sought rest; 
That only bliss for ivhith it pants, 
In the Redeemer's breasl. 

2 In hope of that immortal crown, 

I noiv the cross sustain : 
And glad It wander np and down, 

And smile al Coil and paiu. 
I sulfer on my threescore years, 

Till my deliverer come; 
And wipe away his servant's tears, 

And take his esile home. 

3 O nhiit hath Jesus bought for me 

Before my ravished eyes 7 
Rivers of life divine I see, 

And trees of paradise. 
I see a world of spirits bright, 

Who taste tbe pleasures there ; 
They oil are robed in spotless white, 

And conquering palms they bear. 

i what are all my sulPrings here. 
If Lord thon count me meet, 
With that enraptured host t' appear. 
And worship al thy feel 1 

JO. Google 

ir frienils awaj- ; 
cet them nil sgaii 


HARK ! what cry arrests my ear, 
Hark I whal accents of despair, 
'Tis the heatlien's dyinn prajer; 
Priends of Jesue, hear. 

2 Men of God to you we cry, 
Bests on von onr tearful eve, 
Help us, Christians, or we'die. 

Die in dark despair. 

3 Hnsten, Chrisiians, ha;te lo sare, 
O'er the land and o'er the wave, 
Saopers, deaih, and distance brave, 

Hark 1 for help they call, 

4 Afric bends her suppliant knee, 
Asia spreads her hands to thee, 

Hark ! they urge [lie heaveu-born plea, 
Jesus died for all. 

5 Haste then, spread the Savior's name, 
Snatch the firebrands from the flame, 
Deck his glodons diadoin 

Vfilh their ransom'd souls. 

6 See! the pagan altars fall, 
See ! the Saiior reigns o'er all ; 
Cravn him! ctown bim 1 Lotd of all, 

Echoes round the pole. 

JO. Google 


FLY, thon heavctilj- Rospcl message, 
riy to vonder foreign lands; 
Li't the Ssv'icir's promis'd bUssina, 
Reach ths diatant heathen baods. 

3 Then shall they of heathen tiations, 
Sonj;s to onr Immannel raise, 
In the peaceful realms of glory 
Tune iheir harps to aitig hia praise. 


L. M. 

GO preach tnv gospel, saith ihe Lord; 
'-Bid the whole earth mygracereceire: 
He shall he saved that trusts iny word, 
He shall be damn'd that wont believe. 

2 " I'll make yonr great commis5ion known; 

And ye shall prove my gospel true, 
]Jy all th« works that I have done, 
By ail the wonders je shall do. 

3 '-Teacli all the nations my coramands; 

I'm with you lill the world shall end; 
All power is trusted in my bands ; 
I can destroy, and I defend." 

Hjswo. Google 

* He spake, and light shone round his head ; 
On a brifiht cloud to heaven he rode. 
They to the farthest nntions spread 
The graee of [heir aicendud God. 


IJIEOM Greenland's icy monDla 
X To India's coral strand, 
Where Afrie's sunny fountains 

Eoll down their golden sands ! 
Prom many an aneient rirer, 

From many a palmy plain. 
They call us to deliver 

Their land from error's ehain. 

S What though the spicy breezes 

Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; 
Though every prospect pleases. 

And only man is vile ; 
In vain with lavish kindness 

The gifts of God are strown ; 
The heathen in his blindness 

Bows down to wood and sl^jne. 

3 Shall we whose souls are lighteiJ 

By wisdom from on high. 

Shall we, to men benighted 

The lamp of life deny 3 

JO. Google 

4 Waft, wafi, ye winds hia story ; 
And yon, je waters, roll, 
Tilllikeaseaof glorj, 

Ii spreads from pole lo pole; 
Till o'er our ransom'd nature, 
The Lamb for sinners slain, 
Redeemer, King, Creator, 
In blhs returns to reign. 

99 ,.:...... 

T7"ES, mj native land, I love thee, 
JL All Ibj scenes, I love them well; 
Friends, connections, happy country. 

Must I bid you all farewell ! 
Can I leave jou— 

Tar in heatben lands to dwell ! 

a Home 1 thy joys are passing lovely ! 

Joys no slrnnger heart can tell ! 

Happy home, indeed I love thee ! 

Can I— can I t-ay—" Farewell ? 

Can I leave thee— 
Far in heathen lands lo dwell 1 

3 Scenes of sacred peace and pleasara, 
Holy (lays and Sabbath- lie 11, 
Richest, bnghtest, sweetest treasure I 
Can I say a last farewelH 

Can I leave yon- 
Tar in heathen lands lo dwell? 



Far away, ye billows bear me 1 

Lr>vt!y native land, farewelt t 

Pleased I leave ihee— 

Far in heathen lands to dwell. 

6 In iTie desert? let me labor. 
On the monDiains let me tell 
How he died— the blessed Savior— 
To redeem a world from hell. 
Let me hasten — 
Far in heathen lands to dwell. 

6 Bear me on thou restless ocean ; 
Let the winds my caovass swell; 
Heaves my heart with warm emotion, 
While I go far hence to dwell. 
G^Kd I bi<l thee, 
Naiive land I Farewell, Farewell. 


H. M, 

BLOW ye the trumpet, blow. 
The gladly solemn sound, 
Let all [he nations know, 

To earth's remotest bound ; 
The year of Jubilee is eome ; 
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, bom 
a Exalt the Lamb of God 
The sin atoning Lamb; 
Redemption by his blood, 

Thiough all the lands proclaim 
The year of Jubilee is come; 
Keturn. ye ransora'd sinners, horn 

JO. Google 

"V "ie slaves of sin and hell, 

Your libcrry receivei 
And safe in Jesus dwell, 

And blest in J£5U3 live; 
The jear of Jubilee la come; 
Return, ye cansoni'd sinners, borne. 

i The gospel trumpet hear, 

Tlie news of pardoning grace i 
Ve favored souls dran- near; 
Behold jonr Savior's face: 
Ths jear of Jubilee has come; 
Return, ye raosom'd sinners, home. 

Ye mournful souls be glad : 
The jear of Jubilee has come; 
Keiurn, ye ransom'd sinners, liome. 


Traveller! o'er yon n 

Sec that glory beaming siar : 
Waichman ! does its beauteous raj 

Aught of hope or joy foretell? 
Traveller ! yes, it brings the day, 

Promised day of IsraeL 

JO. Google 

Traveller! blessedness anii l-^ht, 
Ppflce and irTith, iis ronr'e poriends - 

Waichmaa ! will its bejua alone 
Gild the spot thai gave tJieia birlh ". 

TrBTeller! ages are iij own, 
See, ii bursts o'er all Ihe earth. 

3 Watchmaa ! lell us of the ni»hl, 

For the moraing seems :o dawn. 
Traveller I darkness takes its Sigbt i 

Donbt End terror are wilhdrawn. 
Watchmpn ! let ihv wanderings ceaee. 

Hie tiee to thy qaiet home. 
Traveller! lo! the prince o/oeace, 

Lo the Son of God is come." 


C. H- 

HAIL sweetest, dearest tie that binds 
Onr e'o'i'iig hearts ia one, 
Hail 1 sacred hope that tunes onr minds 
To harmony divine. 

It U the hope, the blissful hope, 

Vi'hirh Jesus' grace hath given ; 
The hope when days and years are past, 

We all .shall meet in heaven ; 
"We all shall meet in heaven at last, 

We all shall meet in heaven ; 
The hope when davs and years are past. 

We all shall mett in htayen. 

JO. Google 

What! though beneath an eastern sky 
Yet siill we share the blissful hope, &c 

3 From Burraah's shores, from Afric's strand, 
Fiom India's burning plain, 
rrom Europe, from Columbia's land, 
IVe hope 10 meet again. 

It is the hope, the blissfal hope, &c. 
i No lintreriDg look, no parting sigh. 
Our lutore meeting knows : 
There friendship beams from ererj eye, 
And hope immonal glows. 

" :d hope 1 blissfu! hope, &c- 


Burial ofHrs. Judson. 

MOURSFULLY, tenderly. 
Bear on the dead, 
"Where the warrior has lain. 
Let the Christian be laid ; 
No place more befitting — 
Rock of the seal 

WaE bidden in thee. 
a Monrnfullj, tenderly, 

Solemn and slow, 
Tears are bedewing 

The path as je go ; 
Kindred and sirHrigers, 

JO. Google 

In quielude now: 
One lookl and then settle 

The loved to her rest, 
The ocean beneath her, 

The turf on her breast. 

4 So have re buried her— 

Up! and depart. 
To lite and to duty 

Wiih undismayed heart i 
Pear not— tor the love 

Of the siranger will keep, 
The easket ihai lies 

In the Eock of the deep. 

5 Peace ! to thy bosom, 

Thou servant of God ! 
The vale ihon art trending. 

Before, thou hast trod; 
PreciODS dust thou hast laid 

By the Hopia tree, 
And' treasure as precious 

In thcKockofthesea! 


THE morning light is breaking, 
The darkness disappears ; 
The sons of earth are waking 
,To penitential tears : 

JO. Google 

Prepared for Z ion's war. 

2 Eich deiTS of grace come o'er ns, 

In manv a gentle shower, 
And brignter scones before us 

Are opening everj hour; 
Each crj to heaven going, 

Abondant answers brings, 
And heavenly gales are blowing, 

With peace upon their wings. 

3 See heathen nations bending 

Before the God we love, 
And thousand hearts ascending 

In srotimde above ; 
While sinners, now confessing, 

The gospel call obey. 
And seek the Savior's blessing,-— 

A nation in a day. 


H. 11. 

RISE, Sun of ^lorj, rise, 
And chase the shades of night, 
Which now obscure the skies. 
And hide thy sacredilight : 
O, chase those dismal shades away. 
And bring the bright, milletinial day ! 

JO. Google 

With great success to crown 

Tl:e prenching of ihy word ; 
That heathen lands may own thy swa 
And cnst their idol gods awaj. 

3 Then shall lliy kingdom eome 

Among oar fallen race, 

And all the earth become 

The temple of thy grace ; 
Whence pure devotion shall ascend, 
And songs of praise till lime shall end 


8s. 7s. & 4S 

WHO but tliou, almightT Spirit, 
Can the heathen world reclaim? 
Jlen can preach, but till thou favor. 
Heathens will be still the same, 

Mighty Spirit ! 
Wittiess to the Savior's name. 

£ Thou Jiast promised by the prophets, 
Glorion? light in latter davs; 
Come and bless bewildered nations. 
Change our p ravers and tears to praist 

Promi=ed Spirit! 
Eoiind the world diffuse thy rays. 

i All oni- hopes, and prayers, and labors 
Mu5t be vain without thine aid : 
But ihou wilt not dNappoini as, 
All is true that thou hast said ; 

Faithful Spirit! 
O'er the world thine influence shed. 

JO. Google 


Fs R - - - 

An! ho e mEkeK 

H ea 1 o ¥ cho 

3-R E a s he hef concern 
fmo i1s> rehelow 
Msivl grsfL mportsn ele&rn, 

3 More n edft tu b" 1 er ng we^llt. 

f rn gh the no la l.o ow 

Nor re] 11 a n oon o ea h 

Can ens h refO e 

4 Rel g c ho t ch s angttge, 

\n a cu 1- Itiloon 
'T II lil u le 1 n ne age, 
Ana cr he r-ifn omb 

xUO Ts. & 53. DorBLE. 

FKIENTIS, for wTiora & Savior died, 
Frientis, who hnve s hcaveiilj Guide. 
Welconis here, for eide by side, 

We must tal-.P our stand: 
Now 'e the iioor :or ns to meet. 
Girt in pauoalv conipiete, 
Sharine inccmmHniou sweet 
An iiBmortf.l hmt^. 
4 See je not the world is Bel. 

JO. Google 

Heed ye nol Ihe subtle dsi. 
By the tempter spread : 

Know ye not the senses siill 

War against the hHlIow'il wilJ, 

Aiming all the heart tc filH 
Wiil ye he misled? 
3 Friends, tn holy coniiict wake ; 

Every spell of ruin break: 

House ye for the Savior's sake. 
Can TB si amber more 1 

Arm ! the staniiard blazes high — 

Hark ! 'tis Jesns' battle cry— 

On! salvation now i? nigh- 
Rest forevermore ! 

109 „.,...„,. 

SEE, brothers, see ! how Ihe day rolls on. 
Soon we'll hail the rising sun. 

Hark ! 'tis the spirit's warning voice, 

Lift your heads, ye saints rf jciice I 
S See, brothers, see ! how the day comes on, 

Soon the trump of God will sound 1 

Lif-htninga may flash, and thunders roll, 

Welcome to the faithful soul I 
3 Hark I 'tis the trnmpel's joyful sound! 

See the AlmiehiT Jesu5 crowned! 

SiJirit^ of [he Lord, an-ake, arise 1 

Bid him welcome fiom the skies. 

Then haste, let us work till probation is o'ar. 
We go to the land where our toiling ia o'er^ 

Hjswo. Google 

Home, home. Vionie ! the Christian's wei- 

Swcer, oh sweet the Christian's welcome 

"Wekoriji! home, wekomc home, welcome 


THEEE is a fountain filled wilh blood, 
Drawn from immanuel's veins; 
And sinners plunged beneath thai flood, 
Lose all their guilty stains. 

2 The djing thief rejoie'd to see 

That fountain in his day ; 
And there may I, though vile as he, 
Wash all my sins away. 

3 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious blood 

Shall' never lose its power, 
Till alt the ransom^ church of God 

E'er since, hv faith I saw the stream, 
Thy flowing wounds supply, 

EedeemiiiL' love has been mj theme, 
And shall be,«ill I die. 

JO. Google 


I'M s. lonely trav'Ier here, 
Weary, oppjesl; 
Bnt my journey's end is nee 

Sooa I shall' rest. 
Dark and dreniT is the wai- 

Toiling l\e come— 

Ask me not with you to sta; 

Tonder 's mjrhoine. 

2 rm a weary trav'Ier her% 

3 I'm a travler to a Innd 

Where all is fair; 
Where is seen no broken baad, 

Sflinta, all are there. 
Where no tears shall ever fall, 

Ncr heart be sad ; 
Where the glory is for all, 

Aud all are glad. 

1 I'm a trav'Ier, and I ga. 
Where slHs fair: 

JO. Google 

iwell nil I've loved below— 

m1l^l be there, 

-Idly honors, hopes and gair 


SS. &. 73. 

THIS world is all a fleeting show 
For man's illasion given; 
The smiles of joy, the tears ot wo, 
Dereiiful shine, deceitful flow; 
There's nolhing irue hw Heai^n. 

As false tha light on glorj's plnme, 

As fading hues at even ; 
And genini' bud and beauty's bloom, 
Are blossoms esthered for the tomb, 

There's nothing bright but Heaven. 

Fonr ivanderers on a stormy sea. 
And fancy's flash, and reason's ray 

JO. Google 

Serve but :o light us on the way ; 
There',-' nothing calm hnt HeaTeQ. 

* And Where's ihe hand held out to cheer 

The heart wilh anguish riven ? 

For sorrow's sigh, and trouble's lew 

Have never fonnd a refnge here ; 

There's nothing kind but Heaven. 

5 In vain do mortals sipb forblisa, 

Without their sins forgiven ; 
True pleasure, everlasting peace, 
Are only found in God's free grace; 

There's nothing good hut heaven. 

6 From such as walk in wisdom's road, 

Corroding fears are driven ; 
They're washed in Christ's atoning blood 
Enjoy communion with their God, 

And lind tlieir way to heaven. 


HARK ! listen to the trumpeters, 
They call for volunteers, 
On Zioti's bright and holy mount, 
Eebold the officers. 

a Their horses white, their armor bright, 
With coarase bold they stand. 
Enlisting soldiers for ilie fight, 
To march to Canaan's land. 

JO. Google 


is KKiments slain'd in Ms own Wood, 
Kill-- Jt-sus is Ui= name. 

lie trumpets sound, tlie armies ahont, 
Tlicv drive ilie host? of hell : 
!ow dVeadful is oor God c' adore, 
The great Imraaouel! 

■inners, euUst with Jesiis Christ, 

The eternal Son of God ; 
.rd marth with lis to Canaan's land, 

I3c3-ond the sweUing flood. 

-ift up jonr heads, ye eoldiers hold, 
Reflemplion's drawing nigh ; 

Ve soon shall htar the irumpet aoana. 
That shakes the earth and sky. 

n fic}-v chariots we shall rise. 
And leave the norld on fire: 

\nd all surround the ihrone of love, 
And join the heavenly choir. 


>. JI. 

WHAT Bound is this salutes my ear ? 
'Tis Gabriel's trump methinks 1 hear, 
Tis Gabriel's irump methinks I hear, 

The expected day is come. 
Hcliold the heavens, the earth, the sea, 
Proclaim the year of Jubilee, 
Proclaim the year of Jubilee; 
Return ye exiles home. 


110 EACJ 

2 Behold the fair Jerusalem, 
llluminaied by the L»mb, 

In glorj doth appear. 
Tair Zioii rising from the tomba, 
To meet ihe Bridegroom— lo! he coi 

And hails the festive year. 

3 Mr sonl is striving to be there, 
I long to rise and wing the air, 

And trace the sacred road. 
Adieu, adien, all eandly things ; 

that I had an angel's wings, 

I'd quickly see my God. 

* FIt, lingering momenis, fly, ily, 

1 thirst, I pant, I long to try 

boon shall I quit this honse of clay, 
Clap my glad wings and soar away, 
And shout redeeming love. 


liiy glorious conqu'ring King is near, 

lo take his exiles home; 
The trumpet's ibund'ring through the sky 

To set poor sinners free ; 
The day of wonders now ia nigh, 

The year of Jubilee. 

1i Arise ye nations under groiind, 
Before the Judge appear , 

Hjswo. Google 

All longuss. all kngungos, sliall eome, 

Their liiial flooia lo htar. 
Kinj; Jesns on hi? amro ihrone, 

Ten ihou^and angels ronnd, 
While Galiriel with his silver tramp, 

Echoes llie dreadful soand. 

3 The glorions news of gospel grace 

With sinners now ia o'er ; 
The trump of Zion now ia BtiJl, 

And to be blown no more ; 
The wKiL'hnien have oil left their walls. 

And with their flocks above 
On Canaan's happy shore they sing. 

And shoac redeeming love. 

i Come all ve pilgrims of the Lord, 
Whose liearts are joined in one: 
Hold up yonr heads with courage bold, 

Your race is almost run ; 
Above the clouds behold him stand, 

a To see a pilgrim as he dies, 

With glory in Ms view! 
To heaven he lifts his longing eyes, 

And bids the world adieu i 
While friends stand weeping all aroun 

And loth 10 let him go, 
He shonts with hie expii-jng brealb, 

And learee them all below. 

JO. Google 

6 Chriatians! are joa ready now, 

To etoBs tho narrow flood ? 
On Canasn'a happy shore bohold, 

And see a fmiliiig God 1 
The dazzling charms of that bright world, 

Attract my soul above ; 
Mytongue shall shout redeeming grace, 

When perfected in love. 

116 ...... 

MERCY, thou son of David, 
Thus blind Bariimens praj'd; 
Many by thy grace are saved, 
O wile thou vouchsafe thine aidl 

2 Lord, remove this grievons faliudness, 

Turn mj darkness inio day ; 
Straight he saw, and drawn by fcindnasB, 
Jollow'd Jesus in the way. 

3 Now methinks I hear him praising, 

Publishing to all around. 

Friends, is not my case amaiing ? 

What a Savior I have found. 

i that all the blind bm knew him. 

And would be advised by me ; 

He would cause them all to see. 


JO. Google 

4liu [oi tbe eiLp of JesJ 

I freely give i^p all 
M\ formei imn enpTn enl 

JO. Google 


ALL hail the power of Jesus' nHme, 
Let angels prosltale fall i 
Bring foi ih ihe royal diBdcm, 
And crown hica Lord of all. 

S Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, 
A remnant weak and small : 
Hail him who saves yon bj his grace. 
And crown him Lord of all. 

3 Ye Gentile sinners, ne'er foi^t 

The wormwood and the (;»" i 
Go — spread jour trophies at his feel, 
And crown him Lord of all. 

4 0, that with jooder sacred thtoni;, 

We at his feet may fall ; 

"We'll join the everlasting song, 

And crown him Lord of all 


P. M. 

STOP, poor sinner, slop and think 
Before yon faitiier go. 
Can yon sport upon the brink 

Of everlasting wo 1 
Hell beneath is gaping wide, 

Vengeance waits the dread command. 
Soon 10 stop your sport and pride, 
And sint you with the damn'd 

JO. Google 

Thea be entreated now to stop, 
For unless you warnirg take, 

Ere jou are aware you'll diop 
Into a burning lake. 

2 Say, have you an arm like God, 

'ihatyouhia will oppose? 
Pear yuu noc that iron rod 

Witb itliii^h he breaks his foes 1 
Can Tou stand in ttiat gieat day, 

Wlien his judement will proclaim — 
And the earth shall melt anay, 

Like wax before tbe flame ? 

3 Ghasrly death wil! quickly come, 

And drag yon to the bar ; 
Then to hear your awful doom, 

Will fill you with despair. 
All your sina will round yon crowd, 

Sins of a blood-crimson dye; 
Each for Tengeaiice cry aloud, 

And what will you reply 1 

4 Though your hearts be made of steel, 

Tour forehead lined with brass, 
God Bt length will make you feet. 

He will not let you jtass. 
Sinners then in vain will call. 

Though ihev now despise his grace, 
Bocks and mountains on us fall, 

And hide us from bis face. 

JO. Google 

None that come shall be denied, 
He says' there slJll is room. 
For Jesus' sake, I prny jou slop, &0. 



I'M on mj- way to Canaan, 
I'll bid ihe world farewell i 
Come on ray fellow trKveilers, 

In spice of earth and hell. 
Though Satan's army rages, 

2 I'll blow the gospel trumpet — 

On all the nations call ; 
For Christ hath me commissioned. 

To Esj he died for all. 
Come, try hi? grace and pmve him, 

You shall a gift obtain — 
He will not send yon empty. 

Nor let you come in vain. 

3 But if you want a witness. 

We have one just at hand, 

Who lately has experienced, 

The glories of the land. 

JO. Google 

It cornea in copious showere, 
Our bodies can't contain ; 

It fills our ninsom'd powers. 
And still we drink again. 


GO when the morning shineth, 
Go when the noon is brigtt ; 
Go when Ihe eve deoUneih, 
Go in the hush of night, 
Go with pure mind and feeling, 
riing earthly thought away, 
And in thy chamber kneeling, 
Do thou in secret pray. 

2 Eetnemher all who love ibee— 

All who are loved by thee : 
Prav. too, for tliose who lial« thee, 

If any such there be; 
Then for thjeelf in metkress 

A blessing humbly claim. 
And link with each petition 

Thy great Kedeemer's name. 

3 Or if 'tis e'er denied thee 

In solitude lo pray, 
Should holy tho'ts come o'er thee 

When friends are ronnrt thy way, 
E'en then the silent breaihing 

Of thy spirit raised above. 
Will reach his throne of glory, 

Who is mercy, truth, and fore. 

JO. Google 

US sac: 

4 Oh not a joj or blessing 

With this can we i^ompure — 
The poner thai lie given as, 

To pour our souls in praver; 
Whene'er thou pineal in saSness, 
Before his ibotstool fall, 

■ n thy gladness 
gave ihi;o all. 


SINNERS, Inrn, why will yon die I 
God, yonr Maker, asks jon why 1 
God, who did your being give, 
Made yoa with himself lo live ; 
He the fatal cause demands, 
Asks the work of his own hands : 
Why, ye thankless creatures, why 
Will ye cross his love, and dia ? 

2 Sinners, turn, why will ye die? 
Christ your Savior, asks yon why ; 
He who did yonr souls retrieve, 
Died himself that ye might live, 
Will you let him die in vain? 
Crucify your Lord again? 

Why, ye ransomed sinners, why 
Will you slight his grace, and die? 

3 Sinners, turn, why will you die ? 
God, the Spirit, asks yon why ? 
He who all your lives hath strove. 
Wooed yoa to embrace his love. 

JO. Google 

[ to reflect on those Joys ih»t await 

Will je not his grace receive ■> 
Will ye sliU refuse to live? 
Why, je long sou^bt sinners, wby 
■\Viil you grieve yoar God, atid die ? 


TTOW fi 

In von bliasfuJ region, the liaven of rest : 
WlietE glorified s^rllB with welCDme shall greet 

4nd leacT™ to maoetons-preparea for Ihe blest ; 
Encircled in iight,, end with Blory ^l^^ij^^^^^j, 

And rMige with deUBht throi^h the Eden oi Love. 
-1 Wliilo uiEclic leiions, with harps tnned celestial, 
HatmontouEly Join in the concert of pruse, 

m loud halk\ujahB their voices thall raise ! 
Then mngs to the LamU shall re-echo thro' HelT'r, 
My aoul will respond, 10 rmnianuel be given 
Ail glory, all honor, all might and dominion, 

Who btoughi us ibroujh grace to lbs Eiienot 

3 Then hail, blessed Mate ! Hail ya songsteraof glory! 
Ai«l*joi'n^i™r''full'^oirln rehearshig Uie story. 

Salvation ftom sorrow, ibrouih Jesns' love, 

Though 'prisoned in eanli, yet by anKoipslion, 


fly heartH now In heaven, the Eden of Love. 


IBEtl.. . 
I View him seated oi 

JO. Google 

Now, poor sinner, now, lanientmg. 
Stand and henr ths' awful doom 

Trnmpeis call ihee; 
Smnd BEd hear thv awfu! doom, 

2 Uenr the cries he (low is Tentinj;, 

Tilled wilh dr^url of fiercer pain - 

TVIiilc in EnsfKlsh thus Ufiitiiimjr, 

That ho i:o'or v;a; born— 

Thai he ne'er wa3 bora sgain 

3 Yonder sits mj flighted SaTior, 

With the marks of dying love : 
0, tliat I had sought his fa7or, 
When I felt his spirit move — 

Golden uiomnnis, 
IViion I felt his spirit move! 

4 Now de.jpiser!!, look and wonder; 

Iliipe an,I isiniipra here miiitt part ; 
Loader than a peal oi thunder, 
Hear the dreadi'ul soand, - Depart V 

Lost foreier. — 
Hear the dreadful sound, "Depart." 


AWAKE, raj soul, fojojful lays. 
And 3i,ig iha great Kedeenier's praise - 
He justly claims a song from me : 
His loving kindness, hoiv free 1 
1 Te saw me ruined bv ilje fall, 
Yet loved me, notwjthslanding ail ; 


He saved me from my lost estate . 

3 ThonghnumerouahD'ts of mighty foes, 
Thoaph eanh and hell, my way oppose. 

i When tronble like a Kloomy cloud, 
Hiis gathered Ihld; and thunder'd lonfl. 
He near mv soul has always stood: 
His loving'kiaduesp, how good! 

5 I ofien fee! my sinfnl hea.rt 
Prone from mv Jesus to depart; 
But though I oft hare him forgot, 
His loving kindness changes not. 

His loving kindneijs ^iiig in death. 

7 Then let me mount and soar away 
To ihe bright world of endless day, 
And sing nith rfipture and surprise. 
His loving kindaei? in the skies. 


COME, let lis nse the grace div 
And all with orie attord, 
III a perpetual eov'nant, join 
Ourselves to Christ the Lord. 

JO. Google 

4 AVe never will Ihrow off his fear, 
Who hears our solemn vow ; 
And if thou ait well pleased to hear, 
Come down and meet ua now '■ 


P. M. 

CARELESS sinner, come 
Pray now attend; 
Tills world is not your home, 

It; soon will end. 
Jehovah calls aloud, 
Forsake the thoughtless crowd - 
Pursne the road to God, 
And happy be. 

2 No happiness you'll titid, 

While thus jou go ; 

No peace unto your mind, 

But pain and wo 
Attend you everv dav. 
While far frotn 6od jon Btraj ; 

JO. Google 

3 How many calls joi 

As to refuse that voice, 
Which calls you to rejoice, 
In making heaven vour choice, 
And shunning helH 
I Scr do I call alone; 

E'en with his dying groan, 

Cries, bid adieu, 
Tu all your lovers now, 
And to his sceptre bow, 
And he will tell jou bow 

To live anew, 
S But if TOn "ivill refuse, 

Down, down pu'll go. 
And with the wicked choose 

Alas, how can you slight 

The rays of Gospel li^ht, 

And sink in endless night. 

Where silence reigns? 



LORD, when together here we meet. 
And taste Ihy heavenly srace, 

JO. Google 

may thy preciona presence still, 
Wiih every one remain. 

3 And let us all in Christ be one. 
Bound nich the cords of love ; 
Till we before ihy glorions throne 
Shall jojfu! meet shove. 

1 Al! sin and sorrow from each heart 
Shall then forever fiy ; 
Nor shall a [lioughc ihac we must pari 
Once intermpt our joy. 


HAIL! thou once despised Jesus, 
Hail! Ihon everlasting king; 
Thon didst suffer to redeem us i 

Thou didst I'reo salvation bring. 
Hail t thou ap^nizing Savior, 

Bearer of our sin and shame < 
By thy merits wc find favor ; 
Life is given through thy name. 

a Paschal Lamb, by God appointed. 

All our sins on thee were laid; 
By almighty love anointed, 

Thou bast full atonement made; 
All thy people are forgiven, 

Through the virtue of thy blood; 
Opened is the gate of heaven ! 

Peace is madB " man and God. 

JO. Google 

All Ilie heavenly hosis adore thee, 
Sealed Ht ihy Father's side ; 

There for sinners thou art pleading, 
There thou dosi our place prepare, 

Evpr fjr us imereeiliiig, 
Till in glory we appear. 

Worship, honor, power and blessing, 
Thou art worthy to receive ; 

Loudest praises without ceasing 
Meet it is for as to give ; 

Help, ye bright angelio spirila, 
Bring your sweetest, noblest layi; 


Help to chant Immanuel's 

S. M. 

(0 keep IhaT 

A God to glorify; 

' To serve the present age ; 
My calling to fulfil ; 
O may it all my powers engage. 
To do tuy M'astet's will. 

3 Arm me with jealous care, 
As in thy sight, to live ; 
And oh, thy servant, Lord, prepare, 
A strict account to give ! 




bows bi^fore ihe Lord ! 
Aiiai owns how just Knd good thoa art, 
And irembles al thy word! 

2 for those hnmble, contrite teats 

Which from repentance flow, 
That sensB of guiit, which, trembUne, fears 
The long suspended blow I 

3 Savior, to me in pity gire 

For sin the deep (lisiri-ss; 
The pledge ihoii wilt at last receive, 
And bid me die in peace. 

4 O, fill my sonl with faith and love, 

And strength to do thy will ; 
Eflise mj desires and hopes above; 
Thyself to me reveal. 


"HEN sorrows encoi 
And deepest disi 

..-.onish'd, I cry, can a mortal be found 
That's surrounded wiih trouble like n 

2 Few moments of peace I enjov, 
And they are Eucceeded bj pain, 
If a moment in praising m J God I employ, 
I have hotirs aaain to complain. 

Hjswo. Google 

3 when will mj sorrows he o'er, 

when will mj sntferin^s cease, 

-when to the bosom of Christ shall I soar, 
To mansions of glory in peace I 

4 then with the fulness of love, 

1 there like an angel shall sing 

Till Christ shall descend with a shont from 

And with him his sanctified bring. 

5 Our slumbering bodies ohej, 

And quicker than thought will arise ; 
Eemov'd in a moment go shouting away 
To mansions above in the skies. 


GUIDE me, O thou great Jehovah, 
Pilgrim through this barren land : 
I am weak, hut thou art mighty ; 
Hold me with (hy powerful hand: 

Bread of heaven, 
Feed me till I want no more. 

S Open, Lord, the crystal fotiQtaJn, 
Whence the healing waters flow; 
Let the tier;, cloudy pillar ,. 
Lead me'all my journey through : 

Strong Deliverer. 
Be thou siill my strength and sliield. 

JO. Google 

Bear me through tho swelling current , 
Lanil me safe on Canaan's side: 

Songs of praises 
I Will ever aive i; thee. 


rriHERE is a land of para delight, 
J. Where saints immortal reign ; 
loflnite day exclndas tlie night, 
And pleaanres banish pain. 

S There ererlasiing spring abides. 

And naver-iviihei-ing flowers ; 

Death like a narrow sea divides 

This heaseoly land from ours. 

3 Siveel fields beyond the swelling flood, 

Stand dressed in living green ; 

So to the Jews old Canaan stood, 

While Jordan rolled between. 

5 0, coald ire make our dm 

These gloomy doubia tl 

And sea the Cflnnan that 

With unUec!o!iJud eyes 

JO. Google 

135 cji 

How can 1 sleep wlien anjrela sing, 
And all the saints on high, 
Crv glory to the eternal King, 
'rhe IJimb that once did die ^ 

2 For I of all the race that fell, 

Or all iha heav'nij host, 
Have greatest cause wilh humble soul 
To love and praise him most. 

3 Did God so Iotc thii rnin'd world, 

4 No longer, then, will I repose. 
But rise to praise and pray. 
And swell the song till night shall close 
In an eternal day. 


C. M- 
very mortal ear attend, 
J_J And every heart rejoice 1 
The trumpet of the gospel sounds. 
With an iaviling volee- 

jo. Google 

And Tainlv 
To fill an 

strive with et 

irtb!; 10 J&, 

3 Eternal wisdom has prepared 
A soul-reviving feast ; 
And bids your longing appetites 
The ricb provision taste. 

4 Ho r ye wh 

And pine 

Here yen m 

Wi:h sire 

pant for liv 
aj quench to 

ur raging thi 
" drj. 

5 The happy gales of cospeS grace 
Stand open all the day. 
Lord, we are come to seet supplies 
A d drive our wants awaj. 


3 You promise happinei 
Nor can yon satisfy 
Tour highest pleasore 
And all your 

3 Had I the Indies east and west, 
And riehes of the sea, 
Without my God I could not r( 
For he is all to me. 


4 Then let my soul rise far above, 
By faith I'll lake mj wing, 
To ihe el«!nal realms of love, 
Where saints anJ angels sing. 

HEN shall wo all meet again T 


VV ' When shall we all meet'kgain ? 
Oft shall glowing hope expire, 
Oft shall wearied love retire, 
Oft shall death and sorrow reign, 
Ere we all shall meet again. 

2 Though in distant lands we sigh, 
Parch'd beneath 3 hostile skj; 
Though the deep between us roll!, 
Friendship shall unite our souls. 
And in fancy's wide domain, 

Oft shall we all meet again. 

3 When our bumish'd locks are graj, 
Thin'd bj many a toil-spent day ; 
When around this youthful pine. 
Moss shall creep, and ivy twine, 
Long may this loved bower remain, 
Here may we all meet again. 

4 When the dreams of life are fled, 
When its wasted lamp is dead. 
When in cold oblivion's shade. 
Beauty, wealth, and fame ate laid — 
Where immortal spirits reign, 
There may we all meet again. 



P, M. 

THE people called Christians 
Have many ihings iliey tell, 
About ibe knii of Canaan, 
Where saints and angels dwell ; 
But Bin, a dreadful ocean. 
Encloses them around. 
"With its tide syll divides them, 
rrom Caaaan'3 happy gronnd. 

S Thonsands have been impatient 
To find a passage through. 
And wilh united vigor 
Have tried what (bey could do ; 
Bui vessels built by baman skill 
Have never sailed far, 
Till we found them agrotind 
On some dreadful sandy bar. 

3 The everlasting gospel 
Has launch'd to th' deep at last ; 
Behold her sails extended 
Around her towering mast; 
Along her deck in order, 
Her joyful sailors stand, 
Crying, " Ho I here we go 
To Imraanuel's happy land! 

i To all that stand spectators 
What anguish will ensue. 
To hear their old companions 
Bid themalongadiou; 

JO. Google 

5 We're nnw on the wiile ocenn, 
We bid lUis \yorld farewell; 
And where we shall ";ast anehor 
Ko human longne can tell; 
About our future destiny 
There needs no moie debate, 
While we ride on the tide, 
With the Captain and hia Mate. 

6 The passengers united, 
In order, peaee and love ; 
The wind all in our fayor. 
How sweetly we do move ; 
The tempest now assails us, 
The raging billows roar ! 

We will sweep through the deep, 
Til! we reach that blessed shore. 


JO. Google 

3 ChiWtep of Zlon • we joyfully hall vou ! 
Who 're eulered the aheepfold Ihrnugh Jssi 

While ptlgrlm'a on euth, tho' the foe may asxal 
Press fbtwacd. and soon wilt the conflict be o'( 
Children of Zinn: Oh welcome, thrice welc 



T Christian friends in bunds of love. 
Whose hearts in sweelest anion prove, 
lour friendship's like a drawing hand, 
Yet we must take the parting hand. 

2 Yoar coiDpany's sweet, yonr nnioo's dear, 
Your words delightful to my ear ; 

And when I see that we must part, 
You draw like cords around mj heart. 

3 How Bweet the hours have pass'd away, 
When we have tnei to sing and pray ; 
How loih we've heen lo leave the place 
Where Jesus shows his smiling face. 

4 could I stay with friends so kind. 
How would it cheer my fainting mind ; 
But duty makes mc ondersland 

Tbat we muit take the parting hand. 

JO. Google 

In eweet submissioo, all as one, 
We'll sav, our Fathsr'n will he < 


GO worship al Imrasnuel'ti feet, 
See, in his Name what wonders meet ; 
Karch is too narrow to express 
His worth, his glory or his graoe. 

2 The whole creation can afFord, 
But BOrae I'ainl shadow of my I^rd : 
Nature, Do make hU beauties known, 
Must ni ingle colors not her own. 

5 IsheaFotrntaitll There I'll bathe, 
And heal the plague of sin and dealh, 
Tliese walsrs all my soul renew, 
And cleanse my spotted gavicenu too. 

4 Is he a Sun ? His beams are grace, ■ 
Hie course is joy and righteonsness — 
la he a tree ? The world receiTCS 
Salvation from his healing leaves. 

3 Is he a RoEC 1 Kot Sharon yields 
Such fragrancy in all her fields. 
Or if the Illy be assume 
The valleys blesa the rich perfume. 

■S Is he a Slar? He breaks the night 
And spreads for all Ihe dawning light— 
I know hia glories from afar, 
7 know the bright, thp Mornicg Slw 

JO. Google 

; la he a Way ? He leads to Go(i, 
The path is drawn in lines of blood ! 
There would 1 walli with hope and zeai. 
Till I arrive at Zion's bill. 

8 Is he a Door ? I'll enter in— 
Behold the pastures large and green, 
A Paradise diviiieij fair, 

And all the saints have freedom there. 

9 Is he a Eock t How firm he proves ? 
The Eoek of Ages never moves : 

Tet the sweet streams that from him flow. 
Attend as all the desert through. 

10 Is he designed a Corner- Stone, 

For men to build their heaven npon ? 
I'l! make him mj foundation too ; 
Nor fear the plots of bell below. 

i! Nor earth, nor seas, nor sun, nor sears, 
Nor heaven his full resemblance bears. 
His heanlies we can never trace, 
Till we behold him faee to face. 


AWAY my doubts, be gone my fear. 
The wonders of the Lord appear; 
The wonders which my Savior wrought. 
O how delightful is Ihe ihought; 

JO. Google 

3 Pursue mj thoughts this pleasing theme, 
'T WHS not a t'aticj- nor a dream ; 

'T WHS grace descendini; from the skies, 
And shall he mary'lous in my eyes. 

4 Long had I mourn'd like one forgot. 
Lung had my sou! for comfort sought, 
Jesus was witness to my tears. 

And Jesus aweelly cslm'd my fears. 

5 He cleans'd my sonl, he chang'd my dress. 
And doth'd me with his righteousness ; 
He spake at once my sins forgiTen, 

And I rcjoic'd as if in heaven. 

6 These are the wonders I record, 
The mart'lous goodness of the Lord, 
for a tongue to speak his praise. 
To tell the triumphs of his grace. 


Some fellowship with God. 

JO. Google 

3 Nor life, nor all the toys of art, 
Nor pleasure's floirerj road, 
Can to my soul such bliss impar 
As fellowship with God. 

5 And when the icy arras of death 

Shall chill my flowing blood. 
With joy I'll yield my latest breath 
In fellowship with 'God. 

6 When I Bt last lo heaven ascend 

And join that bleat abode, 

There an eternity I'll spend 

In fellowship with God. 


'ARK! the pealing 
SofiW stealing, 
funeral bell 
Sadly speaks a soul's farewell, 

2 Welcome, welcome. 
Is ihj music 
Silvery bell. 

Thou hast tolled a saint's farew. 

3 Sweetly sleeping, 
Friends why weeping! 

Hjswo. Google 

4 Hflpjiy hour, 
When Gotl'tf power 
Filla ibe breast; 

Sweetly sooihing soals to rest, 

5 Time is fleeting, 
Heatt9 now beating, 
Funeral bell, 

Soon will bid the world fBrewell. 

6 Of our number 
All ivill slumber ! 


P. M. 

\T7"HEN for the eternal world I steer, 
\\ And sea5 are calm, the skies are clear, 
And feith in livelj exercise. 
And distant hills of Canaan rise. 
Sly sonl— for joy she claps her wings. 
And loud her loveiy sonnet sings — 
Vain world adieu. 

2 Wilh cheerful hopes my eyes explore 
Each landmark on the distant shore. 
The trefs of life and pastures green, 
The Eoldcn streets and crystal streams. 
Again for joy she claps her wings. 
And loud her lovely sonnet sings, 
Vain world adieu. 

JO. Google 

140 SAC 

3 The nearer still she draws to land, 
More eager all her powers expand ; 
With steady helm and free bent sail. 
Her anchor drops within the vale. 
Again for joj she daps her wings. 
And her celestial sonnet sinp^ — 
Glory to God! 



OTELL me where the dove is flawn 
To build her downy nesl, 
And I will search the world aronod, 
To win her to my breast. 

5 I sought her in llie rosy bower 

Where pleesnre holds her ftign ; 
Where fiincj flies from flower to flower, 
'ng But there I songht in Tain, 

3 I sought her in the bower of loye, 

I knew her fender heart; 
BdC she had flown — that peaceful dove 
Had feit the traitor's darl. 

4 Upon amhiiion's craggy hill 

I ihonght this bird might stray, 
And there I sought, but vainly still ; 
She never flew that way. 

6 Faith smiled and shed the tender f«ar 



5 111 meek religioii's hnmbls cot, 
She built her downj aesl ; 
Go, seek thai sweet seeluded spot, 
And ivinher to thy breast." 


2 Ye humble souls, to Jesn? come. 

"T n-as he who made j-on see 
Your wretched, rnin'd, helpless state— 
Your guilt and misery. 

3 Christ is a friend to mourning souls ; 

Then "'hv should you deapair, , ^i 

Since Saul and Mary Magdalene -;-'f' 

round grace and mercy here ? 


CHILD REN of the heavenly King, 
As ve journey, sweetly sing ; 
Sing your Savior's worthy prai;-. 
Glorious in his works and ways. 
£ Ye are travelling Iiume to Goil, 
In the wav the fathers trod : 
They are happy now, and ye 
Soon their happiness shall see, 

JO. Google 

3 0, ye banished seed, be glad 1 

Brother to our soul becomes. 

4 Shon(, JO little flock, and blest ! 
You on Jesns' throne ahfiU rest ; 
There vour sent is now prepar'd, 
There yoac kingdom and reward. 

5 Fearnot, brethren, jojful stand. 
On the borders of jour land ; 

I Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, 
Bids jou undismayed go on. 

6 Lord, submissive make ua go. 
Gladly leaTing all below ; 
Only thou our Leader be, 
And we still wilt follow thee. 


73. a 6s. 
ONCE enjoyed my Lord, 
Lived happy in his love, 

a This world 1 did despise. 
With all its gaudy show; 
Thro' faith in Christ lurc'd off m 
Prom Tanities below. 

JO. Google 

i But oh! alas, my soul! 

Where is my comfort now ! 
Why did I let my love grow cold, 
And why to idols bow? 

h Trembling to Christ Til fly, 
Andailmy sinaeonfeaa; 
Beneath his cross I'll humbly FbII, 
And ast restoring grace. 

6 I'll mortify mv pride, 
Mrselfl will deny, 
And'if I perish, Lord, at last, 
Beneath thy cross I'll die. 

lol TJie Cross. 

MUST Simon bear his cross alone, 
And all the world go free? 
Ko, there's a cross for ^ury one, 

And there's a cross for me. 

Yes, there's a cross on Calvary! 

Throngh which by faith the crown 1 1 

For me 'tis pardon bringing,- 

O, that's the cross for me, 

0, that's the cross for me, 

O, that's the cross for me. 

2 How happy are tbe saints above. 
Who once went mourning here,— 
■Bat now they taste nnmingled lo«e. 
And joy without a tear ; 

JO. Google 

Yes, perfect love will dry the Mar, 
Ami oast out all tormeniing fear, 
Which rpund mj heart is clinging, 
0, that's the love for me, &o. 

3 We'll hear tha consecrated cross. 
Till from the cross we are free, 
And then go home to wear the crown. 

Yes, there's a crown in heaven above, 
The purchase of a Sarioi^a love, 
For me at his appearing; 

0, that's the ctown for me, &c. 


BS ring, Praise, praise, for a 

with tliee, Blest, b]es( 

3 Bright in thai happy land. Beuns every eye. 
Kept by a fattaer^s hand, Lave caanot die, 
Oh, then, to glory mil ; Bo a crown and kingdom 

And bright, abovB (he sun. We re^ga Tor aya. 

JO. Google 


s 'rhcie, ID thai world pf »ghi, We sll shall mast, 
tSud ihsn-VlfrafsB the sir'ain To tba Lamb'lbal 
Hiah on the heavtnlv pia'n, At Jesiin' feat, 


WILL you coffio 10 the close I have diai oB for 

nd while si my ftel in eonltitlon yon lie, 
II huBh with my love even- penilenl rigb. 
ly, will you— will von— will you— will you U 

e your Savior Utit calle, 'i is youi God Oat Im- 

JO. Google 


I HAVE soucht roand the rerdant earlh, 
!For unfading joj, 
I have tried every source of mirth, 

But all, Ell will cloj; 

Lord bestow on me, 

Grace to set the spirit free, 

Thine the praise shall be. 

Mine, m ice the joj. 

S 1 have wandered in mazes dark, 

Of doubt and distress, 
I have not had a kindling spark. 

My spirit to blesa; 
Cheerless unbelief, 
^Filled mj laboring soul with grief; 
What shall give relief? 

What shall give peace ^ 

3 I then turned to ihj Gospel, Lord, 

From folly away, 
I then trusted thy holy word, 

Thai taught me to pray; 
Here I found release, 
Weary spirit here foond rest, 
Hope of endless bliss, 

Eternal day. 


The beart'a richest IribnCe bring. 

Tothee, God of power; 
And in heaven ahove, 
Saved by iliy redeeming love, 
Loud the strains shall move, 



llJ'E'RB rrav'ling home to heaven above— Will 
To Bine Ihes'avio'r'a dying love^WlH you go ? 



lis blest .ho. 
its to God. 



le road,— Will you Ko? 

"'°'"^gej.v„. uu^. 

, M see the ble 

edlDg LamI 

b,-Will you 

In rapt'roua alrains lopr. 

The conquetor'i palms o 

And all the jovs of lleaven 



ul bandslh 
we'll shai. 


we're goini 


■avenly Cho 
B Ih. lyte,- 


There Jl 

BXi anraiigele 

gltuHj- sing. 
'"heS' - 

-Wlli you gof 

JO. Google 

S The way lo beBven is ftee for ali^W 
For Jew and Genine-peac and ™all 

156 L. M. 

A POOR wajfering man of grief 
Hflih often crossed me on my way, 
Who sued so humbly for relief, 

That I could never answer " nay :" 
I liad not power lo ask his name, 
Whiiher he went or whence he came, 
Yet [here was something in his eye 
That won my love, I know not why. 

3 Once, when my scanty meal was spread, 
He entered; notaword he spake; 

Jnac perishing for want of bread ; 
I gave him all : he blessed ii, hrake, 

And ale,— bat gave me part again. 

Mine WES an aDgel's ponion then, 

Por while I fed with eager haste. 


3 I spied him whi^re a fountain burst 

Clear from the rock; his strength t 

JO. Google 


The heedlesB water mocked bia thirst, 

Ha heard it, saw U harrying on! 
I ran lo raise ihc sufferer up; 
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup, 
Dipt, nnil returned it running o'er ; 
I drank, and neTer ihirstad more. 

i 'Twas niijht; tho floods were out; it blew 

A winter hurricane aloof; 
I heard his voice abroad, and flew 

To bid him welcome to my roof; 
I warmed, I clothed, I cheered my guest, 
Laid him on rav own coach to reat; 
Then made the hearth my bed, and seemed 
In Eden's garden while I dreamed. 

5 Stript, wounded, beaten, nigh to death, 

I found him by the high way-side; 
I routed his pulse, braaght back his breath, 

Revived his spirit and supplied 
Wine, oil, refreshment; he was healed; 
I had myself a wound concealed; 
But fi om that honr forgot the smart. 
And peace bound up my broken heart. 

6 In prison I saw him next condemned 

To meet a. trMlor's doom at morn; 
The tide of lyin^ tongues I stemmed, 

And honored him raidstshame and scorn; 
My friendship's ntmoat zeal to try, 
He asked if I for him would die ; 
The fiesh was weak, my blood ran chill. 
But the free spirit cried " I will." 

JO. Google 

The stranger ilarltd from disguise ; 
The tokens in bis hands I knew, 

My Savior stood before mine eyes ; 
Hb spake; and my poor name he named; 
'■ Of me thou hast not been ashamed i" 
These deeds shall thy memorial be; 
Fear not, ihoa didst'theni unto me. 


;. & 5s. Double. 

ROUSE ye at the Savior's call! 
Sinners, rouse ye one and a!i ; 
Wake! or soon your soula wiil fall, 

Fall in deep despair. 
Wo to him wlio turns away, 
Jesus kindly calls to-day; 

Come. O sinner, while you may, 
Kaise joor soul in prayer. 

2 Heard ye not the Savior cry, 

" Turn, O turn, why will you die!" 
And in keenest agony. 

Monm too late your doom ! 
Haste, for time is rushing on ! 
Soon the fleetine hour is cone, 
The lifted arrow flies anoS, 

To sink yon in the lombr 

3 By the Savior's bleeding love, 
By the joys of heaven obove, 
Let these words yonr spirits move; 

Qniok to Jesus fly! 
Come and save jonr souls from death, 
Haste ! escape Jehovah's wrath, 

Hjswo. Google 

Flv! for life's a fleeting brealh, 
'Soon, soon jou'U die. 


'Soon, soon jou'U die. 
C. M. 

LA.:-;D of rest, for tliae I si^li, 
"When will the moments conie> 

n I shall lay my armor by 

And dwell niih Christ at home ? 

2 No tranqnil joja on earth I know, 

No peaceful sheltering dome; 

This world's a wildemeBS of mo, 

This world is not my home. 

,■! To Jesus Chrijt 1 sought for rest, 

He bads me cease to roam, 

And flv for succor to his breast, 

And" he'd conduct mc home. 

4 I siionld at once have quit the field, 

Wliere foes in furj roam, 
Bui ah. my passport was not sealed, 
I could not yet go homo. 

5 When by afilictioQ sharply tried, 

I liewed the gaping torab. 
Although I dread death's chilling tide, 
Yet still I sighed for home. 

6 Weary of wandering round and round 

This vale of sin and gloom. 
J long to leave the unhallowed ground, 
And dwell with Christ at home. 

Hjswo. Google 


LORD ! in tha morning thou shell h«et 
My voice ascending high: 
To ihee will 1 direci mj pravtjr, 
To tbe« lift np mine eye. 

S Then to thine house will I resort, 

To taste thj mercies there ; 

I will freqnenD ihv holy court, 

And worship in thy fear. 

3 Then arl a God before whose si^iht. 

The Kicked shall not Btard ; 

Sinners shall ne'er be Ibj delight, 

Kor dwell at Ihj right liand. 

4 But iheT who love and fear thy name 

Shall see their bopes fuiaied ; 
The mighti' God will corapais ihent 
With favor as a shield. 

5 may Ihy spirit guide my feet 

In ways of trulb and grace; 

Make every path of duty straight, 

And plain before nn- faee. 


T'OGETRER let us sweetly live, 
I am bound for the land of Canaaij 
Together let us sweetly die, 
I am bonod for the land of Canaan, 

Hjswo. Google 


Canaan, bright Canaan, 

1 Hm bound for the land of Canaan: 

Canaan, h is my happy home, 

1 am bound for the land of Canaan. 

2 If you fret there before I do, 

I am bound for the land of Canaan; 
Look out for me. I'm eoming too, 
I am bonnd for the land of Canaan. 

a I have some friends before me gone, 
I am bound for the land of Canaan; 
And I'm resolr'd w travel on, 

I am bound for the land of Canaan. 

i Our songs of praise shall fill the skiea, 
I am hound for the land of Canaan; 
While higher siill our joya they rise, 
I am bound for the land of Canaan. 

5 Then come with me. teloved friend, 
I am bound for the land of Canaan ; 
The joTs of hearen shall never end, 
I am" bound for Ihe land of Canaan. 

lU... „.,.,,.,.,..,. ,„,,™- 

Wtich Boon will qHEQCh tHis vital flame, 
ra U death? laitdealli-* 

I ilul] IDi Ejflf < 

of poiy BM- 



They waii w ivS iq'y apriu'Eome^™' 
AU is well— All is well. 

4 Hatk : Hirk : ray Lord and Master calls Di 
Allis well-All is well 

r WQn shall see his face in glory- 
All ts welllAills well. 

Farewell ray friends, adieu, adieu, 

I OD no longer stay with you, 

My glitlering ctown appears in view— 


iRE lanowi. _., 

a righteous Noiih I 

TyHERE is now a righteous Noah 1 

Where is 

JO. Google 

He went up throngh a flood of water, 

He went up through a flood of water, 
Safe in the proniis'd laad. 

Bv and by we do hope to meet him, 

Bv and by we do hope to meet hitn, 

By and by we do hops to meet him, 

Safe in the promia'd land. 

■2 Where is now good old Elijah, &e. 

Ho went up both soul and body, &c. 

3 Where are now the ancient worthies, &c. 
Tliey went up tbroagh a tierj furnace, &c. 

4 Where is now a [iraving Paniel, &c 
He went up through a den of lions, &c. 

5 Where ia now a Paul and Silas, &o. 
They went up through iribulation, &c. 


p. M. 

JO. Google 

iject ia Id houor and lo glorify his Goi. 

UneM, DRin and aormw he never wiU repinB, 
ihoisarawinj noufislitnelll from CiiriBtlhe 

When innible pmsa: 

And En liis precious p 
The yoSe of Christ 1) 

weary till C 
I'e ilia hiBIoiy through life from day 

In hope he reigicea &r he knows his God Is ntih. 

With eainla, ptiesis and prophels 

And shoni loud hullejujahs will 

He'i happy, in eleraity his joy ivil 
Wilh angels qow he's boniug r 

164 "Tm, 

JO. Google 

With admii-Btion they behold, 
Tlic love of Christ ihai caii'i he told, 
Thev view themselves upon the shore, 
And ihiiik the battle all is o'er. 

. They feel themselves tiuite free from paiti 
And think their enemies are slain ; 
Tliev make no doubt hut all is well, 
And Satan is cast down to hell. 

They wonder why old saints don't sing 
And make the heavenly arches ring; 
RinK iviih melodious, joyful sound. 
Because a prodigal is found. 

. Come take up arms and face the field. 
Come gird on harness, sword and shield. 
Stand fast in faith, light for your King, 

3 When satan comes to tempt your minds, 
Then meet him with these blessed lines- 
Jesus our Lord hath swept the field. 
And Ave're determined not to yield. 


WHES Joseph his brethren beheld, 
Afflicted and tremblina ivith fear, 
His heart with compassion was fiil'd. 
From Ti-eeping he could not forbear, 

JO. Google 

'2 Awhile his behavior was rough, 

To bring their past sins to liidr mind : 
But Bhcn they were humbltd enoagh, 
VlB hiistened to show himself kind. 

3 How little they thought it was he, 

Whom they had ill treated and sold! 
How great their confusion must be, 
As soon as his name he had told I 

4 " I am Joseph, yoar brother," he said, 

"And still to mj heart you are dear; 
You sold mo and thought I was dead, 
But God, for your aakes, sent me here." 

5 Though greatly distressed before, 

When charged with purioinmg tho cup, 
They now were confounded much more, 
Not one of them durst look up. 

6 Can Joseph whom we mould have slain, 

Forgive us the evil we did ' 
And ttill he our household n " 
0, this is a brother in 

7 Thus dragg'a by my c * v..^... 

When laden with guilt to the Lord, 
Surrounded with terror and shame, 
Unable to utter a word. 

S At first ho looked stem and severe ; 

What anguish then pierced my heart ! 
Erpecting each moment to hear 

The sentence — Thou cursed, depart! 

JO. Google 

9 But oil 1 whM surprise when he spoke — 
While tenderness beam'd ic his face — 
My heart then to pieces was hroko, ^ 
'O'erwheta'd and confounded by grace, 

166 c ji 

AFFLICTIONS though they seem severe 
In metey oft are Sent ; 
They stop'd the prodigal's career, 
And caused him to repent. 

I die with hunger hera, he cries, 

I starve in foreign lands ; 
My Father's house has large supplies. 

2 What have I gained by sin, ho said, 

But hunger, shame, and fear ' 
My Father's house abounds with bread, 
While I am starving here. 

3 I'll go and tell him all I've done, 

Fall down before his face; 

Unworthy to be called his son, 

I'll seek a servant's place. 

4 His Father saw him coming back, 

He saw, and ran, and smil'd, 
And threw bis arms around the neck 
Of his rebellious child. 




;«oice ray house, my sor 
For whom I monrned b 

I's aliv*, 
.3 dead. 


ETEKNITY is just at hand! 
And shall I wasie my ebbing sand, 
And careless view departing day, 
And throw my inch of lime away? 

And, sviiit 99 time fiillils its round, 
We lo eternity are bound. 

) What rannlless millions of manliitid 

Gone 10 a long elemity. 

4 Sinner, canst thou for erer dwell 
In all the fiery deeps of hell ? 
And is death iioiliing; then to thee ; 
Death and a dread etomitj? 


1TE.\RKEN, ye sprlBhll}', and attend, ys 

Fsuse in roar min^. adversity consider : 
Learn fioni a ftlend'e pen, sentimeulal, psinfiil 

a Heallhful snd gay, like ymi I Bpeni my momen 
Fondly my hesn »aiii. joy sluiriaal foreveri 

Hjswo. Google 

Bui by pemtEBion. 

i'ahfdow; lilEI" ^LiTe arrow, " 
l^alck to diapel it. 

I lisien'd irtitle death bells wen tolling, 

8 O, shBsliy deatli '. pray slop one moment loneer, 
vyhilB I Jive waniing lo my gay comiHiiiionBl 

169 I '^^ 

O'er fields by pale moonlitht in lonely retwst, 

JO. Google 


deep waa his aarov. so ferreut his prayer, 
at down o'et bis tMaomtollEdaHeal, Wood «■ 

S I urn thy reileemsr— foe lliee I musl die, 

Thv Bins B-BicJi are mBny, are laiiupon me- 
Ani all Ihii eoie anguish 1 euSbi <br Ibee ! 

Affected my henn, *id i fell at bis lest : 

7 With a TOiCB of cnnirHlon I loudly did cry, 
Lord, save, or I petish~0, sare, or I die ! 
He smiled when lie saw me, and said to me, live ' 
Tby sins, which are many, I freely fbrp'o ! 




May roll on tUtir billows ia vain. 

2 This loiT vale is far from contention, 
There's no soul ean dream of disseniion, 
Ko dark wiles of evil invention, 

Can find oui these regions of peace. 

3 The low soul in hnmble sabjeetion, 
Shall there find unshaken protection ; 
The soft gales of cheering reflection, 
The mind soothes in sorrow and pain. 

4 there, there the Lord nill deliTer, 
And souls drink this beautiful river. 
Which flows peace forever and ever, 
Where love and joy will always increase. 




2 Against the God who miss tlie skj, 
I fought with hands nplified hieh ; 
Despised the ofTera of his grace, 
Too proud to seek a hiding place. 

3 Enwrapp'd in datk Egyptian night, 
And fond of darkness more than light, 
Madly I ran the sinful' race, 

Secure without a hiding place- 

jo. Google 

4 But la ! the eterDal counsel ran, 
Almighty love arrest the man. 

I felt the arrows of (IKtress, 
And fouud I had no biding place. 

5 Eternal jnstjca stood in view, 
To Sinai's fiery monnt I fiew; 

But jnslice cried with frowning face, 
This monntain is no hiding place. 

6 But lo ! a heavenly voice I heard, 
And mercy to my sonl appear'd; 
She led me on a pleasing pace 
To Jesus Christ my hiding place. 

7 ShonM storms of sevenfold thunder roti, 
And shake the globe from pole to pole, 
No thunderbolt would dannt my face, 
For Jesas is my hiding place. 

8 A few more rolling suns at most, 
Will land me safe on Canaan's coast; 
Where I shall sing the song of grace. 
Safe in my glorious tiding place. 




2 There is a place my soul loves well, 
Where holy thoughls llie bosom swell ; 
There I can oft alone repair, 

It is the place of secret prayer. _ 

3 There is a lime to me most sweet. 
When friend wirh SnmA can gently meel 
T is round the sacred altar, where 
The lov'd of home unite in prayer. 

i There is a sweet, a lovely spot, 
Where all our toils are oft forgot; 
And friends and foes assemble there, 
'Tis in the house of socisl prayer, 

5 And often too I fain would go, 
Where all may meet while here belowj 
The rich, tlie poor, the young and fair, 
'T is in the house of public prayer. 

e But thore'sBplflceofheavenly rest. 
Where saints, departed, all are blest. 
Dear Jesus, may this be my prayer, 
That I may dwell forever there. 


C. M. 
i the time, th' accepted hour, 
iner< 1 nnme away : 

t your door, 

JO. Google 

He'll then ia robes of vengeance come, 

3 Then where, poor sinners, will yon he, 

If destitute of i»race ; 
When jou your injured Judge shall see, 
And stand before Ms face 1 

4 Let not these warnings he in vain, 

Lest jon should meoi them all again, 
When wrapped in keen iieon despair. 


niHB glorious light of Zion is spreadine fat 

And sinners now ate coming into the gospel lii 
The standard of King Jesus doth now in Itlu 

a The sufferings of the Savior upon moun 


Some so^^o,posod to ruin. «deen,ing 


3 And of that happj. number, I hope thai 1 
Antf Jesus Christ will finish the work h< 
He'll cut It short in righteousness, snd 



)6of tighleouaness. 
t in riglileouB acti ta- 

Behold hie bleeiline body suspended on Ihi 
Hii Weeillng heail.TiiB binds, hia «de, be 
Cane .eirme'^'fellow »iBn«, how can ; 

175 s=-5^'=- 

/"lOilB, ye converts, come and welcome; 

2 Stay no longer, stay no longer. 
From yonr blessed Savior's fold; 
Come, dear yonib, je lambs of Jeaoa, 


3 How accept (he pledge we give jon, 
\Vhiie our hnnds with jours we join 
Wliile our hearls nnito together 
In Ibe bonds of love divine ^ 
Blessed Jesus, blessed Jesua, 
May we all henceforth be thine. 

i Now the Towa ol' God are on you — 
Be the slaves of sin no more: 
O be bumble, holy, faithful, 
Till the toils oflife are o'er; 
Then, dear brethren, then, dear sis 
Slay we meet on Canaan's shore. 


lEAY"ER is appointed to convey, 

J. The blessings God designs lo gire; 

Long as they live should Wiristians pray, 

Por only while they pray they live. 

B If pain aiflicf, or wrongs oppress, 
If eares distract, or fears dismay. 
If gnill deject, if sin distress, 
I'ha remedy's before thee— pray. 

^ "^J? P"?*'' snppofts the soul that 's weak : 
Though thought be broken, language lame, 
Pray, if thou canst, or canst not apeak ; 
But pray with faith in Jesus' name. 



HaUeluJjli 10 ibe Lamb, Ac. 

3 Jesus, ride on, ItiutnnliEmlly glorious ) 
O'er sin, deslh and hell, tboii an mote Uian viMo- 

Tliy name Is liie tijtme of the gteal congteraUon, 
While aDgels jnd men raise Ibe ahout of aafvaUon- 
Haiieiuj.iii 10 llie Laoil), &c. 


Where a poor t: 
His fleah wiih rngacd ir 

3 Surpris'd the spectacle tc 

1 aek'6, who can ihis vict 

In such exquisite pain 


Why tbns consign'd to woe?, I cried • 

" "I is I," the bleeding Son replied, 

" To save the world from sin." 

3 Jesus for rebel mortsU dies ! 
How can it be? my soul replies, 

Wbat ! Jesas ilie for me i 
" Yes," saith the suffering Son of Gofl, 
"I give my life, I spill mj blood, 

For thee, poor soul, for tbee." 

4 Lord, since thy life Ihou'st freely giv'n 
To bring my wretched son! to beav'n. 

And bless me with thy love, 
Then at thy feet, O God, I'll fall. 
Gii'C thee ray life, my Boul, my all. 

To reign with theo above. 


LET thy kingdom, blessed Savior, 
Come and bid onrjarrings cease; 
Come, come, and reign forever, 

God of love, and prince of peace t 
Visit now tiiy precious Zion, 

Hear thy people monrn and weep. 
Day and night thy lambs are crying, 
Come, good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. 
2 Some for Paul, some for Apollos, 
Some for Cephas — none agree ; 
JesQS, let us hear thee cnll us. 

Help as. Lord, to follow thee. 
Then we 'Jl rush through what encumbers. 
Over every hind'rance leap, 


3 Lord, in ns there is no merit, 

We've been sinners from onryonlh, 
Guide ns, Lord, bj thy good Spirit, 

Which shall teach us all the trulh. 
On the gospel word we'll venture, 

Till in death's cold arms we sleep, 
Love 's our bound and Christ our centre, 

0, good Shepherd, feed thy sheep. 

4 Couie, good Lord, with courage arm us, 

Persecption rages here, 
Xolhing, Lord, we know, can harm us, 

While our Shepherd is so near ; 
Glory, glory, be to Jesns, 

At his name oar hearts do leap: 
He both comforts us and frees ua. 

The good Shepherd feeds his sheep. 

5 Hear the Prince of your salvation, 

Saying, " Fear not liitle flock ; 
I myself am your foundation, 

Tl ou are built upon this roel: ; 
Shnn the path of vice and folly, 

Scale the mount although 'tis steep ; 
Look to me and be ye holy, 

I delight to feed my sheep." 

6 Christ alone whose merit saves us, 

Taught by him we'll own his name. 
Sweetest of all names is Jesns, 

How it doth our souls inflame ! 
Glory, glory, glory, glory, 


a him glory, he will keep ; 

11 clear the way before us^ 

The good Sbepheril feeds his slieep. 


WHY. my soul, why weepest tho« 
Tell me from whence arise 
Those briny tears that ofien flow, 
Those groans thai piereo the skies t 

S Is sin the canse of thy complaint, 
Or the ebasleninfj rod ? 
Do^t thou an evil heart lament, 

3 Lord, let me weep for nought but sin. 
And after none but thee ; 
And then I would, O that 1 might I 
■ weeper be! 


E are on our jonrncy home ! 


To the theNcw JfrusalL... 
To meet the Lord is peace ; 
That Lord will soon appear — 
With [he New Jerusalem : 
All Christians '1! enter iu— 
To walk its golden srreets ; 
And see the sootless Ijamb^ — 
The blessed Eamb of God ; 
And play on harps of gold 


Sow angels are hovering ronnd. — 
To bear the saims all home; 
To llie New Jcrusalein. 



. iJie 1 

inda Euii 

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'6 Ijoiind ftora Iha 

™w, in™ 

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e shies, 




billows het ti 





lile liell a 

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e Ebb-iid« 



la Ibe dcE 
ir Hglee 


haled ly wortdlingB, despised by oil fo 



AT life's eatlv n 

. When my Bible was dear, 
A Toice from ils pages 
Oft breatlied o'er my ear, — 
" Oh grieve not ihe Spirit I Oli grieve not tbe 
Spirit ! 
Oh grieve not his love. 

2 Ofmy mother I aslied, 

As I knelt at her knee 

To say mj sweet praver, 

What was whispering to tnc ! 
She answered, " The Spirit ! The blest, Holy 
Spirii r 
Oh grieve not His love." 

Went murmurinaby, 

lice warned me heavenward ! 

of the Spirit, 

The Spirit of love. 


"Kepent!" cried the Spirit, tbe witnessii 

The Spirit of loYE. 

5 But years fled apace, 

And niih sin 1 grew wild. 

For the world and its tempters 

My conscience defiled— 

So I slighted the Spirit, the pitjing Spirit, 

The Spirit of love. 

6 And now I am old, 

Mj temples are hoar 
And I feel the warm breath 
Of His impulse no more, 
Tor I slighleii the Spirit— the long wiitii 
I mocked at His love. 

And I Fi-ar to dep 
Forsaken hj Uim 
Why convertelh 1 

■ e Spiri 

ieve noyilje Spirit— 
The SpMl^sf love. 


How Fweot in the musing of faitl), to fepsir 
To ihp gardeu where Mary delighted to ro' 

And paidhet aid tribute of sorrow ind lore. 

JO. Google 

And the vgiceDf Uie angel salulesher glad car,— 
" The Savior has risen— he 's a captive no more !" 

3 O Bavior ! as dfl as our footsteps we bend 
In penitent sadness lo weep at tiiy grave, 
On tile wlngaotthrgrealneaa in pity descend, 
Bb ready lo comiijrt, ajid mighty lo aaie. 

If there we may meet with the Lord of our love j 

185 p.m' 

And ail Iheir delights I abhor. 

Foilowallhy JeeilivouidMe: 
I iinow thai Ibou hearest my €eble cnmplaiiils, 
ThDu hearesi the young raven's cry. 
4 Give strength to the souls that now wail upon Itoi 
O: come, in thy chariot of love ^ 



2 Give lae a calm and thankful heart, 

From every murmur freei 
The blessings of thy grace impart, 
And make me live to thee. 

3 Let the sweet hope that thou art miae, 

My life ai5d death attend; 
Thy presence through my joarney shine, 
And erown my journey's end. 


rrmiUMPHAST Zion; lift thy head 
X From dust, And darkness and the dead ', 
Tho' humbled long, awalie at length, 
And gird thee with thy Savior's strength. 

i Put all thy beanieous garments on. 
And let thy excellence he known : 
Decli'd in the robes of righteousneaa, 
Thy glory shall the world confess. 

3 Ko more shall foes unclean invade, 
To till thy hallowed walls with dread; 
Ko more shall hell's insulting host 
Their victory and thy sorrows boast. 

4 God from on high has heard thy prayer ; 
His hand thy mins shall repair; 

Nor will thy watchful monarch cease 
To guard thee in eternal peace. 



HEAR the royal proclamation, 
The glad tidings of salvalioii ;' 
Offer'd free for every crearare, 
Of the ruin'd sons of natare I 
Jesas reigns ! 
He reigns victorious, 
Over heaven and earth most glorioai 
Jesus reigns ! 

2 'T vras Tor jon thai Jesna died, 
And for jou was crneiJied ! 
Conqner'd death and rose 10 heaven, 
Life eternal through him given ; 

Jesus reiguB, &e. 

3 Tnm unlo the liOtd most holy; 
Shun the paths of vice and folly i 
Turn, or you are lost forever ! 
Oh, now fiy unto the Savior — 

Jestta reigns, &c. 


8s. 7b. & 4s. 
'ER the gloomy hills of darkness, 
Look, my soul— be still and gase ; 
it ihe promises advancing 
To a glorious day of grace ! 

Blessed jubilee; 
Let thy glorious morning dawn ! 


That divine and glorious conquest 
Once obtained on Calvary ; 

Let !he gospel 
Load resound, from pole to pole. 
3 Kingdoms wide, that sit in darkness. 
Grant them, Lord, the glorious light; 

Way the morning chaso the night ; 

Let redemption, 
Freely purchased, win the daj ! 

t rij ahroad, ihon mighty gospel, 
Win and conquer — never cease! 
May thy lasting, wide dominionB 
Multiply, and still increase; 

Sway thy sceptre, 
Savior, all the world aroQOd ! 


Al-R—God is love. 

Saying tul 

Who ofl have n'cpl— have wept ftir jde, & mouni'4, 
Bui all Ihf it Ipare I ifid dE^Se,'"^ "'"" 


Had 1 but turned at mercy's cry, 

And sought salvation wlien brought nigh, 

I might have been prepared to die. 

All's not well, all's not welt 

That i may leave the world tn peace- 
All's not well, dl'a not well 

S Younf people iMnk, O Ihint on wretched i 

My dying wotds— these words you oft may 


THE ChrisliRii has a light to shi 
Upon the dismal lomh — 
A light of glorj, thus divine, 
Dispels the darkest gloom. 

2 The Christian has a treasure rare, 
A crown of glory bright; 
Its dazzling rajs are brighter far, 
Than noonday'^ brilliaGt light. 


3 The Christian has a harp so sweet — 

A harp of purest sold — 

lis melodies can well compete 

With David's harp of old. 

4 The Christian lias a rich reward, 

Kternal life in heav'n ; 
'T was hoHghi by Christ's own precious blood, 
By Jesus Christ 'tis given. 


ri AY. brethren dear, why sleep we here, 
O Or sink into despair; 
While tinners go to worlds of wo, 
And perish ever there 1 
3 Come sisters, loo, the way pursue 
That leads from earth to heaven, 
Up Zion's bill march on, nntil 
The promis'd crown is given. 
3 Backsliders, too, what will you do 
When God your souls shall call 1 
In that dread day what will yoo saj 
To Christ the judge of all ? 
t Come sinners, now, to Jesns bow, 
His gospel comfort gives; 
Fariion he'll give, thy soul shall live. 
Beneath his balmy wings. 



My childhood «nd yomh, in vanilj' I spent 
Regardless of the Irulh, and to tolly intent 
For more Ibaa eiglileen ysnrs, I ;J,ed no i 

Bui plend tot my sins, and refliseii to cepei 

Infleifftly hard, impenelrably Wind, 
Ths pleasures of sin half lilioded mv mind 
To me it did appear, God's law 
To the croas of the goajwl, I ira 


Tliat lure pursued my soul, wlien it vts sick uiil 
And itBiion-edme JwwneartotBebrinli I didEtsnd. 
law appeared ri^^l^ 
le pardon of sin, it \ri 
6 T lan^isb 

Lit of my aight. 

I saw God was Just, if I sunk down^w 
My heart wa. dreadful hard, and the . 

And hell from 

Then Jesus dlt _,, , 

And he look all the load fnim 

mad gaping thr its prey ; 

[lory waa open'd and beaming 



VE herslds of the cross, go forih, 
1 Proclaim tbe Savior's name: 
Go preach the gospel to the norta— 
Let south receive the same. 

2 To all the world, the tidings hear; 

Go sonnd salvation free; 
And in God's kingdom you will sharo 
A joyful victory. 

3 Go, tell the sinner of his ways, 

Of judftmentyettocome; 
Tell him hell's wailing for its prey, 
And awful is his doom. 
.1 Fear not the face of mortal clay- 
Let none despise ihy youth ; 
Steadfastly walk in wisdom's way. 
Obedient to Iha truth. 


niHOUGH youth's delightful bloom 
J. Dwells sweetly on thy cheek, 
Soon in the silent tomb 

Thy form in death may sleep— 


184 SAC 

Thy sonl in jndgment must appear. 
And answer for your actions here. 
S Thongb prospects now are bright, 

And pleasures iight tliy way, 
Thy day may ttirn to nigbt— 

Thy earthly hopes decay; 
Tain the pursuit of happiness, 
Earth can afford no perfect hlisa. 

3 Ye blooming youth, beware ; 

From ways of folly Bee ; 
Shun the vile tempter's snare. 

While moral agents free. 
Listen nnto the Savior's voice, 
And make iha way to heav'n your choict; 

4 Jesua was crucified 

To save your souls from hell ; 
For yon he bled and died, 

That yon with hira might dwell- 
Around his throne forever siu)-, 
And love and praise our heav'niy King. 


C. M. 

lord, theyar 

. 11 bow before „..v, 

Cut! I obtain forgiveness there, 
If penitent 1 cornel 

a Yes, Lord. I know thon wilt foi^ivi 

The broken, contrite heart- 

Then let an humble sinner live. 

And grace to hiia impart. 


'■', Since thou haet died for all mankind, 
And hear' St the sinner's prayer, 
Say, Lord, muFt I be left behind, 
To perish in despair ? 

4 Purdon my sins and follies past, 

Remove my burden now ; 
Save thou my soul from hell at last. 
And faiihfulness I vow. 

5 Thy name I ever will adore, 

Thou iust and holy one: 
I'll tread the ways of sin no more. 



O Gentle 

Plea jar t as 

When it 

, ihou wast mild and 
as the summer-hreei 

: the air of evening, 
floats among tbe trei 


Peaceful be thv silent slumber. 
Peaceful in the grave 30 low; 

Thou no more wilt join our number. 
Thou no more our songs shall know. 

3 Dearest sister, ihou hast left IB, 
Hare thy loss we deeply feel, 
But 't is Ood that hath herein us, 



BACKSLIDERS, who your miserv feel 
Altend your Savior's call ; 
Return, he'll yonr backslidings heal; 
crown him Lord of ail. 
S Though crimson sin increase jonr gailt, 
And painful is joar thrall, 
For broken hearts his blood was spilt: 
crown him Lord of all. 

3 Take with you words, approach his throni 

And low before him fall ; 
He understands the spirit's groan : 
O crown him Lord of all. 

4 WhooTer comes he'll not cast out, 

Akhoiigh yonr faith be small : 
His faiihfulneas you cannot doubt: 
crown him Lord of all. 


8i, & 73. 
TB who know your sins forgivei 
L And are happy iu the Lord, 
ave yon read that precious promi 
Found recorded in his word. 
1 impart lo yoa my spirit, 
I will cleanse jou from all sin, 
mctifv and make you holy, 
I ivili reign and dwell within 



2 Thongh you haTe much peace dud comfort, 

Greater things jou jel may find — 
Freedom from unholj tempers, 

Freedom from the carnal mind; 
To procure this perfect freedom, 

Jesus suffereiJ, Eroaned and died — 
On the cross the healing fountain, 

Gushed from his bleeding side. 

3 Wake up, brethren, wate up, sisters — 

Seek, seek that holy aiale, 
Kone but holy ones can enter 

Through those pure celestial gates, — 
Can you bear the thoughts of losing 

All the joys that are aboTe ? 
Ko, my brethren, no, my sisters, 

God will perfect yon in love. 


rpliEdiariol! IhcchsrJotl it5 wheels rollln (ire. 

rives on itn palliway of cloud, 
111 Che burdeu of Godbead ai 

9 Ths glo 
And [h 

TV ! tbe s 
hosts of "l 
: giorified 


Iho th'o 



im array'd 





From Uip sea, from iHe e; 

itth, fi 

are roine 

JO. Google 

i The judgmenl ! the judgnieni 


"Tlig bsrreat is p&fiEing, {be summer wiU eod." 

a Hojvoftof thy danger and guilt he halh (QidHiee! 

Hasle, haste, while iiB wuils in his arms lo enfold 

" The harvem la paaains, Ihe suiamet will end." 

3 DesplBed, rejected, at kncth he may leavs thee : 

IVhal anguish and hnirbr thy bosun will rend ! 
Then hasle thee, O sinner, while he will receive 

4 Ere loni, and Jelioiah will cnme in his power : 

Our God will arias, with his foes lo contend ; 

Haste, haste Ihee, O sinner i prepare for that hour; 

" The harvest is paaaing, tfie summer wUl end." 

5 The Sai-ior mill call thee in jndrnient before him : 
Kow, yield liim thy heart, and make haste lo adore 


202 L. M. 

COME hilher, all ye weary souls, 
Ye hwyladen sinnard, come; 
ril give you rest from all your toils, 
And. raise you lo my heavenly home. 
2 ■■ They shall Bart rest who learn of me : 
I'm of a meek and lowly miod : 
But passion rages like the sea, 
And pride is restless as the mind. 

.■J " Blest is the man whose sliouldera take 
My voke, and bear it with delight; 
My voke is easy to the neck ; 
My grace shall make the burden light." 

4 Jesus, we come at thy command : 

With faith and hope, and humble zeal, 
Eesign our spirits lo thy hand. 

To mould and guide us at tby will. 


THOU sweel gilding Cedron, by IhyBilverslreama, 
Om Savlot at midnight when moonlight's pale 

^hone bright on the wa.IBrs, would fleguently sira)', 
And lose, in ihy murmurB, the tolls of Ibe day. 

Q Haw danip were tbe vapors that tbil on bis b«ad ! 

The sn pels, aslonisheil, grow sad il Ibe atohl. 



LIS !hai gladdons Ihe s 

P BAYER is the soul's siaoere desire 
Utiutiered or expressed, 
The molion of a hidden fire, 
That trembles in the breast. 

2 Prayer is the bnrden of a sieh, 

Thefallingof a tear, 
The upward glancing of an eve, 
When none bui God is near. 

3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech 

That infant lips can try ; 
Prayer, the sublimesi strains that reach 
The Majesty on high. 

His watchword at the gates of death } 
"' ""'"-s heaven with prayer. 


PKATEH is the contrite sinner 
Returning from his ways, 
While angels in their songs rejoic 
And ory, "Behold he prays." 


2 The laiQts in prayer appear as one 

In word, in deed, and mind, 

While with tho Father and the Son 

Sweet fellowship they find. 

3 Kor prarer is made on earth alone ; 

The fioly Spirit pleads, 
And Jesns, on th' eternal throne, ^ 
Tor siGiiers intercedes. 

4 O Thon, by whom wo come lo God, — 

The life, tho truth, the way,— 
The path of prayer thyself bast trod; 
Lord, teach us how to pray. 


73. &, 6s. 

GO, when the morning shineih. 
Go, when the moon is bright, 
Go, when the eve deelineth, 
Go, in the hnsh of night; 
Go, with pure mind and feeling, 
Fling earthly thought away, 
And, in thy chamber kneeling, 
Do thou in secret pray. 

2 Remember all who love thee, 
All who are lov'd by thee; 
Pray too, for tho5e who hate thee, 
If any such there be; 
Then for thyself, in meeknoss, 
A blessing hambly claim. 
And link with each petition 
Thy great Redeemer's naroP 

JO. Google 

3 Or if' I ia e'er ileni'd thee 
In solitade to pray, 

Should holy thougbCs come o'er (h 
When friends are round thy way ; 
E'en then the silent breathing, — 
Thy spirit rais'd ahore. — 
Wiil reach, his throne of glory. 
Who's Mercj, Truth, and Love. 

4 Oh! not a jor nor blessing 
With this can we compare, 
The pow'r that he hath gir'n us 
To pour onr sools in prav'r ! 
When'er thou pin'st in sadness 
Before his fbolstool fall, — 
Eeraember, in thy gladness. 
His lore who gave thee all. 


C. M. 

JESUS, thoa art iht sinner's friend, 
Aa such I looi; to thee; 
Now in the bowels of thy love, 

Lord, remember me. 

2 Remember tby pure word of grace ; 

Hemeinber Calvary! 
Remember all thy dying groans, 
And then remember me, 

3 Thou wondrous Advocate with God 1 

1 yield myself 10 thee; 

While ibou art sitting on thy throne, 
'-> r^ord, remember me. 

JO. Google 

I own I'm gailty, own I'm rile, 
Yel Ihy ealvalion 'i free ; 

Then, in thy all-bo undiog grace, 
O Lord, remember me. 

5 And when I close my eyes in death, 

And creature helps all flee. 

Then, O my great Redeemer, God, 


77ie Dging Thief, 

JESUS Chiist has power alone 
To subdue a heari of stone; 
And the moment grace is fell, 
Then the hardest heart will melt. 

a When oar Lord was crucified, 
Two transgressors with him died; 
One, Willi vile blaspheming tongue, 
Scoffd at Jesus, as ho hung. 

3 Thus he spent his wicfeed breath 
In the Tery jaws of death; 
Perish'd, as too many do, 
With the Savior in his »iew. 


Faith reteived to own the Lord, 

■Whom the scribes and priests abhor'd 
5 Lord, lie pray'd, remember rae, 

When in glorj Ihou shflit be; 

Soon with me, the Lord replies, 

Tbott shall rest in paradise. 
8 This was wondrous grace indeed i 

Grace beetow'd in time of need ! 

SinDers, trnat in Jesus' name, 

You shall find him still the same. 


TOSB— " Sal'.<i . 

II cues, snollies, softeM, auhd 
Giw. vigor to hupe, and puiB 
Prayer, ptayer, O, nweel (.r. 
Be ll ever no Bimpie, there 't i 
I When far from ibe ttienie vie 
WhM fond recnllectionB alijl c 
PMt eonverae, puel scenes, p( 

Oh how hnrlflilly pteBBins 1!1L 


Our chalice of joj mum be guarded bj prayer. 

/ilU " Mcmember iM's tK/e." 

HOW prone are proltssorB lo rest on Iheir lees. 
To siiid)- Ihetr pleasure, their profii and ease j 

Ajiriook BD'hebin/llTeet^RemembH Lo't'awift. 

m thy Bluoibers, (b« i 


Dgers Bie pending, e?cane for Iby life, 
uot behind Ihee.—RenieiDber Lol'a wll 


ny poor eouIs has the tempter begniled, 
cioiH templaiions how many defiled 1 
deluded, eecnpe for Ihy life, 
nol behind Ihee,— Remember Lot's wli 

No plea> 

. of religion true pleasure afford, 
ureii can equal Ihejoya of the Lord: 
hen the world, nnd eicape for thy life, 
PDi behind Ihee,— Remeniher Lol'i wll 


12s. & Us. 

lut we will not de 

Thougb B 

ortowi Hud Jatkne, 

'■ encompaw thi 


Perhips tby weaX aplril In doiibl llngeied long ; 
Bui the Buii shine of heaven beamed brigtilon thy 

And the sound rhou dldat bear nas the sera- 

Thoa art gone tn the grave ; but we will nol de- 
plere ihee. 
Since God waa thy Itaniom, Ihy Guardian, thy 


J. When sinners shall eome flocking homa, 
To lasle ihe sweets of Jesus' love, 
And seek the jojs lliat are above. 


3 Attend, poor Einners, to his word : 
Serve him, jea, own him as jxmrXord, 
He'll wash you in atoning blood, 
And seal jou heirs and sons of God. 

i A few more dajs and you must go 
To realms of joy or endless wo; — 
In worlds of light with Christ to dwell, 
Or sink beneath his frowns to bell. 

5 Come then, dear sinners, counsel take, 
And all jonr sinful ways forsake ; 

This world give up, leave friends behind. 
In Christ you shall redemption find. 

6 Tate your companion by Ihe hand, 
Take all your children in a band; 
And give them np at Jesus' call. 
To pardon, bless, and save them all. 

7 Then when the day of Christ shall come. 
And he eoUecis his children home; 

On ZIon's mount you all shall stand, 
And join the bright angelie band. 

8 0, what a glorious company ! 
May I be there the sight to see. 
And join in praise to Jesus' name, 
Ali glorious in Jerusalem, 

, ..Google 


HERE o'er the eanh as a elranaer I roan!. 
Here is no reBt, i9 no rest; 
Here aa a pilgrim I wander alone, 

Yellamblesl, lamlileBl; 
For I look Ibrward to that glorious dav. 
When .in and sorrow « ill vanish a»,y ; 
Mv heart dolh leap while 1 liear Jesua sav. 
There, there is rest, there is rest. 
S Here fierce lemplationa beset me around ; 
Here i am grieT'd while mj foes me surround 

Laugh at my weening, — endeavor to shame; 
I will go forward, for this is my iheme; 

Here I must part with the friends I hold dear: 
Yet I am blest, 1 am hkst. 
Sweet is the proiuiao I read in Ills word j 
Blessed are they who have died in ihe Lord; 
They liave been cali'd to receive iheJr rewnrd 
There, there ii rest, there is rest. 
4 This world of cares is a wilderness state. 

Here I must h^r from tlie' world all its hate. 
Yet I am blesi, I am hlesl. 
Soon I shall be from the wicked released. 
Soon shall the weary forever lie hlesi; 
Soon shall I lean upon Jesus' soft breast; 
Ifiere, there is rest, [here is rest. 


riSCftED MBIODIB8. '* 

i!ii4; £ld. Qauent Phiim^'s Experience. 

I'LL sing a song which dotli belong 
To all the people round me, 
I'll spread the fame of Jesus' name, 
And tell hom Jesus foand me. 

how these words ran throagh m 
3 I wKS like Paul, who v.-aa eall'd St 

bitter p< 
3id disda 

n being bom Bgain, 
And called it all delusion. 

i I fought the saints withoat rastraiot, 
Too prsiid to cry for tnerey; 
Conviction strong did come along, 
Ohl how these things did pierce me. 

5 I did not know which way to go, 
My sins appeared like mouotaina ; 
All filled with wo, my tears did iiow, 
My bead was like a foantain. 

ir'. Mj sonl has been so long in sin, 


Tbea I did find Jesiia was mine. 
Oil ! whal a pleasing story. 

8 Come sianers now, to Jesus bow, 
While grace is offered to you ; 
Come as jou are, to Christ repair, 
Or sin will sure undo yon. 

9 With lovely charms and open arms, 
Kow Jesus will receiye you ; 
Come, sinnerB, come, in him there's 
And Jesus will relieve you. 



brighinesB of Zion's glad i> 

Zion in triuinpli begins her mild reign. 

1 HfliI to the brig 

Genlilett »nc) 


ions from Iwndage returning. 
Jewfl the blest Tieion behold 

Lo, in the dese. 

■I rich flowers are Jpringing, 

Streams ever 

Loud fioin the n 

Wastes rise i 

copious are gliding along; 
loiintain-iops echoes ai-e ring 
n verdure, and mingle in tot 

See, the dead r] 
Praise to Jel. 

Fall'n are the e 
Sbouss of sail 

isen from land and from oeea 
ovah ascending on high; 

'alion are rending the aky. 






SAVIOR or .InnetB. nht 
bnwallhjteel, indwilh 

hie her ih 

Id depress 

When Ifmpi 

eiJ by Sals 


Spirit m i 

19 on high 
Higher Itag 



™ helmed 
j hide in i 

EMS, Lo 
the Bock, 1 


e chrood In the Und 
iTdafrgin thy hand! 




Iwfhre God lo 1 
I'll yield wllbi 


' euler the Sock Ihit ii higher Uian I. 
is there, »iih the chiwen oT Jfiui, I loni 


<i lenaK, the Bock 





faithful, sure pron 
lUDd Ihat was plei 

"ed ftr me'' 







^ " Lord'i 
UR Father ivho 
Hallowed be tl 

> /"rajfr." 



Come ray Savior, O my Savior. 

Come and bless thj people noiv, 

While at thy feet we bumbly bow, 

O come aad save us now. 

Then will wa sina; onr snfferiEgs o'er, 

And praise ihee evermore ; 

Then will we sing our suFrings o'er. 

And praise ttiee evermore. 

2 Give as ttiis day our daily breaij ; 

Our trespasses forjiive; 

As we forgive onr fellow men, 

May we iby grace receive. 

Come, my Savior, &c. 

3 And in lemplatioD leave its not; 

From evil us defend; 
For thine, O Lord, the kingdom is. 
For ever, mithoct end. 

Come, my Savior, &o. 

i Thine is the pon-er, Lord, to bring 
The kingdotn down to men ; 
Thine is the glory evermore, 
And kingdom without end. 

Come, my Savior, &e, 

5 In that slad day shall all thy saints 
A joyful tribute bring. 
Of praise and pow'r, of joy and song. 
To their exalted king. 

Come, my Savior, Sic. 

JO. Google 

tilo 8S.7S.&4S. 

SAVIOR, Tisil Ihy plantalion ; 
Grant us, Loid,'a gradous rain : 
All will come to desolatioD, 
Ualess thoo relurn again : 

A!I oar he!p must come from thee. 

2 Surely once thy garden flourishedi 

Every part looiieii gay and green ; 
Ail Us plants by thee were nourished ; 

Then how cheering was the scene 1 
Lord, revive us ! 
All our help musf come from thee. 

3 Keep no longer at a disfance ; 

Shine upon us from on high, 
Le.'t, for want of thine assistance, 
Every plant should droop and die: 

All our help must come from thee. 

4 Gradous Savior, hasten hither; 

Thou canst make them bloom again ; 
O, permit them not to wither ; 
Let not all our hopes be vain ; 

Make us prevalent in prayers ; 

Let each one esteem thy servant, 

Shun the world's hewiiching si 

JO. Google 

All our help must come from thee. 

6 Break tlie templer's fatal power, 
Turn tlie stony heari to flesh, 
And begin from this good hotir. 
To revive thyworfe afresh: 

All our help most come from thee. 


MIGHTY God, OQ thoe we call, 
O look down on Zion's wall: 
Build her rains that are ivide, 
Lord, appear on Zion's side. 

a See thy people, gracions God, 
ScfllWr'd and dispers'd abroad ; 
How their foes do them deride, 
Lord, appear on Zion's side. 

3 Once they sang thy praises hold. 
And with joy Uiy -wonders told ; 
Now they moarn,— in sorrow hide. 
Lord, appear on Zion's side. 

4 Love is cold and sias abound, 
Truth is scarcely to be found; 
Error doth in triomph ride. 
Lord, appear on Zion's side. 

JO. Google 

And withm thj grace abide 

Lord, appear on 

Zion's side. 



J Bound For llie la 

Illy onward I 

nd of bilehl 1 


Angelic chomuisE 

lag aa 1 comr 

Joj fully, jojrullF hi 


r brijhl aplrii 

13 1 B», 

PLIgrim and sitange 

all I roJ 

Jojfully, joymily le 

aline .thomi 

2 Friendi. fondly cher 


»bM on 


WMllIng, Ihey «=ic 

chlng It 

SiiiEin^ln cheer m» 

through deal 


.1 0) fully, joyftilly hi 

dddy full on 

my ear. 

Harps of Ibe blessed your vote*! 

I hear 

■a bigU 1 


JojfUJIy, joyfully hi 

Me to thy h. 

3 Deaih.wlihlhy w( 




Slrlke, kiog of larr 

Jeaii! bam broken t 


Joyftilly, Joyfully » 

lU I go home 

Brighi will ihe moi 


Bh'd, his sceptre be ( 

JnTfiilly theo shall 

Joyfully, JDjfully,B 

afely at horn. 


89. & 43. 

TESUS died 

m Ca!varj'( 



JO. Google 


2 Once his voite in tones of piiy, 
Melled in wo, 
And he wept o'er Judah's dtj, 
Long lime ago. 

a On his head ihe dews of midnight 

Fell, long ago ; 

Kow n croivn of dazzling sunlight 

Sits on his brow. 

5 Now inheav'n he's interceding 

Pordjintt men; 

Soon he'll Unish all hia pleading 

And come again. 

6 Budding fig-trees tell that suinmer 

Dawns o'er the iHtid ; 
Signs portend that Jesus' coming 

J Children, let your lighta be hunting. 
In hopes of heav'n, 
Waiting for onr Lord's returning 
At dawn of ev'n. 
3 "When ho comes, a voice from heST'n 
Shall pierce the lomb, 
" Come, je blessed of my father ; 
Children, come home." 



.... I'tii^ lonsue ah'ill sound aloud. 

Firewell, ftrewEll ! I loot above ; 
JesuB mi friMd, 10 IhM I cDl ; 

Ky lali^uard here, my hesieaJy AJ 



DANIEL'S wisdom may I know, 
SMpbea's faith and palience show; 

IMoses' meekness, Joshua's zeal ; 
Eua like the unwearied Paul, 
Win the pcize and conquer all. 

2 Mary's iove may I possess, 
Lydia's tender-heartedness; 
Peter's ardent spirit feel, 
James' faith by works reveal : 
Like young Timothy, may I 
Every sinful passion fly. 

3 Job's submission let me show, 
David's true devoiion know ; 

4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling pray'r, 
Gideon's valiant, steadfast care ; 
Joseph's purity imparl, 
Isaac's meditative hearf,— 
Abraham's friendship ;— let me pr 
Faithful to tiie God of love. 


\a my life and eondaet show 
How he liv'd and walk'd below ; 
Day by day, through grace bestow'd, 
Imilate my dearest Lord. 

S Then shall I those worthies meet, 
With them bow at Jesus' feet, 
With tliem praise the God of love, 
With them share the joys above; 
With them range the blissful shore, 
aitet them all to part no more. 


a. 7s. & 4i 

DAY of Judgment day of wonders ! 
Hark I the trumpet's awful sound, 
Louder than a thousand thucders, 
Shakes the vast creation round : 

liow the summons 
Will the sinner's heart confound 1 

2 See the Judge, our naturewearing, 

Clothed in majesty divine i 
You, who long for hia appearing, 
Then shall say, " This God is mine ;" 

Gracious Savior, 
Own me in that day for thine, 

3 At bis call the dead awaken, 

Sise to life from earth and sea; 

All the powers of nature, shaken 

By his voice, prepare to flee : 

Careless sinner, 
What will then become of thee ' 

JO. Google 

4 Bnt to those who have coiifeascd, 
Loved and served the Lord below, 
He will say, " Come near, ye blessed ; 
See the kingdom I bestow ; 

You forever 
Shall my love and glory know." 


GENTLY, Loi-d, 0, gentiv lead ns 
Throngh this lowly vale of tears ; 
And, Ijord, in mercy give os 
Thy rich grace in all our fears : 

refresh ns — 
refresh ns with thy grace. 

2 Thongh ten thousand ills beset us, 

From without and from within, 
Jesus says he'll ne'er forget ns, 
But will save from every sin : 

Therefore praise him — 
Praise the great Redeemer's name. 

3 Though distresses now attend thee, 

And thon tread'st the thorny road, 

Hif right hand shall still defend thee — 

Soon he'll bring thee home to God : 

Therefore praise him — 
Praise the great Redeemer's name. 

4 that I conld now adore him 

Like the heavenly host above, 
Who forever bow before him. 
And, unceasing, sint; hit love ! 

JO. Google 

fil2>\) 12s. & 119. 

rrOW painfully pleaning tba fond recolleolion 



Item a! ndvlci 




evi Itae shai 


merelea, wl 

■ offiprlng ■ 

ir snd meUier, 

And th<! 

imlly BIhLe* 
imily Bible, 

'Ok vAlFh e\' 
. Bible, Ihe di 





Slj- hnpes 

Blmmt gonel hii 


Fnrgelful . 


tkshioncd BiWe. 

1 fer-diatam fhol 

b"nHmi hand" 



C. P. M. 

A WAKED by SLnei's awfnl sound, 
/XMy soul in gaiit and fhrall I forni 


lix posed lo eodless wo ; 
Eternal truth did loud proclaim. 
" The sinner mast be horn again," 

Or else to ruin go. 

2 Amazed I slood, but conid not tell 
Which way to ehnn the gates of hell, 

Tor death .ind hell drew near; 
I strove, indeed, but strove in vain ; 
" The einuer must be born again " 

Still sounded in my ear. 

3 When to the law I trembling fled, 
It poured its curses on my bead ; 

I no relief could find. 
This fearfnl truth increased my pain ; 
" The sinner must be born again " 

O'ermhelmed mj tortnreiJ mind. 

4 Again did Sinai's thunder roll, 
And guilt lay heavy ou my soul, 

A vast, oppressive load : 
Alas 1 T read and saw it plain, 
"The sinner must be born again," 

Or feel the wrath of God. 

5 The siunls I heard with rapture tell 
How Jesos conquered death and hell. 

And broke the fowler's snare ; 
Yet when I found this truth remain, 
" The sinner must be born again," 

I sunk in deep despair. 


And fell his pity move ; 
The sinner, by liis justice slain, 
Now by his grace is born afjain, 

And sings redeeming love. 


JUST as I am without one rlea, 
But tbnt thy biood was shed for lii 
And that thou bid'st rao come to thee 
Lamb of God, I come! 

3 Just as I am thongh tossed about 
With many a conflict, many ft doubt, 
Piglitings within, and fears without, 

O Lamb of God, I come ! 

4 Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind; 
Sight, riches, healing of the mind, 
Yea, all I need in thee to And, 

Lamb of God, I come ! 
6 Just as I am, thou will receive, 
■\Vi!i welcome, pardon, cleanse, relicTe ; 
Because Ihy promise, I believe, 

O Lamb of God, 1 come! 
e Just as I am— thy love unlinown 
Has broken every barrier down ; 
Sow, to be ihinc, yea, thine alone, 
O Lamb of God, I come ! 



WHEN ihy mortal life h fled, 
When the dealb-shades o'er ti 
■WTien ig finished thy career, 
Sinner, where rt'iltthou appear^ 

2 When the world has passed away. 
When draws near the judgment day. 
When the awful tramp shall sound, 
Say, wliere wilt thou be found ? 

3 When the Judije descends in light, 
Clothed in majesty and might, 
When the wicked'quail with fear. 
Where, 0, where will thou appear? 

4 What shall soothe ihy biirsting heart, 
When the saints and thou must part? 
When the good with joy are crowned, 
Sianer, where wilt thoa be found 1 

5 While the Holy Ghost is nigh, 
Quickly to the Savior fly ; 
Then sliall peace thy spirit cheer ; 
Then in heaven shalt thoti appear. 


How sweet the melting lay, 
Which hreaks upon Iho ear, 
When at the hour of rising dny, 
Believers join in prayer 1 

JO. Google 

■i Tha breezes waft their cries 
Up to Jehovah's throne ; 
He listens to their humble sighs, 
And sends his blessings down. 

3 So Jesns rose to praj 

Before the morning light,— 
On« on the chilUn? minot did stay. 
And wrestle all the aight. 

4 Glory to God on high, 

Who sends his blessings down 
To rescue sont^ condemned to die, 
And mate his people one. 


L. M. 
iltOJI every stormy wind that blows, 
XJ Prom cverv swelling tide of woes, 
There is a cf.\ai, a sure retreat; 
"T is foond before the merej-seat. 

2 Tliere is a place where Jesns sheds 
The oil of gladness on our heads— 
A place of all on earth most sweet; 
It is the Hood-bought mercj-seat. 

3 There is a scene where spirits blend, 
Where friend holds fellowship with friend j 
Though sundered far, by faith they meet 
Around one common mercy-seat 

I There, there, oi 

se molest no more; 
es down onr souls tc 
IS the mercj-aeat. 

JO. Google 


HOW charming is the ploce 
Where my Eedeemar God 
Unreila the beauties of his face, 
And sheds his love abroad 1 

To him their prayers and cries 
Each h amble soul presents : 

He listena to their broken sighs, 
And grants them all their wants. 

3 To them his sovereign will 

He graciousij imparts ; 
And in return accepts, with smiles. 
The tribute of their heatts. 

4 Give me, Lord, a place 

Within thy blest abotfe. 
Among the children of ihy erace 
The servants of my God 


FOR a season called to part. 
Let us now ourselves commenfi 
To the gracious eye and heart 
Of our ever-present I'riead. 

2 Jesus, hear our humble prayer ; 
Tender Shepherd of thy sheep, 
Let ihy mercy and thy care 
AU our souls in safety keep. 

JO. Google 


I.. M. 

SOFT be tlie gectlj breathing notes, 
That sing the Savior's dying love ; 
Soft as the evenins zephyr floats, 
Soft us the tunefiil lyres above. 
How blest the righteous when they die, 

When holj aouls retire to rest! 
How mildly beams the closing eyel 
How gently heaves tU' expiring breasl . 

2 Soft af iho morning dews descend, 

While rhe sweet lark exulting soars; 
So soft, 10 jour Almighij Friend, 

Be every sigh vour bosom ponrs. 
So fides a summer cloud away: 

So sinks the gale when storms are o er: 
So gently shuts the eye of day : 

So dies a wave along tha sliore. 

3 True as the magnet to tha pole, 

So true let your coiitrition he — 
So trne let all your sorrows roll, 

To him who bled upon the tree. 
Farewell, conflicting hopes and fears. 

Where lislits and shades altemaie dwell ! 
How bright th' unchanging morn appears! 

Farevrell, inconstant world, farewell. 



C. M. 

I SAW K wide and well-spi'sad boatJ, 
And children yoang and fiur, 
Come one by one, the eldesi first, 

And took their stations there, 
All neatly clad and beautiful, 

And with familiar tread, 
They gathered round with joy to feast 
On meats and snow-white bread. 

2 Beside the bttard the father sat, 

A smile bis features wore 
As on the little group he gazed, 

And told their portions o'er. 
A meagre form arrayed in rags 

Anear the threshold stood, 
A half-starved child had wandered tbere. 

To beg a little food. 

3 Said one, "Why standeat here, my dear? 

See, there's a vacant seat 
Amid the children — and enoagh 

For them and thee to eat." 
"Alas, for mel" the child replied, 

In loiies of deep despair : 

< Oh hour offate! when from, the skies 

With notes of deepest dread 

The far resounding trump of Gfod 

Shall summon forth the dead. 

JO. Google 

What connlless hosts shall stand without 

The heaven! J- threshold fair, 
And, gaziEC on the blest, exclaim 

I have DO father there. 


KIXDRED in Christ, for his dear saVe 
A heartj welcome here receive; 
Jlay we together noiv partake 
The joys which only he can give. 

2 Hay He, by whose kind care we meet. 
Send his good spirit from above, 
Akkc our commanications sweet, 
And cause our hearts to hum with love. 

a Porgotten he each worldly theme, 

Whan Christiana see each other thus : 
We only wish to speak of Him 
Who lived, and died, and reigns, for ns. 

We'll love, and wonder, and adore, 
Aitd long 10 see the glorious day 
When we shall meet to part no more. 


THE hours of evening close; 
Its lengthened siiadoivs drawn 
O'er scenes of earth, invite repose. 
And wait the Sabbath dawn. 

JO. Google 

2 So let its calm prevail 

O'er forms of oatward care, 
Nor thonghl of earthly things assiiil 
The still retreat of prayer. 

3 Our guardian Sliepberd near, 

His watchful eye will keep, 

And safe from Tiolence or fear, 

Will fold his flock to sleep. 

4 So ma; a holier light 

Than earth's our spirit ronse. 
And cali ne, strenathened by iiis might. 
To pay the Lord our vows. 


L. M. 

EHOLD a stranger at the door ! 
He gently knocks — has knocked before; 
waited long — is waiting still: 
treat no other friend so ill. 

2 0, lovely Savior, see, he stands 
With melting heart and loaded hands ! 
Cmatcbless kindness! and he shows 
This matchless kindness to his foes. 

3 But will he prove a friend indeed ? 
He will ; the very friend you need : 
The friend of sinners— yes, "tis He, 
With garments dyed on Calvary. 

4 Admit bim, ere his anger burn — 
His feet departed ne'er return : 
Admit iiim, or the honr's at hand 
You'll at his door rejected stand. 

JO. Google 


AMAZING grace,— how aweel the sonnd, 
That saved a wretch like me ! 
I once was lost but now am found; 
Was blind, bnt now I see. 

2 'T was grace that taught my heart to fear, 

And grace rny feara relieved ; 
How preeioas did that grace appear, 
The hour I first beiieied ! 

3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares, 

I have already come : , , ^ 
Eut grace has brought me safe thtis tar. 
And grace will lead me home. 

4 Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail, 

And mortal life shall cease. 

I shall possess, within the veil, 

A life of joy and peace. 


WHEN God revealed hia gracious nam( 
And changed my mournful state, 
My rapture seemed a pleasing dream, 
The grace appeared so great. 

2 The world beheld the glorious change, 

Ana did thy hand confess; 
My tongue broke out in unknown strains. 
And sung surprising grace. 

3 " Great is tlio work," my neighbors cried, 

And owned thy power divine ; 

, ..Google 

4 The Lord can clear Ihe darkest sMes, 
Can give as day for night, 
Make drops of sacred sorrow rise 
To rivers of deligbt. 

Let those who sow in sadness wail 
Till the fair harvest come ; 
Thej shall confess their sheaves are gri 
And shout ihe blessings home. 


OTHOU mv soul forget no more 
The Friend who all thy sorrows bore ; 
Let everj idol be forgot; 
But mj soul forget him nut. 

2 Benounca thy works and ways, with grief, 
And flv to this divine relief; 

Eor Himforge:, wbo left his throne, 
And for thy life gave up his own. 

3 Eternal truth and mercy shine 
In hira, and he himself is thine : 
And canst ihon, then, with sin beset, 
Such charms, snch matchless charms, forget t 

i 0, no ; till iife ilself depart, 
His name ahitll cheer and warm mj heart; 
And, lispingihis, from earth I'll rise. 
And join the choroa of the skies. 

JO. Google 


LIFE is the time to serve the Lord, 
The time t' instire ihcgreat reward; 
And while the lamp holda out to burn, 
The vilest sinner may return. 

S Life is the hour that God hath given 
To 'scape froiD hell and fly to iieaven— 
The day of grace ; and mortals may 
Secure the blessings of the day. 

3 Then what my thoughts design to do, 
My hands with all your mi^ht pursue, 
Since no device, nor work, 13 found, 
Kor faifh, nor hope, beneath the ground. 


''■ Those spotless rohes, and jewels race, 

Go bring them every one." 
Tliey strewed them on her dying bed, 

Those robes of princely cut ; 
" Father," with bittemess she sdd, 

" Tor ihese my soul is lost." 

2 " With glorious hopes I once was bleas'd, 
Nor feared the gaping tomb : 
With heaven already in my breast, 
I ioolied for heaven to come 


I heard a Savior's pardnning TOice, 

Mj soul was fill'd with peaca ; 
Father, you bought ine with mere tojs, 

I bartared heaven for these." 

S " Take thent, they are the price of blood, 

Tor these I've lost my soul, 
For these, must hear the wrath of God, 

While endless ages roll. 
Remember whea yon look on these, 

Your daughter's fearful doom, 
That she, her pride and thine to piease. 

Went wailing to the tomb." 

* '■ Come, take them from my sight and touch, 

Your gifts I now restore: 
Keep them with care, they cost joa much. 

They cost jour daughter more. 
" Look on them every rolling year, 

Oa this my dying day. 
And shed for me the borning tear," 

She said— and sank aK-ay. 



GOD moves in a mysterious way, 
His wonders to porform; 
He plants his footsteps in the sea. 
And rides upon the storm. 

2 Deep in unfathomable mines 
Of never-failing akiU, 
He treasures up his bright designs, 
And works his sov'reign will. 

JO. Google 

■J Ye ftarfur flaiots, fre5li courage take ; 
The douds je so much dread 
Are big with mercy, and shall break 
In blessings on jour bead. 

i Judge not tlis Lord by feeble sense. 
But irost bilD for his grace; 
Behind a frownini; providence 
He hidea a smiling face ! 

5 His pnrposes mill ripen fast, 

Unfolding every hour ; 
The buiJ may have a bitter taste, 
But sweet will be the flower. 

6 Blind unbelief is sure to err. 

And scan his work in Tain; 


C. .V. 

WHILE shepherds watched their flocks 
by night, 
All seated on the ground, 
The angel of the Lord came down, 
And glory shone around. 

2 Fear not, said he, (for mighty dread 
Had seized their troubled mind,) 
Glad tidings of great joy I bring. 
To you 9iUd all mankind. 

JO. Google 

5 Thna apake the seraph : and forthwit 

Appear'd a shiniDg throag 
Of angels, praisLne God on high, 
Who thus address'd their song: 

6 All glory be to God on high. 

And to the earth ba peace: 
Good-will henceforth, from heaven tc 

»&4:0 Am—" Fmernl Bdl." 

FAR, far o'er liill and dell, 
On the winds siealing 
List to the tolling bell, 

Monrnfully pealing ; 

Hark I harkl it seems to aav, 

As melt [hose sounds anaj. 

So earthly joys decay. 

Whilst new their feeling. 

S Kow through the charmed air. 

On the winds stealing, 

Lisi to the mourner's prayer. 

Solemnly bending ; 
Hsrk ! hark ! it seems to say, 
Turn from those joys away 

JO. Google 

3 O'er a father's dismal tomb, 

See ihe orphan bending, 
From the solemn church-yard's gloc 

Hear the dirge ascending: 
Hark ! hark ! it seems to say^ 

How shoit ambition's swaj, 
Life's jojB and friendship's ray 

In Iho dark grave ending. 

4 So ivhen our mortal ties, 

Death shall dissever, 
Lord, may we reach tiie skies, 

Where caro comes never; 
And in eternal day, 

Joining the angel's lay, 
To our Creator pay 

Homage foreier. 

JO. Google 



WHEN our Fathei'B, long ago, 
JTIed from persecntion's flame, 
O'er the dark tempestuous sea, 

Little children with tiiem came. 
Liitle children knell and priy'd, 

With their Sires on freedom's shore 
Kttis'd the grateful notes of joy, 
Louder than the ocean's roar. 

2 Bursting on night's darkest hour. 

Children heard the savage yell, 
And the loud and fearful cry, 

Of their parenlH, as they fell. 
Children sang in later times, 

Liberty's inspiring' lay, 
Glowing hearts in concert hailed, 

Each retarning festal day. 

3 But a nohler, sweeter song, 

■We this day have met to sing, 
Fcaise to him in Bethlehem born. 

Him, our Savior and our King. 
He has conquered — !o he comes. 

Leading captive death and sin ; 
Open, open wide your gates, 

Let the King of glory in. 
i JesuE, Jesus, yes ! 't is he, 

Evermore the children's friend. 

JO. Google 

We have one request for thee, 
Teachers, faithful teachers send, 

Send ihem thfoagh this guilty world, 
To meke glad th' abodes of sia, 

Open, open wideyont gates, 
Let the King of glory in. 


HOLY rather, please to hear. 
Children's praise and humble prayer, 
Thou didst give us parents kind. 
Teach us ever thetn to mind. 

3 Food and raiment, home and friends. 
All we have, thy goodness sends, 
And for these, our hearts shall raise 
Grateful thanks, and humble praise. 

3 Guide our Uses in grace and trnth, 

Through the tempting scene of jonth, 
And when here our trials cease, 
receive our souls in peace. 

249 S.M. 

OURS is the Sabbath school, 
Its lessons may we prize, 
At5d grow by every gospel rule. 
Unto salvation wise. 
S So all our lives below. 

In wisdom's pleasant ways, 
The fruits of Sabbath schools shall show 
'The bliss of Sabbath days. 

JO. Google 

3 ThenheBven itself shnll be, 
Our Sabbath school above, 
And undisturbed eternity, 
One Sabbath school of love. 

250 H.M 

HOW" kind the Savior's love. 
How tenderly he smiled, 
Wbile in his arms' he toolc 

And blest each little chilil. 
Porbid them not, for such I cam 
I lore to hear them lisp my nam 

3 How oft our teachers pray, 

Their efforts do not cease. 

That we may find the way, 

To happiness and peace. 

Urge the message he has sent, 

Enlrealing children to repent; ■' 

JO. Google 


^OJ- AfR—" Mo'irU Veiima." 

TTEARKES, Christian, hear theBrwuiinf 

2 Listen friends of every nation. 
To the wailing bondman's plea. 
Hear his doleful lamentation, 
Hear him sigh for liberty. 

i Will you by your votes and flilenoe 
Servitacle perpetuate f 
Can you look without abliorrence 
On a. system God doth hate ? 

6 Think ve sons of ease and freedom. 
Of the saff'rings ho endures; 
You wonld sigii for liberation, 
Werelbe slsre's condition yoari. 

JO. Google 

7 Waken from jonr sinful slomber. 

Shake off now yonr lethnrgy, 

Burst oppression's cbains asunder, 

Set the willing captiie free. 

8 To the eonfest — onwarti, freemen, 

Sound alond the jnbilee ; 

To the rescue, sons of freedom, 

''■ e tbe slave his liberlj. 


ARK ! a voice from heaven proclaiminj 
_L Comfort to the mourning slave ; 
God has heard him long complaining. 
And extends hia arm to save ; 

Proud oppi-ession, 
Soon shall find a shameful grave, &c 

2 See the light of truth is breatiug, 
Pull and clear on every hand ; 
And the voice of mercy spealting, 
Kow is heard through all tbe land. 

Pirm and fearless, 
See the friends of freedom stand, &c, 

S Lo ! the nation is aronsing 

From its slnmber long and deep ; 

And the friends of God are waiting, 

Kever, never more to sleep, 

■While a bondnian 
In bis chains remains to weep, £c. 

e been dreaming 

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Bt its now, the lime reSeeraing. 
Press tbe helpless captive's elaim. 

Till, exulting. 
He sball cast aside his chain, &C. 
AlK — " Ortoni-ille. 

WHATmeflnj-e, thatye brniaeand bind 
My people, Siiilh tbe Lord, 
And starve vonr craving brethren's miod 
Who ask to read mv word 1 

2 What mean ye that ya malte them (oil, 

Through long and weary years ; 

And shed like rain npon your soil, 

Their blood and bitter tears * 

3 What mean je, when God's bonnteons band 

To you so much has given, 
That from the slave who tills your land, 
Yoa keep both earth and heaven ? 

4 What mean j-e that ye dare to rend 

The tender mother's hear/ ; 
Brother from sister, friend from friend. 
How dare yon make them part '; 

5 When at the judgment God sbali call, 

Where is thy trolhcr ? say 
What mean ve, to the Judi;e of all, 
Toanswer'on that day? 

idO^ AlH— " Old hundred." 

It that the slave should Jie, 


JO. Google 

2 We mourn not that the man ehould toil; 

'T is nature's need, 't is God's decree ; 
But let the hand that tills the soil, 
Be,like the wind that faas it, free. 

3 We ask not, ' eje for eye,' that all, 

Who forge the chain and ply the whip. 

Should feel Iheir torture ; while the thrall 

Should vfield the scourge of mastetship- 

4 We only ask, O God, that they 

Who binti a brother, may relent; 
But, Great Avenjjer, we do pray 
That the wrong-doer may repent. 


Air—" Welh:" 

,UE hoar of freedom ! comu it 

O, hasten it in mercy, Heave. 

nen all, who grovel in tho dust, 

Shall Bland er*ct, their fetters ri 

2 When glorious freedom shall be won 

By every caste, complexion, cliaie. 
When (jraony shall be o'erthrown, 
And color cease to be a crime. 

3 Friend of the poor, long-anff 'ring Lord ! 

This guilty land fram rain save ; 

I«t jusriee sheathe her gliti'ring sword, 

And mercy resone from the grave. 

JO. Google 

4 And je, who are like cattle sold, 

I|jnolily trodden like the enrtti, 
And barter'd constantiy for gold, 

Your souls debased irom their high birth, 

5 Bear meekly still your cruel woes, 

Light follows darkness, comfort, pain ; 
So time shall give jon sweet repose, 
And sever ev'ry hateful chain. 


a 7s. 

SEE yon glorious star ascending 
Brightly o'er the Southern sea ; 
Trtith and peace to earth portending, 
Herald of a Jubilee. 
Hcil it, Freemen. 
'Tis the star of Liberty. 

2 Dim at first, but widely spreading. 

Soon 't will burst supremely bright; 
Life and health and comfort shedding, 
O'er the shades of moral night. 

Hail it, Bondmen, 
Slavery cannot bear its light. 

3 Few its rays — 'I is hut the dawning 

Of the reign of truth and peace; 
Jov to slaves, yet sad forewarning 
To the ivrants of our race. 

Tremfila Tyrants, 
Soon your cruel power will cease- 

jo. Google 

4 Eartii is brighlen'd bj the glory 
Of ils jaild aai peacefal raja ; 
Ransom'd slaves snail lell tbc story, 
See its light, and sing its praise. 

Hnil it, Christians, 
Harbinger of better days. 


MY country! 'tis of thee, 
Strong hold of slavery, 
Of thee I sing : 
Land where my fatliers died, 
Where men man's rights deride. 
From every moiinlaiD side, 
Thy deeds shall ring. 
2 Jly native country ! thee. 
Where all men are born free, 

If white their skin: 
I love thy hills and dales. 
Thy monnts and pleasant rales. 

But hate tb' 
As foui 

3 Iiet wailing swell the breeze, 
And ring from all the trees. 

The black man's wrong ; 
Let every tongue awake, 
Let bond and free partake. 
Let rocks their silence break, 

The sound prolong. 

4 Our Father's God ! to thee, 
Author of liberty. 

JO. Google 

To thee we sing; 
S(.on may our land he bright, 
Wiih liofy freedom's righi, 
Protect u3 bj tliy miglit, 

Great God, our King. 

f^OO Am—Arcdit/'sDaaghti 

TlioQ^r^sn»le'd' with teats whieii kind nalutB 

Bui she recited not that cold dews were felling 

Thouih weaty wlm toil, and though faulting tot 

And froic e'en liie fonflncss fiir life in bei blood. 
■3 Her children aa mothers love, once aha had loved 

God sawiV het felia fot het child, and terooveil 
And her last pulse of hope with het last bibs had 
• In the year 18M, neat the city of Loniaville, Ky., 

bury "bei* in'fmt', to sive ths espenes of etave-clolhes 

, ..Google 

U, then, (hou 


Hoes chtlt from itae moist tiuf which covered Uie 

That earth wj's less coid than IJie heart of a tyrant, 
And death far less drear than the life of a alave. 

(vOiJ Air—" Laban." 

HOW long shall Afrit's sons. 
Be sons of grief and pain, 
How long shall slavery carse the earlh, 
And roerey plead ia rain ? 

2 Lift up yonr voice lo-dav 

In Freedom's holy cause. 
Till all the world ia lovo ohev 
Their Maker's righteous laVs. 

3 Then in your blissful aoiiga, 

Shall bond and free unite. 
His praise to spread, to whom belongs 
Ail majesty and might. 

JO. Google 


Asn—PlKjd's Hymn. 

LORD deliver; ihou canst save; 
Save from evil, Mighty God; 
Hear, oh, hear the kneeling slave, 
Break, oh break the oppressor's rod. 

■i May the capiWe's plesding fill 
All the earth and all the sky; 
Every other voice be still, 

■While he pleads with God on high. 

3 He, whose ear is every where, 

Who doth silent sorrow see, 
Will regard the captive's prayer, 
Will from bondage set him free. 

4 Love to man and Iotb to God, 

Are the wespons of our war; 

These can break th' oppressor's rod. 

Burst [he bonds that we abhor. 



Aiit — Morning light i> breaJcing 
OOS shall the trump of Freedom, 
Resound from shore to shore ; 
n taught by heavenly wisdom, 
Mao shall oppress no more ; 
at ev'ry yoke be broken. 
Each captive soul set free, 
nd every heart shall welcome 
Tbe day of Jubilee. 

JO. Google 

2 Then tyrants' crowns and sceptres, 

And victors' wreaths and cars ; 
And galling chains and fullers, 

Wiih all the iiomp of wars. 
Shall it) the dust be troddeo, 

Till time Eball be no more; 
And peace and joj from heaven 

The Lord on earth shall pour. 


-" Scots wha hae^^' 

CHILBREN of the glorious dead 
Wiio for freedom fought and b 
With her banner o'er jou spread, 

On to Tictory; 
Not for stem ambilion's prize, 
Let your hopes or wishes rise, 
Lo i TOM leader from the skies, 
Bids you do or die, 
3 This is proad oppression's hoar, 
Storms assail you, will you cow't. 
While beneath a despot s power, 
Groans the sutf' ring slave, 
While on ev'ry southern gala, 
Comes the helpless captive's tale. 
Comes a voice of woman's wail. 
And of man's despair 1 
3 Never ! by your country's shame, 
Never I by a Savior's claim, 
To the men of ev'ry name, 

Whom he died to save ; 
Onward, then, ye fearless band, 
Heart to heart, and hand to band: 

JO. Google 


." Oft in the stilly ttigltt." 

OFT in Ihe Chilly night, 
Ere slumber's chain has hound me, 
When all her silvery light 
The moon ia pon'ring ronnd me, 
Beneath the ray, 
I kneel nnd pray 
Thnt God woald give some token, 
That slavery's chains, 
On Soathern plains, 
Shall all ere long be broken. 
Yea, in the ehiUy night, 

Though slsvery's chain bae bound tne. 
Kneel I, and feel the might 
Of God'a right arm around me. 
2 When at the driver's call. 
In cold or sultry weather, 
We slave;, both great and small, 
Turn out to toil together, 
I feel like one, 
From whom Ihe snn 
Of hope has long departed ; 
And morning's light. 
And weary night 
Still And me broken-hearted. 
Thus, when the chilly breath 

Of night is sighing round me, 
Kneel I, and wish that death 
Id his cold chain had bound ma- 

Hjswo. Google 



2 It roves abont and sweetly brings. 

Prom earth, and sea, and 5kj, 
Ten thousand bright and glorions things. 
Unseen by monal eye, 

3 O Met it once be quench'd and mnte, 

And lose its eaple ken ; 
Then I should sink below the brute, 
That shuna the haunts of men. 

i There's scarce a brute fhiit God has made, 
That would not master me ; 
Or all my strength, without its aid, 
■Would its own murderer be. 

5 The drunkard's drowsy powers alas '. 

How weak, and faint, and dim ! 
Like spectral shades they Hit and pass,— 
What are they worth to hitn 1 

6 They change the peaceful joys of home, 

To deadliest hate and wo, 
And throw ft sombre robe of gloom. 
On loTeliest scenes below. 

JO. Google 

7 His lively babes that climb his knee, 
And laugh his iveicome home, 
Inpulling brats appear to be, 
TliHt mock to see hira come; 

? And she who meets him at the door. 
And smiles her grief to hide, 
IC'en she, he thinks insults him more. 
Than all the world beside. 

9 If I the drunkard's bovtl reject, 

And never taste a jot, 
Shall I command the less respect. 
Than jonder trembling sot 1 

10 1 mav my mind be not like his, 

Then I can sing with glee, 

' Mv mind to me a kingdom is,' 

'T is all the world to mu. 


R — "SiTtti Home." 
irt forsaken, depriveif o 

I coul/drink if I chose, or llo 

JO. Google 

3 niy heart-brafcen wife in her irsve liatb found reil, 
And my cbildren have gone la theland of the Ulest ; 
While 1 5 poor ivrelch, a vilp ivanderer like Cain, 
WilH Ihe '' mirk" of The heact, on Ihe earUi sllll 

fibb AlE— ■■ Avid Lang Si/ne." 
TITITH banner and with badge w 

Yl' An army ti'ne and strniig, 

To light against the hosts of Rum, 

And this shall be our song ; 

We love the clear Cold Water Springs, 
Supplied bj gentle showers ; 

We feel the strength cold water brings, 
"The victor; is.oars." 

3 Cold Water- Army is onr name, 
O mav we faiihfal be, 
And so, in trnth and jnslice claim 

The blessings of the free. 
We love the clear Cold Water Springs, &c. 

3 Though others love their rum and wine. 
And drink till they are msd. 
To water we will stiil incline, 



A CHAEGE to keep I have. - - 125 

AfSiciions iliough they seem severe, - 1S9 

A founlain in Jesus which runs, Sm:. - 43 

Ah, whither should I go, - ■ ■72 

Alas! and did mj Savior bleefi, - - 51 

All hail the power of Jesus' naino, - il4 

Amazing praee how sweet the soiftid, - 221 

Altnighty Savior, here we stand, - - 72 

Am I a soldier of the croas, - - - 3 

And let this feeble body fail. - - 91 

A poor wajfarinjt man of grief, ■ - 148 

Arise and shine, Zion fair, - - 110 

Arise my soul, arise. . - - - 53 

As near to Calvary I pass, - - - 169 

As on the cross the Savior bang, - - 26 

At life's early morn, .- - - - 174 

Awake my soul to joyful lays, - ■ 120 

Awav my doubts, begone my fears, ■ 136 

Awaked by Sinai's awful Bound, - ■ 211 
BACKSLIDERS who yoiir misery, &c. 186 

Before thy throne, Lord, we bow, - 88 

Begone unbelief, my Savior is neai', - 41 

Behold a stranger at the door, - - 220 

Behold the grave where Jesus lay, - 76 

Blow ye (he trumpet, blow, ■ - - 96 

Brethren, we have met for worship, - 12 

Brethren, while we sojourn here, - - S3 

Burst ye emersid gates and bring, ■ 79 

By whom was David taugbr, - - 31 

CALL'Dioasenseofduiy, 112 


Children of the heavenly King, 
Children of Zion what harp notes, &e. - 
Come anxious sinner in whosa breast, • 
Come bithec ail je weary souls, 
Coma Holj- Spirit, heay'niv dove. 
Come let us use the grace divine, 
Come, my brethren, let as try, 
Come old and come young, and hear, &c. : 
Come ihon fount of every hlesaing. 
Come we th«t love the I«rtl. 
Come ye converts, come and welcome, 
Come ye dlEconsolate, where'er, &c 
Come JB sinners, poor and needy, 

DANIEL'S wisdom may I know, 1 

Dark and iborny is the desert, 

Day of Judgment, day of wonders, - 1 

Did Christ o'er sinners weep. 

Do we not know that solemn word, 

ETEKNITYisjustathand! - - 1 

Farewell my brethren in the Lord, - i 

Farewell vain world, I bid adieu, - 1 

Far, far o'er bill and dell, - - ; 

rather what'er of earthly bliss, - - i 
Fly thou heavenly gospel message, 

For a season called to part, - - i 

Friends for whom a Savior died, - 1 

From all that's mortal, al! that's vaia, ] 

From every stormy wind !>■"' ii'""" - i 
From Green land's' icy m 
Prom whence doth this 

JO. Google 

God moves in a mysterious way, • 224 

Go bring ihem, said rhe (lying fair, - 223 

Go preach mj gospel, ssith the Lord, 

Go when tha morning shinelh, 

Go worship at Immanuel's feet, 

Guide me, thou great Jthovah, 

ITAIL dearest, sweetest lie tiial blads, 

Hail hearenlj love that first began. 

Hail thon blest morn, when the, &c. 

Hnii! thou once despised Josus, - 

Hai! to the brightness of Zion's glad, &c. SOO 

Hail ye sighing sons of sorrow, - - 89 

Hark 1 listen to the trumpeters, 

Hark my soul, it is the Lord, 

Hark, sinner, while God from on high, &( 

Hark! the pealing, . - . - 

Hark ! what cry arrests my ear, 

Hearken, yo sprightly, and atlend, &c. 

Hear the roya! proelBmaiion, 

He dies! the Friend of sinners dies, ■ 64 

Here o'er the earth as a stranger I roam, 

How can 1 sleep when angels sing. 

How charming is the place, 

How firm a foundation, ye saints of^ &c. 

How happy every child of grace, 

How happy is the man, &e. 

How happy is the man who hoais, 

How happy is the pilgrim's lot, - - 

How lost was my condition. 

How lovely the place where the Savior, fee. 

How painfully pleasing the fond, &c, - 

How precions is the name, &o. 

How prone are professors to rest, &c. - 



How sweel in the musing of faith, &c. 

How sweet to reSect on ihose joys, &e. 

How sweet tlie melting lay, 

How tedious and tastekss the hours, - 

I HAVE songhl ronod the -verdant earth, 

I knew I was a sinner, the call, &c, 

I'll sing a song which doth belong, 

I long to see the season come, 

I love to steal awhile away, 

I'm a. lonelj trav'ler here, 

I'm a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger, 

I'm not ashamed to own my Lord, 

I'm on my way to Canaan, 

In all my Lord's appointed ways. 

In evil long I took delight, 

I onee etijiiyed my Lord, 

1 saw a wide and well spread board, 

I would not live aln-ay, &c. - - 

JERUSALEM, my happy home. 

Jesus I and shall it ever be, 

Jesns died on Calvary's monntain, 

JesuB Christ has power alone, 

Jesus, I my cross have ta,ken, 

Jesus my all to heaven has gone. 

Jesns, thon art the sinner's frienii, 

Just as I am, without one plea, 

Joyfully, joyfully onward I n:ove, 

KINDHED in Christ, for his dear sake, 

LET every mortal ear atlend, 

Let thy kingdom, blessed Savior, 

Lift np your hearts, Immanuel's friends. 

Life is the time to serve the Lord, 

JO. Google 

Lift up your hearts to things above, - ! 

Like a ship, see the church, &e. - - 1' 

Lu he conies, wiih clouds descending, - 

Loi'd, at thy temple we appear, 

Lord, in the morning thou shall, &c. • 1 

Lord, when together here we meet, - 1 

Loiv down in this beautiful vallej, - 1 

MEKCY, O thon son of David, - - 1 

Wighiv God, ou lh?e we call, - - 2 

Mourrifally, tenderly, 

JIuEC Simon benr his cross alone, - 1 

My Christian friends, in bonds, &c. - 1 

My days, my weeks, my months, &o. 

My sins, how numerous. Lord, they are, 1 

NOW behold the Sa+ior pleading, 

Kow is the time, th' accepted hour, ■ 1 

O CARELESS sinner, come, ■ ■ I 

O come, come away, from sin, &c. 

0, could my soul this morning rise, ■ 

O'er the gloomy hills of darkness, - 1 

O for a closer walk with God, 

O for a heart that loves to pray, 

ior that tenderness of heart, - - ] 

how happy are they, 

land of rest, for thee I sigh, - - I 

On Jordan's stormy banks I stand, 

O Savior of sinners, when faint, &c. • ! 

tell me where the dove is flown, 

O thou in whose presence, 

O thou mv soul forget no more, ■ - : 

turn ye, poor sinners, for why will, &o. 

Our Father, who in heaven art, - - : 

JO. Google 


O when shall I see Jesus, 
PRAYER is appoialed to convey. 
Prayer is the soul's sincere desire,' 
Prayer is the coniriie sinaer's voice, ■ 
RISE, Sun of c!ory, rise, - - - 
Eouse je, at the Savior's call, 
SALEM'S bright Kin^, Jesns by name, 
Salvalion, O, the joyful sound 1 - . 
SaTlor, rlsit thy plantation, 
Saw je my Savior ! Saw ye my Savior J 
Say, brethren dear, why sleep we here. 
Say sinner, hath a voice within, - - 
See, brothers, see how (he dav rolls on, 
Sea the eternal Judge descending, 
Since man by sin has lost hia Gud, 
Sinners, this solemn truth regard. 
Sinners, turn, why will yoa die ! - 
Sinners, will you scorn the message. 
Sister, ihon wast mild and lovely, 
Soft be Ihe ^[|y breathing notes. 
Stop, poor sinner, stop and think, 
THE chariot, the chariot, its wheels, &c. 
The Chrisnan has a light to shine. 
The day is past and gone j 
The gospel trumpet has been blown, - 
The KlorJoas light of Zion is spreading &c. 
The Lord has qall'd me, has call'd me, &c. 
The Lord into his garden comes. 
The honra of evening close, 
Themoniing light is breaking, 
ThB-patti^^itit worldlings covet. 
The pe^^aUIM ChriBtiana, 

JO. Google 

The pleasures of earth, I have seen, Ac. 
The pnre testimonv poar'd forth, &c. 
The rains descended, ftcd ihe floods, 
There is a fountain filled with blood, - 
There is a happy land, far, far awaj, 
There is a land of pare delight, 
There is an honr of peaceful rest. 
There is an honr divioely blest, • - 
Tiiere's not a bright and beaming smile, 
The voice of free grace cries, &c. 
This hook is all that's left me now ! 
This n>orld is all a fleeting show. 
Thou art gone to the grave, &c. 
Thou aweet gliding Ccdron, &c. 
Though youth's delightful hlooni, 
Together lei us siveellj live, - - . 
To leave my dear friends, &e. 
To the flowine stream of Jordan, 
Triumphant Zion, lift thj head. - - 
WATCHMAN ! tell as of the night, 
IVe are on our journey home. 
Welcome sweet day of rest. 
We're trav'ling home to heaven above. 
What heavenly music do I hear, 
What sound is this salutes my ear ! 
What's this that steals upon my frame, 
IVhai various hind'rancES we meet. 
When converts first begin to sing. 
When for the eternal world I steer, 
When God revealed his gracious name, 
When I can read my title clear, - 
When Joseph his brethren beheld, 
When marshaird on the nightly plain, 



When shall we all meet again ? ■ - 131 
When Borrows encompass around, - 12B 
When strangers stand and hear melell, 30 
When tbou, my righteous Judge, &<;. - 14 
When torn is the bosom by sorrow, &c. 194 
When ihy mortal life is fled, - - 214 
Where is now a righteous Noah? - 154 
Where two or three, with sweet accord, 19 
While nature was smiling in silliness, &c. 161 
While shepherds watched their flocits, &c. 225 
Whither goest thou, pilgrim stranger, • 21 
Who hut thon, almighty Spirit, - - 103 
Why sleep we, my brethren, come, &c. ■ 69 
Why, oh my soul, why weepest thon 1 178 
Will you come to the cross I have, &c. 145 
TE hurden'd souls, lo Jesus come, - 141 
Te heralds of the cross, go foith, - ■ 183 
Ye objects of sense, and enjoyments, &c. 39 
Ye who know your sins forgiven, ■ 1S6 
Yes, my native land, I lore thee, ■ 95 

Toung people all al 


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